kirban 2 cents worth
Just so I understand the are saying if the Chinese come out with a similar formula from a source in China you do not know or ever heard of you would dump it into your Turbo engine because you would save $5?
Remember it was just last summer the Chinese was putting something in kids milk that was killing them.
So aside from that, you think anyone with a high dollar investment in their turbo Buick, is going to jump at saving $5 by buying the same product made in China from an unknown source?
You need to look at the whole picture.....Buicks is just the tip of the market because it was introduced here first. We also sell the the largest natural gas company in the world.
In the Buick world I would think since everyone knows the person behind it owns a 100 plus GN/GNX collection and a foresnic DNA lab you would be more inclined to go with a proven product.
It would be different if it was $25 a bottle. Our company actually came up with the suggested retail price of $10. For that very reason to make other companies think the name is trade marked and plays perfectly off the zddp molecule....
Trust me having been in the business for 30 plus years I have seen several of my products duplicated by others mostly in the Mustang world. One reason we made the billet adjustable fuel regulators around $85 in the Mustang world and $120 in the Porsche world. n both cases to each market it is a bargain. Mustang guy is more a hands on guy plus we sold thousands each year, the Porsche market is sold mostly to tuners and sales are a lot less.