Turbo Regal Criminal on Ebay!!!

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Originally posted by Fasterthanyou
You going to do that sometime today?
Or are you all talk?

Not sure on that. Timing is everything, ya know, kinda like when your daddy took it outta moms azz long enough to make you? We'll see when the kitty is let loose.
Come on jimmy boy post my personal info, I will sue you and I'll take you pretty white car with pretty red interior and I'
ll sue dim wit too for starting this slander that son is a promise.
I understand there are some people on here that can't think for themselves and they;ll just hop on the band wagon for lack of anything to do. Also that other auction, what makes you so sure it's about you? Feel guilty over something?
Calling me a criminal because you don't have a life?
Originally posted by Fasterthanyou
You know how to make coffee?

Ouch Im hurt.... i might cry... really I might...

Ok now besides that... lets stop the flame war right here... Unless you have some sort of intelligent arguement to make then please go run your auctions and leave our community.

Youre not welcome here and neither are your fraudulent ebay auctions.

BTW Calling people "son" shows us youre an uneducated teenage prick who has nothing better to do.. You dont have the mental capacity to do anything like suing someone... As for the other auction you told me straight out it was about me... GROW UP
I'd love to stay and teach you boy's.
But I have a date. With a real live girl, I knoe lil' jimmy is married, what about the rest of you guys?
Having trouble finding prome date?:D
actually, I never did think the auction was about me..but thanks for asking. Slander? Obviously you don't know the law...there's been no slander...and posting your info is not slander dopey. And, no, I won't post it here either so the board is not involved.
jmidolo, you can either stay out of this or get in way over your head.
Calling someone a criminal and a crook in a forum like this is slander.
Do you want to find out the hard way?
Originally posted by Fasterthanyou
I'm not welcome here? Says who? You? Who are you?

Says me... SON...

Listen... what part of back off dont you understand.. we dont need a flame war here especially with the likes of a mental patient like you..... I thought you had a date with your inflatable girlfriend... Go do that and stop trying to con people... SON
Originally posted by Fasterthanyou
jmidolo, you can either stay out of this or get in way over your head.
Calling someone a criminal and a crook in a forum like this is slander.
Do you want to find out the hard way?

It isn't slander..slander is the spoken word....libel is the written word. It isn't libel posting your opinion of someone. Get a grip on reality pal.
"Says me" boo hoo... You can dish it out but can you take it?
I think you confusing my lovely girlfriend with one of yours.
Blown z I'm not going any where, I have as much of a right to be here as any of you.
Wriiten word has more power than spoken word.
That is a fact.
What is admissable in a court of law? Spoken words or written words, Spoken is my word against your word written is right in front of you in black and white, no two ways about it.
This is slander.
Any one else?
Originally posted by BlownZ
It isn't slander..slander is the spoken word....libel is the written word. It isn't libel posting your opinion of someone. Get a grip on reality pal.

He got everything he uses in his comebacks (FTC, slander, suing, etc) from what ive said to him hes not smart enough to figure it out himself...

Originally posted by BlownZ
Why do you guys keep messing with him....if you ignore him he'll go away.

This I agree with....

Originally scribbled in dull crayon by Fasterthanyou
Blown z I'm not going any where, I have as much of a right to be here as any of you.
Wriiten word has more power than spoken word.
That is a fact.
What is admissable in a court of law? Spoken words or written words, Spoken is my word against your word written is right in front of you in black and white, no two ways about it.
This is slander.
Any one else?

You have no idea whats admissable or not... You have no idea of anything you are just going by the emails i sent to you... youre making this up as you go along. They dont teach this stuff in pre-school. Go on your fake "date" obviously youre full of it you have nothing and you will be gone soon... Go away...
Originally posted by Fasterthanyou
I'm glad I could word this so all you good ol' understand.

He even posts in 3's! in addition to emaisl!!

Faster... hooked on phonics will work for you too!
No actually McGyver...What I am saying is if someone is guilty of slander then they spoke out against you and said something to defame your character...say on the 6:00 news. That would be slander....if it is written...in a newspaper or on a bulletin board then it is libel. Get it yet?

I don't care if you stay or go but just stop emailing me with your weird little fantasies...that my friend is harrassment.
By the way, anybody want's to read what this punk has to say when he thinks he's e-mailing with a underage boy let me know.
Do you want to back up this peice of garbage?
Blownz boy I think your whole life is a harassment.
Written or spoken slander is slander, ask your local lawyer, I'm sure he'll give you a clue
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