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window/dashboard squeaking


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Active Member
Nov 12, 2002
i was just wondering if any of u guys have experienced this with ur rides A small squeaking between the drivers side dashboard and the windshield? if so what did u guys do or have done to it to stop the noise. I get it mostly on the freeway when the car has more movement in it and sometimes on the road and it just gets annoying because it sounds ghetto with the squeaking any tips or ideas would be nice thanx

it usually the rubber cromets that touch the hood in the
engine compartment just put a little grease on them
my problem was solved.ihope that does it.
I've researched this several times, and read several threads and I thought the little bushing you grease was on the firewall! But it's the ones that touch the hood itself? That might explain why I searched all over the firewall for a rubber something to oil up and couldn't find one! So it's the little bumpers the hood rests on I'm hearing?
You have figured it out. It is the rubber bushing the supports the hood. Just put some grease on it. Brad
You will notice that squeaking noise especially when it's cold out and you drive over bumps.
ok so ur talking about the 2 in the front corners and the one by the firewall near the windshield? its theonly 3 rubbers gromets i found. how many are there ? am i looking at theright ones?
Mostly the one in the middle of the car. Put some grease on all of them, It wont hurt! I also had squeeky front sway bar bushings, man did they squeek when cold out! I ended up replacing them with new ones & added a zerk fitting so I can grease them once in a while.

the three under the hood are the ones i grease and squeek goes away,about two weeks it will start squeeking again,you just grease it again.
Another fix is to put 3 inch exhaust and a magnaflow on your car, you wont hear any squeaks at all, the drone of the exhaust on the highway might make your teeth rattle but no squeak from the car....hahaha
sweet i guess ill just run my dump open all the time lol i did grease up all the gromets problem solved thanx guys
my car does that if the temps are blow about 40 degrees, and i tried greasing the little bumper thingies a few years back- and it didn't change a thing.
also, my speedo likes to not work when it's cold.
my solution is to just not drive the car until it gets warm out.. problem solved.