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Visiting Detroit area, what to do?


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Mike E

Mr. Badwrench
Oct 9, 2006
I've been to the Detroit area many times in the past but I've never had so much time to kill. I'm starting a new job soon and will be traveling for first 3 weeks training. My second week will be spent in Detroit area. I'm actually staying in Warren, next to the GM tech center. I'll be there landing there late Friday night 2/27 and flying out the next Saturday afternoon 3/7.

I'm sure it will still be frozen over there so I doubt there is any buick stuff going on. Anything else I must do while I'm there. Places to eat etc. I'll have a rental car to travel.
That's some pretty lucky planning. I know what I'll be doing Friday night and Saturday Morning.
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Good for you.

A few years ago I was in Chicago (with my vest) for a sports card and memorabilia convention on the second floor of the convention center working for a friend.

Wouldn't you know it there was giant car event on the first floor.

I spent most of my time down there drooling over every muscle car ever made. So cool.

Have fun.

Yes, I've been here for 9 years, but I've decided to start spamming the board. Look at the dates, I'm going to Detroit one week then LA the other. I'm actually going to Minnesota the week before Detroit, but not for long.
Please stop spamming Mike... guess he hasn't seen you spamming those bad ass skills you have making 1 off parts for your car and others
You can always come across and hang with the Chicago guys...
Please stop spamming Mike... guess he hasn't seen you spamming those bad ass skills you have making 1 off parts for your car and others
You can always come across and hang with the Chicago guys...
I've got a three hour layover at O'hare on my way to Minnesota.
You can give me a call and we can do dinner...and a pop or two...