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2014 THS Rules discussion


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That's a great idea. Could run it right after stso (formerly known as xtsm)

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
You phucksticks are pretty entertaining!!! Same shit different section. It is nice watching all the bullshit from the sidelines for once.
I realized how stupid I looked on here now. :-) Boo hoo I can't have this. Boo hoo I can't have that. Boo hoo your picking on me
Boo hoo that's not fair and on and on. Thanks for the entertainment
You phucksticks are pretty entertaining!!! Same shit different section. It is nice watching all the bullshit from the sidelines for once.
I realized how stupid I looked on here now. :-) Boo hoo I can't have this. Boo hoo I can't have that. Boo hoo your picking on me
Boo hoo that's not fair and on and on. Thanks for the entertainment
Not enough references to male genitalia in here to sound like you did lol

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Yeah I've lost hope . I guess it is back to LS turbo. At least I have not cut the mounts out yet.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I don't care how the rules votes go for you guys (although, I will be offering special THS pricing for those who want a hood :D ), but have any of you ever put a distributor in a car with AC? As far as I know, only Tony Gomes has done it, and it required quite a bit of grinding and welding.

Helping out with pricing AND shipping???
My car isn't fast yet, but I usually win a run or two between THS and TAI heads up in eliminations. Everyone I've met at these events seems to be really nice folks. I'll have fun - whatever the rules end up being.
Man the voting has stalled. I need to figure which way it is going so I know where I'm spending my cash!! This cold weather is perfect boat buying weather!

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Waiting on the results on all three.

Maybe (if the car is not to much of a secret) after the rules are decided you can start a build thread on it here in the THS section. I plan to urge Collin and Kevin B. to do the same.
Helps the winter pass better
Cars pretty much done. But it will get a 400 if that passes and we can keep the glass hood if that flies.
I'm just wiring it and driving it.
Cars pretty much done. But it will get a 400 if that passes and we can keep the glass hood if that flies.
I'm just wiring it and driving it.

Got to ask, who is driving your car next year? Is the car you speak of racing THS next year for sure?
BTW, as some have said a 200 can live for a long time, mine hasn't been out of the car since 2008. It's lighter now, but the car was close to 3500 lbs back then. It's obviously too late now but it sure would be nice to see this class lighter. That would also help parts live longer. I see no reason why guys should be adding weight to their cars to make a minimum weight. It's also obvious that aluminum heads can make more power than irons and seems like a mistake to run them all at the same weight.