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Wacky New Jersey! Glad I don't live there


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Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
The carlet letter? NJ tags new drivers with decal.

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Would you drive any differently if you knew there was a teenager behind the wheel of the car in front of you?

You might find out soon. A first-in-the-nation law in New Jersey will require new drivers ages 21 and younger to display identifying decals on their vehicles.

Gov. Jon Corzine signed the law Wednesday; it takes effect next year.

The decals will probably be a small reflective rectangle attached to the front and rear license plates to help police enforce restrictions on probationary drivers, motor vehicle officials said.

Police will use them to determine whether teens are violating the state driving curfew and passenger restrictions, said Pam Fischer, director of the New Jersey Division of Highway Safety.

Authorities will not use the decals to target young drivers or pull them over for no reason, she said.

The decals are long overdue and will save lives, said Ron Gesualdo, owner of Gene's Driving School in Matawan.

"The parents are for it," he said. "The kids don't say anything, but you know what they're thinking."

One of those kids thinks the decals will only mean more trouble for teenagers.

"That's going to mean police are going to be bothering us even more," said Tebvon Mcneil, 18, of Paterson. "They see that sticker on the car, they're just going to be pulling us over for no reason. Are there drugs in the car? That's the first thing they're going to think, because we're teenagers."

And not everyone thinks the new law will improve driver safety. Jennifer Collins, a 29-year-old Hamilton resident, wondered whether the stickers will distract other drivers who are looking for them in traffic.

"That really doesn't make any sense to me, honestly," she said.

Officials are considering using Velcro to attach the decals, so they can be removed by other drivers using the same car.

"It will probably be nondescript and simple, and the public at large is probably not even going to notice it," Fischer said.

The decals were among a slew of new driving restrictions Corzine signed for young adults with probationary licenses, which allow them drive unsupervised under certain conditions.

Other restrictions include changing the driving curfew to 11 p.m. from midnight; allowing only one other teenager in the car; and banning the use of cell phones, even hand-free ones.

"These restrictions are in place because they represent the things we know put teens at risk," Fischer said.

New Jersey is the first state to require the decal, although Delaware and Connecticut have toyed with the idea, said David Weinstein, spokesman for AAA Mid-Atlantic.

The Delaware Department of Transportation is considering offering residents a reflective orange magnet that says, in black, capital letters: "NOVICE DRIVER." The magnets would be voluntary, said Dawn Hopkins, department spokeswoman.

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 61 percent of teenage passenger deaths in 2007 occurred in vehicles driven by another teenager. Twenty percent of all passenger deaths occurred when a teenager was driving.

New Jersey's decal law was spurred by the driving death of a 16-year-old honor student in Morris County, Kyleigh D'Alessio, who was killed in 2006 riding in a car driven by a teenager with a probationary license.

"No issue is more important than protecting our children, so these efforts are essential to that," Corzine said. "We don't want to lose the beauty and the gifts that a Kyleigh could bring to all of us, and we need to take every step possible to make it something that doesn't occur in the future."
Florida cycle riders under 21 have a specific plate stating "under 21" now. I never pay too much attention to plates unless someone is driving erratic.
Heck, if I even see a tag from Jersey I give them plenty of room !!!! I think having a NJ tag is punishment(warning) enough.
Well what do you expect from a State that won't even let you pump your own gas?
Well what do you expect from a State that won't even let you pump your own gas?

Don't get me goin.. the first "gas/food plaza" ya go to in NJ from NY is a real pissa :mad: Dumber than DUMB !!! they have one speed.. SLOW and give ya the "deer in the headlight" LOOK ! :eek: Did I say they were DUMB :p
What a colossal waste of legislative time and money. If you don't want kids driving, quit giving them licenses. I can't even begin to count out the ways the time and money could have been better spent.
A sticker on a license plate is a big deal?Wow..Now thats terrible..

And as far as the gas goes...Not only do we not have to pump it,But for that luxury,We get to have it cheaper than most of you.

Last I read...Louisiana was deemed the most unhealthy state in the it on Reuters a while back,They had all kinds of thrilling facts about the State...No thanks,I will stay here in NJ.

Just What I Want!! Every "schmuck" Knowing That My Daughter Is A Teen,i See Some Issues,especially In This Day And Teens,elder People,mom's,divorced People Etc.. You Know Give Our Govt A Inch, We Loose!! What's Next??? They Will Probably Put A Turbo 6 On Ours,even If We Are In Our Daily Drivers,"must Be A Gear Head" We'll Get A Ticket Anyways...who Comes Up With This Kind Of Crap?????
Well...what do you do about the problem?That is Teenagers are killing themselves,and others at an alarming rate.Not just here in NJ,But all over the country.

If you didnt have this little sticker on the lic.Plate of the car,Nobody would know your Kid was a teenager?I think it would take about 1 peek into the window to figure it out.

Also,most teenagers drive there parents car,How many of them are actually going to put that thing on before they take off?
A sticker on a license plate is a big deal?Wow..Now thats terrible..

And as far as the gas goes...Not only do we not have to pump it,But for that luxury,We get to have it cheaper than most of you.

Last I read...Louisiana was deemed the most unhealthy state in the it on Reuters a while back,They had all kinds of thrilling facts about the State...No thanks,I will stay here in NJ.

Right on man.
Agree 110% with all of the above!!

Never understood how pumping your own gas was a good thing?
Pumping gas is one of the things i like least on trips that require a car rental.
A sticker on a license plate is a big deal?Wow..Now thats terrible..

And as far as the gas goes...Not only do we not have to pump it,But for that luxury,We get to have it cheaper than most of you.

Last I read...Louisiana was deemed the most unhealthy state in the it on Reuters a while back,They had all kinds of thrilling facts about the State...No thanks,I will stay here in NJ.
Heh... I reside in Louisiana. Don't get me wrong... It's not the most desirable state in the country by a long shot. But come on... NJ isn't exactly taking 1st Place on the majority of the country's "gotta move there NOW" list.

I lived in Branchburg, NJ for a few months a couple of years ago. Nice area. But WAAAAAY over-inflated real-estate prices. And WTF is up with having to actually pay a toll to drive on $h!tty NJ roads? I can drive on roads not nearly as bad without additional charges here in Lowsyana. And let's not eve discuss NJ's lovely gun laws. Man, talk about a place that doesn't like the idea of armed citizens (well, except the criminal element, or course).

Well...what do you do about the problem?That is Teenagers are killing themselves,and others at an alarming rate.Not just here in NJ,But all over the country.

If you didnt have this little sticker on the lic.Plate of the car,Nobody would know your Kid was a teenager?I think it would take about 1 peek into the window to figure it out.

Also,most teenagers drive there parents car,How many of them are actually going to put that thing on before they take off?
The rate of teen accidents is probably not any worse than the generations before. The increase in overall population just makes the numbers look worse.

As far as what to do about the problem... I'm not sure on that. Going the route of "let's not allow teens to drive until ____ age" and bumping that number up isn't the answer IMO. All that does is take your statistic and bump it up to whatever age a teen is finally allowed to start driving. I would say have better Drivers Ed classes that are more strict and take longer to complete. Allowing Learners Permits at an earlier age would be a move in the right direction as well. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to go about the problem also.

As far as the sticker thing goes, the only problem I have with it is the targeting of teens by SOME cops who have nothing better to do than write BS tickets. Also, it's easy to see that this could be a step in the direction of assigning mandatory identification of other "types" of drivers. It just seems a bit too much IMO.

As you said, a quick glance in the windows of the car can give someone an idea of the drivers age. Do the police officers in NJ have a collective eyesight problem causing a need to formally ID a teen-driven car?
Steve, you need a sticker on your plates warning everyone that you stop at all yardsales and estate sales.:biggrin:
Who the hell wants to get out of the car in the freezing weather and pump their own gas?

I have driven through NJ on a number of occasions. Getting gas off of the major highways isn't so bad, but the morons...yes, morons that pump it on the NJ Turnpike should be paid by the car. Most of them would starve to death! I always pump my own gas where ever I go. If the guy wasn't smart enough to get a job indoors pouring a bad cup of coffee, then I don't want him pumping flammables into my car.

Oh yeah, and on this sticker thing. Waste of money even talking about doing it. I have to agree with most of the comments. Alot of teens drive their parents cars. Are they going to switch the sticker everytime they switch cars? Why identify them? That is just one more thing for some hot head to get all wound up about. Someone makes a poor decision driving, now the a-hole behind them knows that it is a teen driver and easily bullied. Bad idea. Also, I hadn't thought about it, but now you are pointing out that the female behind the wheel is a young girl. Also a bad idea.
They claim that most drivers won't even see the sticker, then how are the police supposed to see them. If the police can see them, then so can everyone else. The sticker is going to cause more problems, and solve none.
lol I had no idea you can't pump your own gas in NJ, that's pathetic. I accidentally pulled into a full service Marathon in Chicago one day and felt like a woman having someone fill my car up for me. :rolleyes:

Funny seeing the NJ residents get all defensive in this thread.
I may be wrong, but I thought that they had changed it so that you could pump your own gas. I don't remember. All I know is I put a second tank in my gasser pickup so that I could drive through with out stopping, and my diesel has a second tank also. I'll pay the extra couple of dollars to keep drooling idiots from touching my vehicles. No offense. :biggrin: