Originally posted by TurboDave
If you blew head gaskets with zero timing (even with 25+# of boost) there's something amiss here????
BTW, unless you've seen what Direct Scan can do, I wouldn't get too hyped on that GM tool you saw for so much money! It's still an ALDL based scan tool, and as such, still is only capturing data at one frame every 1.5 seconds
Eeew, one frame every 1.5 seconds? So I get less than 10 frames for a 1/4 mile pass? Nevermind, I ain't buying that. Garbage for tuning your car. I was just very impressed with how it looks compared to a scanmaster. I'd gladly pay $100 more for a scanmaster that looks nice and not like it was made in 1972.
Like I myself now think, and others think, it's not 0 degrees timing. No mystery why head gaskets blew at 25 psi on pump gas.
Well the car should be back together tonight or tommorrow (depends on how many hours my friend can spare tonight). For $50, in one day, my friend got the head surfaced (ensure a nice seal with the new headgaskets), new valve springs installed, and new valve seals. (at his friend's machine shop). Hmm.. probably tommorrow now that I think about it because I bought ARP head studs and I think you have to remove the AC to get the heads on with those.
So see you guys at the track next friday! I probably won't run sportsman (why idle in line for 20 mins to run when I can run in open comp or something and only wait 2 minutes. so I'll get my ass whopped every run, no biggie). Sometimes if they're not paying attention at Moroso, you can run in two classes. Or if you have some stick-on but removable letters, you can change your number and then run in another class, change it back and run sportsman

Or if you're really cheap you can drive in, pay to watch, then get out your shoe polish, write your numbers, and go run sportsman (no.. I would never do that.) Last time they caught me jumping classes they kicked me out tho