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Xenforo Move


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cool idea... but the reason why it might not work not saying it isnt because it could!! but i think the playing with the competetion taking longer to stage the mistakes nerves kick in...etc.. something breaks you have to fix it in the 30 min time before next race or w.e track rules that are posted..cant tell me you aren't nervous when your staged some guy next to you is playing with the time burning out then pre stages and starts ticking to stage and its letting your tires get colder so you squeal a bit..little tricks so he gain some advantage..lots of things like that is what makes racing racing..
Interesting idea... Im really hoping we take advantage of Xenforo's capability. Its tremendously more robust than VB.
The other idea in there to get it viral was to hire hot chicks with iPads to go to the tracks to verify cars, time slips and sign up new racers. My cost would be a couple college girls per track for what 4-6 hours a week and give them a free iPad to use? Track management would get free advertising but they could pay to get to the top of the track list too or sponsor a virtual event...I'm tellin' ya it would be fun.
Most of you should wake up to Xenforo here tomorrow unless something goes wrong overnight. It wont be skinned yet as Im still working on getting the skin done but it should be fully functional.
Looks like everything's going according to plan! :D Hope ya'll aren't too stressed out. :eek: I'm even seeing pix in posts! ;)

One question, are animated GIF avatars no longer gonna work? Mine seems to have become "tired"...
Looks like everything's going according to plan! :D Hope ya'll aren't too stressed out. :eek: I'm even seeing pix in posts! ;)

One question, are animated GIF avatars no longer gonna work? Mine seems to have become "tired"...

Looks like your animated gif avatar isn't working - fyi
Let me look into that real quick. The control panel is completely different too. Im still learning it.
I would consider not allowing them - isn't that how some script kiddies payloaded here? They are cool and all - but...
The only time Ive ever had security issues here it was because of vulnerabilities in 3rd party photo albums. Ive had two different intrusions through that avenue.
I seem to remember someone saying they saw an issue with TomTOmTurbo's avatar.. I dunno.
I seem to remember someone saying they saw an issue with TomTOmTurbo's avatar.. I dunno.

That was people claiming it had a virus. Ads with malware were being injected through a hijacked Google account.
Birthdays are back on the sidebar. I can change it to avatar display if you guys want but most people dont have an avatar set.
I think its the dimensions it is. Its taller than it is wide and XF doesnt resize.
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