Trouble with ANS

To Whom Ever Is Concerned:

It Is Really Great To See That Everyone Has So Much Time On Their Hands To Comment On Situations That Don't Even Concern Them. The Fact Of The Matter Is That There Is A Lot More To The Story Than A Thread Posted By Mike Mcoy Or Myself Could Ever Relay. The Good Thing Is That Their Are Only Two Parties Involved, Mike Mccoy And Myself. Everyone Else Who Is Concerned With Situations Not Pertaining To Them Fell Free To M.y.o.b. If You To Choose To Comment, Comment To Someone Who Cares (not Myself).

Pete Barton
Ans Performance & Engineering

Wow. I am surprised.
Hey, pete, I'll mind my own business when you don't post on a public forum. You know people will talk about this, despite having heard both sides of this story. What do you expect?
Well, I have also known Mike for many years and he is a stand up guy. This Pete guy certainly does sound like an ****!!!! ;)
vicious6 said:
Well, I have also known Mike for many years and he is a stand up guy. This Pete guy certainly does sound like an ANuS!!!! ;)
He really is a nice guy ,but there has been a problem with sh!t getting done for awhile,unless you have 8 second money,then things get done..
My experience with ANS has been pretty positive. First and foremost Pete is a wrench, and I would say from a businesss standpoint, Pete's workload is too much at times to allow him to stay on top of things as much as he would like or need to. Is that an excuse - not in my book, but seems to be the problem and is openly admitted by Pete. Ultimately, Pete is making good on the issue, so we respond with euphanisms and name calling? The bottom line is that despite some poor follow up at times, Pete does some good work on these cars and is a valuable resource to us Chicago boys. I really hope he is not closing, and I hope he'll address this.

Ever the diplomat, I would say let's lighten up. There is always another side to the story and even a perfectly run businesss drops the ball and defends their position. When it comes to taking shots at a man's living based on something that A: has been resolved, and B: did not even happen to you, I agree with Pete m.y.o.f.b.

By the way Pete, I still need my stock TB & plenum! :D
I've also had positive experiences with Pete and ANS. His support of the Chicagoland Buick community and the Chicagoland Chapter GSCA has been very generous for many years. I would absolutely not hesitate at all to spend my $ again for another ANS engine in one of my cars.

In fact, if the doors at ANS are closing then I really don't know what I am going to do for my next turbo V6 engine build....
I have known Pete longer than most people commenting on this post going back to the late 80’s. As far as I know, my experience with Pete and all the people that I send over to ANS and dealt with Pete over many years, only has good things to say about Pete. I wouldn’t recommend just anyone to put my reputation on the line. Now that being said, we all know that now and then we go through a period in life where we may not be able to come through as promised but in the over all picture we will make it up some how especially when you deal with so many people and their needs. I don’t know the exact detail of what happened between Mike and Pete but soon or later Pete will make things right if indeed there was an issue, he is not out there to burn anybody. Pete did say that he was going through something things at this stage that he had to put more effort into therefore, I am sure that everything else took less precedence. I am not saying that is an excuse but that’s how people get into this type of situation. Give the guy some slack and let him straighten things out with Mike.

Just my $.02

I don't care if any of you know Pete or think Pete is a great guy, after those 2 posts I can assure you he isn't. He is obviously of terrible character.
With the attitude he just displayed in those 2 posts I am glad I didn't, and now never would, give him a dime of my hard earned money. I'm not even sure I'd piss on him to put him out if he were on fire.
Hell, he just insulted anyone who has ever bought anything from Michael McCoy by saying that they are of minimal intelligence. How many people does that include?
What a joke. :rolleyes:
Pete I have also heard that you are closing up, its been making its way around here in IL, say it ain't so? :(

FWIW, I heard that he has already sold his chassis dyno.

Wow, I wonder why Petes giving it up? He was always busy, and I figured if anything Tony O's fast as hell stock block would have made Pete even busier. Who knows, but I have dealt with Pete a few times and have never known him to be rude or anything, in fact he's one of the quietest guys you'll meet. Maybe theres more to the story to explain Petes demeanor, I know when I'm dealing with stressful times at work my attitude basically sucks and people kinda steer clear of me.

Either way, best of luck to Pete and Mike, I hate to hear of another TR vendor closing down, but its inevitable IMO. Theres not many of these cars around and as far as people go Buick guys are harder to deal with. I remember Pete saying something about getting into the sport compact scene, maybe thats whats going on? I hate those little rice burners but from a money standpoint I'd be willing to bet you could make much more selling fart cans and wings than TR specific parts. You gotta follow the $$$$.......
the parts were for a customer/friend of pete's. the responses above were also made by the customer. i would not hesitate to have work done at ANS. And as a matter of fact my car is there as I type. For all of you that dont know pete and insist on commenting on his charachter, you would feel very stupid if you did have the pleasure of meeting him. nobody was called minimal intelligence for buying from Mike. The parts sent were not suitable for the customer. he was looking for show quality finish.

i wish pete the best, and it is very sad to lose a person like him in our community.

DR BOOST said:
the parts were for a customer/friend of pete's. the responses above were also made by the customer. i would not hesitate to have work done at ANS. And as a matter of fact my car is there as I type. For all of you that dont know pete and insist on commenting on his charachter, you would feel very stupid if you did have the pleasure of meeting him. nobody was called minimal intelligence for buying from Mike. The parts sent were not suitable for the customer. he was looking for show quality finish.

i wish pete the best, and it is very sad to lose a person like him in our community.


That's what I was thinking!!!!!!!! People like DanK and others that have now business even commenting here are the troublemakers we all dread so much.
Yeah, I'm a trouble maker. I live for it.
Jeez Dave, I didn't know I wasn't allowed an opinion on a topic in a public forum. Maybe everyone else that posted anything, no matter what they said, aren't allowed an opinion either? Or is it just me?
Just calling it as I read it. If those weren't Pete's comments, as DR BOOST says they weren't, then I take back what I said about not wanting to piss on him.
I'd say that about whoever typed that pretending to be Pete Barton.
And as far as something being said about minimal intelligence...
And To Be Honest With You Only A Person Of Minimal Intelligence Would Pay You Your Asking Price For Them

Looking back, I did have 1 encounter with someone from ANS. When I bought my car 3 years ago the previous owner included an ANS Boost Controller. Seemed like a nice piece so I called ANS to see if someone could give me any info on it at all. I was told that since I didn't buy it from them they couldn't tell me anything about it and was promptly hung up on.
Great way to do business.
Sorry to hear ANS is closing, Pete is one of the original pioneers from the beginning. I hope he is on to bigger and better things. ANS has a good reputation in our community.I have dealt with Mike and Pete at one time or another and both are good guys, I am sure they can work this out.
I bought a Crank for my 109 about 3 years ago,He found one got it done and had i nitrided and to me fast,
So hell, i give him a Thumbs up,Hope he goes on to bigger and better things,We all will smarten up someday.
LOL, just love when these vendors come on here and make an ass of themselves.... then they wonder why they're out of business.... :D
Pete I got the 2 boxes back, so thanks for that. There were a few items missing & damaged though. One of the black outer door handles wasn't sent back & the black lower windshield cowl was not included. The driver's taillight bezel was also broken & unrepairable, so I need those items either replaced or the $$ for them. I didn't find the $30 UPS fees in with the parts either. Thanks.
Michael McCoy said:
Pete I got the 2 boxes back, so thanks for that. There were a few items missing & damaged though. One of the black outer door handles wasn't sent back & the black lower windshield cowl was not included. The driver's taillight bezel was also broken & unrepairable, so I need those items either replaced or the $$ for them. I didn't find the $30 UPS fees in with the parts either. Thanks.

Sadness, thats why I deal with Billy Anderson. NO B.S. Hope you get this resolved soon Mike.