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Your best pick up line...rattle em off


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NOt the best pick up line, but the best rejection I have ever heard:

"You like sex?" (Uhhh yes)
"You like nature?" (yeah)
"well then take a f-ing hike!"
You know what would look good on you?



Hey you forgot something



"Your Bed or My Car, Whats It Gonna Be?"

Worked on my current GF

"Dont Worry, I Take Care Of All My Women"

worked on Mistress #2

"I just spent 5 years in the navy to put myself through college."

worked on my first wife.


So I was at the bar the past weekend having a couple martinis with the girls when some random guy comes up and starts chatting with us. After about an hour, the guy looks at me and says "so, how do you want me to cook your eggs in the morning". REEEAAALLLLLYYYYY?!?!?!

Just curious what pick up lines some of you have used...I know there's got to be some good ones out there (hopefully not as lame as this one). BTW...he did NOT get to make my eggs the next morning. :biggrin:

You should have asked him which Denny's he worked at and asked if he'd comp the meal.
Went to Spain with a friend, his wife and their 2 friends, one was lightning HOT. They go to the pool one night midweek and hot girl stays back and is on her lap-top.
Me:you are really pretty
She smiles
Me:maybe I should come over there and kiss you on the cheek
She smiles again
The rest is history> Sucky part is after we got back to the states, she ignored me...sigh
"Hey whats up girl? cash only huh, got change for a fifty?" I miss my Army days.:p
pick up lines

baby i know your front is clean ! because Your trunk is full of junk !

your name must be bunny because you are all fluffy !!
"I like that outfit you have on, but if it were on my floor, I would like it better!";)

"Hey beautiful,Did it hurt??? When you fell from heaven???":cool:

(Works on strippers) "Theres no place for me to put my dollar...but I see where I can put something else":eek:

"Are you up for a 2 hour 'quicky'???":D
When I was young my little brother and his friends would have contests who could kiss the most girls at the mall in one hour. One time they had a contest who could pick the a girl with a cheesy line. He said to one girl “are you lost”? She said “no”. He said “well I’ve never seen an angle so far from heaven”. And it worked.
You should have asked him which Denny's he worked at and asked if he'd comp the meal.

Ha!!! I'll have to remember that for the next time I get that pick up line! Glad to see horrible pick up lines are the "norm" for guys, there are some really bad ones listed on here...whew!
Ok, here is one I used before. There was this girl that I worked with. Everyone could see that we got along, so they were trying to get us together. Once everyone around you starts pushing, it makes it difficult to actually do something about it, but at break, I asked if she wanted to go to a bible reading. She looked at me kind of funny and said no. Then I asked if she wanted to go out but not to a bible reading. She still said no.
We've been married for almost 3 1/2 years.
One I never used but may work

I can lick my eyebrows.

If u get lucky enough to leave with her then u better put alot of work in
Turn the tables then... :D

What are some of the better ones you've heard? :cool:

Oh, I've heard a few good ones...I'll note that none of them worked.

"Can I take your picture so I can show Santa just what I want for Christmas?"

"If you were the new burger at McDonald's, you would be called the McGorgeous"

"This is a test of the emergency pickup line service. Beeeeeeeeeep. If you had been any less beautiful, you would have just heard a bad pickup line."

I think the WORST one I've ever heard was:

"Excuse me, I am about to go do "something" (not sure if I can say it here) and needed a name to go with the face." -----please don't use this, got this guy slapped.
After a few drinks, reach over grab her hand and say, "I've got a really big Di**, Wanna Feel it", what do you say we go back to my place and find out if you can handle it?, works everytime, somehow i think girls like a challange.. LOL, Plus i dont make a statement like that unless i can back it up.. :D

Another one that works too is.

I can move my tonge like a tornado in tight places..
On a surfing trip to Ensanada one of the guys told this gal as he held her hand, "tonight you are Mrs John xxxxxx" We next saw him about 10am the next day.

Then there is
him Would you have sex with me for a million dollars
her Yes
him would you have sex with me for 10 dollars
her What do you think I am
him We have already established that, now we are haggling price.