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2014 THS Rules discussion


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Kevin, eliminating the electronic boost controller is not a bad idea.

Some things that I've been wondering is why this class, Turbo Hot Street, is built around street cars, yet we are not required to run tires on the rear that are DOT compliant. Also there is no requirement of making a mandatory trek through stop and go traffic as required by other racing organizations that are running "street cars".

I agree on DOT and no CO2/boost controllers allowed
Would be much more street friendly
The essence is stock appearing. Well, if you look under the hood of any car in pre qual inspections for these classes, not a single one is close to stock appearing in all these classes but TSA. Grab a old battery and just use the plastic case and throw some cables to nowhere on it so it looks the part. I've seen guys show up with non-functioning NOS on the up-pipe and race if the others agree. The only time there's drama is when you run a good number or they think you will run it. Though, it's not like we're racing for a million bucks either. I just go to have fun with similar cars. I've run both THS and TAI elims even if I've got blown header gaskets and a seized crossover bolt with no chance of winning anything- since I just want to line up with another Buick and make a run.
I'm not suggesting it, but eliminating electronic boost controllers would be a way to slow cars down in the future too. They do that in those limited small tire classes. I had an electronic one when I was running 9.7. I added that after a bunch of 9.9 passes. Really helps getting boost where you want it during the whole pass. From launch to where ever else. I'm just throwing that out there.

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What are you going to do about the guy's who have already spent over a $1000 on a boost controller? Don't seem fair to take it away after
It has been allowed since the beginning. I have been staying out of this rule change shit because it has driven me away from Buick racing all together.
Ernie still has a THS car and probably has $1200 in his whole boost control setup. Do you think he should have to take it off??
As far as DOT tires, the pro series Hoosiers/MT are like a slick pretty much anyways, and cost more. The M&H rep I talked to said I was crazy when I road tripped my GN 900 miles on my drag radials since they aren't steel belted, they are just meant for racing. If anything, less rules would be better for car count.
What are you going to do about the guy's who have already spent over a $1000 on a boost controller? Don't seem fair to take it away after
It has been allowed since the beginning. I have been staying out of this rule change shit because it has driven me away from Buick racing all together.
Ernie still has a THS car and probably has $1200 in his whole boost control setup. Do you think he should have to take it off??
I was just throwing that out there. What do all the 9 second cars have in common? Fancy boost controllers. I can't say much because the efi system I have has one of the best ones built into it.

Anyways, my stance on the rules:

Distributor- allow if cop is allowed. Only makes sense to me.

Any gm trans - no benefit in any trans. You can get gear sets for any trans. Why limit the trans if there is no advantage between any of them?

Fiberglass hood - only question I have is does this let some one race? Might as well let them in because other expensive weight savings race parts are already allowed such as tubular front suspension and fiberglass bumpers. Add them all up and you got over 200 lbs you can take off the car.

Weight - 3600 lbs across the board. I think this is what is really keeping the class in the slower range... Which is good. I'm even for a higher weight.

Dot tire - I was for this since day 1.
I think those are the only ones discussed.

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If 400s allowed. Level playing field. Allow 400 running automatic only. "No reverse manuals". Got to keep fair it guys since your thinking no advantage with 400. I would support this rule.

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If 400s allowed. Level playing field. Allow 400 running automatic only. "No reverse manuals". Got to keep fair it guys since your thinking no advantage with 400. I would support this rule.

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You can't use a manual VB in a 200 in THS? If so, it shouldn't make a difference.
Lonnie reverse manual valve body here. My car is more street looking than most of the THS cars. I run pump gas too!! I have no say so here because I have never been allowed to run THS. There are not enough events to get all wrapped up in rules. Purpose built cars to make a point will rule.
What's the difference between the 200 with electric brake I had and a th400 with manual vb? I had to shift my 200 when using the electric brake. Can't even use a tbrake as far as I know with an auto 400.

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I would think the advantage would be the cars that don't have to be shifted manually. Isn't that why there was a push for no air shifters in tsm years ago?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Lonnie reverse manual valve body here. My car is more street looking than most of the THS cars. I run pump gas too!! I have no say so here because I have never been allowed to run THS. There are not enough events to get all wrapped up in rules. Purpose built cars to make a point will rule.
You are not the only one in here putting their 2 cents in that has never been in the field in a ths race.

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You can't use a manual VB in a 200 in THS? If so, it shouldn't make a difference.
If you can find one then show us. For the most part they don’t really exist. I said earlier that I would not support or oppose the allowance of the 400. I did not say I would not post an opinion.
Its not about what’s fair. Its about what a individual wants for their best interest. You say you want a TH400 You can have it. Not good enough. You want a reverse manual with a transbrake. If we said you can have reverse manual but can only use GER valvebody. Still wont be good enough, until we give the individual exactly what the individual already has.
Its said the 400 is no advantage. Lets just forget about strength, Gear ratio advantage and a huge aftermarket of parts. Transmission lesson 101. The 200 is governor shifted. Its has shift valves that need to be stroked, governor pressure to shift, TV cable pressure rise the list goes on. The 400 Reverse manual requires only the engine running and the shifter to be pushed. No moving parts required to make a shift. If someone does not see this as a direct advantage they need to put down the crack pipe. Now the automatic 400 on the other hand now requires all the items a 200 does to make a shift. Now we have fair. Now we have the 400 owner that has all the risk a 200 owner has. You don’t want to spend money on a 200 and want fair. Auto shift 400 is fair. Money needed is only a stock valvebody and plate and governor. Can be bought for about $50 and transmission can stay in the car. Now we have fair.
You have a class that has 16-20 competitors maybe more over the years. What’s fair to Doc, D-Day, Snyder, Sean, Collin and the others that I have not mentioned that have built the rules to the class and bought parts they need to get there.. Snyder took out a 400 to run, The Doc wanted a 400 but went 200 to run. The list goes on. Where do you draw a line? The object is to have a race class to allow wiggle room for different combos but keep the cars close to what they were and what the majority drives. I am not even going to get into the street car debate. Kevin taught me a lesson on this a couple years ago. What is street to one is not to another. Its all about what you will tolerate. Drag week proves this. I COULD REALLY CARE LESS what is decided about the transmission rule. I know what I enjoy about my car and what I will tolerate and a 3 speed is not a fit for me. It’s only the Fact that Kevin has raced and supported this class and the only reason I would not be screaming bloody murder over the transmission rule. Now that is my opinion directed at not one particular person so please don’t anyone take it that way. I am done on the subject lets go racing.
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What's the difference between the 200 with electric brake I had and a th400 with manual vb? I had to shift my 200 when using the electric brake. Can't even use a tbrake as far as I know with an auto 400.

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Jakes builds a Brake for autoshift 400.
Screw it. I will just continue to go boating if you all don't want it lol.

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I will step out too. There's too much friction in THS. I go to the events to see my friends and have a good time. I apologize to the THS guys. I had no business being in this section. I need to stay in the TAI section. Sorry guys.
If you can find one then show us. For the most part they don’t really exist. I said earlier that I would not support or oppose the allowance of the 400. I did not say I would not post an opinion.
Its not about what’s fair. Its about what a individual wants for their best interest. You say you want a TH400 You can have it. Not good enough. You want a reverse manual with a transbrake. If we said you can have reverse manual but can only use GER valvebody. Still wont be good enough, until we give the individual exactly what the individual already has.
Its said the 400 is no advantage. Lets just forget about strength, Gear ratio advantage and a huge aftermarket of parts. Transmission lesson 101. The 200 is governor shifted. Its has shift valves that need to be stroked, governor pressure to shift, TV cable pressure rise the list goes on. The 400 Reverse manual requires only the engine running and the shifter to be pushed. No moving parts required to make a shift. If someone does not see this as a direct advantage they need to put down the crack pipe. Now the automatic 400 on the other hand now requires all the items a 200 does to make a shift. Now we have fair. Now we have the 400 owner that has all the risk a 200 owner has. You don’t want to spend money on a 200 and want fair. Auto shift 400 is fair. Money needed is only a stock valvebody and plate and governor. Can be bought for about $50 and transmission can stay in the car. Now we have fair.
You have a class that has 16-20 competitors maybe more over the years. What’s fair to Doc, D-Day, Snyder, Sean, Collin and the others that I have not mentioned that have built the rules to the class and bought parts they need to get there.. Snyder took out a 400 to run, The Doc wanted a 400 but went 200 to run. The list goes on. Where do you draw a line? The object is to have a race class to allow wiggle room for different combos but keep the cars close to what they were and what the majority drives. I am not even going to get into the street car debate. Kevin taught me a lesson on this a couple years ago. What is street to one is not to another. Its all about what you will tolerate. Drag week proves this. I COULD REALLY CARE LESS what is decided about the transmission rule. I know what I enjoy about my car and what I will tolerate and a 3 speed is not a fit for me. It’s only the Fact that Kevin has raced and supported this class and the only reason I would not be screaming bloody murder over the transmission rule. Now that is my opinion directed at not one particular person so please don’t anyone take it that way. I am done on the subject lets go racing.
You got 16+ people at bg but 3 racers at every other race.

Will a 9.50 or slower car go faster with a 400?

Kip has said no one has broke a 200 during a race so no need for a 400. That tells me there is no advantage with durability so a 400 wouldn't matter.

Hayes bought a steel hood to race ths, now they are talking about allowing a fiberglass hood.

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You got 16+ people at bg but 3 racers at every other race.

Will a 9.50 or slower car go faster with a 400?

Kip has said no one has broke a 200 during a race so no need for a 400. That tells me there is no advantage with durability so a 400 wouldn't matter.

Hayes bought a steel hood to race ths, now they are talking about allowing a fiberglass hood.

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Kevin you have my vote or what ever is needed to allow a 400 in any configuration.

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