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Xbox 360


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Staff member
May 28, 2001
Anyone got one of these game console?

Type in xbox 360 on and check out how much they going for :eek:

It retails for $399.99 and guys are selling it for 3x the amount its worth!
I got one, but when I found out how much they were selling for I put it up on ebay. 1 day left on my auction.
Yeah I stopped at 75 pages pages and maybe 100 bids total in between all of them. When they said flodding the market thats what they meant !! Even after all of the rip off scam artists are removed lots of folks will be stuck with their 360...
5000 and they want 50 bucks for shipping? :confused: Doesnt look like it will be that hard to get one for the holidays,Got Mine :biggrin:Let my nephew have it for now till he gets his
I went to Walmart the other night to return something & saw some people sitting in chairs along the wall, so I asked them what they were waiting for & they said the new Xbox 360 which was getting put out for sale at midnight. They said that there were only 12 units available at the store & on ebay they were already selling for 600.00 & up. I decided it might be worth it & so waited almost 4 hours just to buy one. Not sure if I'm going to keep it or sell it yet....
People in line were also saying that the huge demand was because there weren't anymore Xbox 360's being shipped into the United States until Feb. '06....anyone know if this is true???

The Darkside
There are several stories floating around. I dont think any of them are true. I think of it this way, you think Bill Gates is going to pass up selling this thing during the strongest Holiday shopping season in the past 5-6 years .. No WaY. There will be more...
Can you say 'buyer's remorse'? They's gonna be a WHOLE lotta people about 2 months from now wishing they had that extra money they spent for nothing BACK...
I had a friend who was selling everything he had to be able to afford one cause he has no job. I told him he should sell it, and then he could at least afford to live. But, he wants to play his dang video games.
I bought four of them and two were DNF's, they played about 30 mins and would freeze up. Took those two back, and got a refund and sold one in local paper for $1200 to the first caller!! Wish I had some more but I will be keeping the other for me and the kids.
If you got $1200 for the first, why not sell the second one for the same price and save your money till the stores have stock again. That way you can buy one for each of your kids and still have money left over!
ChanceG said:
I bought four of them and two were DNF's, they played about 30 mins and would freeze up. Took those two back, and got a refund and sold one in local paper for $1200 to the first caller!! Wish I had some more but I will be keeping the other for me and the kids.

Buddy of mine at work is on his third one as well..One kept overheating, replacement kept gouging the disks and #3 has random freezes during games.. Sounds just like every other "new" microsoft product ;) I'll be waiting till summer at least for PS3, I think..
I'm a store manager at EB Games, got my Xbox 360 and actually kept it (mainly because LP checks the web and if I get caught selling one I get fired).

Mine has been running fine, and I have one in the store that runs in a clear plastic box, with the huge power unit. Theres just a few vents, for 12 hours a day everyday and no problems yet. I've had that one at the store for several weeks too.

The ones that are freezing are just isolated incidents. And if you really want a system, have one, and are thinking about selling it.... good luck getting another one til after Valentines day next year lol :D