That's interesting info! I got 11.4@117 with a 1.59 60' on 17 PSI and 21 degrees with my car sputtering the whole way because of the head gasket. Fixed I think I am right there. I always like running a 20 PSI baseline to see how much the car picks up..... didn't make it that high this year. Guess I will have to try it next year with 256 Cubes and see how it does
The new crank is Eagle? I sold off my last turbo crank this week so I can maybe take ownership of one. I am banking on the $800.00 range they told me a while back on the phone. I guess we will see.
Sorry to get in on this a bit late but I was on vacation for a week or so. Congrats to all the new 9 second TSM guys!! I wish I knew your speed/suspension secrets. I guess I'll have to get my Stage II powered turd out of my garage and back to the track again. You guys are making us Stage II shmucks look bad.
Oh hell naw...that 2 year old relay must have some of that Alabama magic... Yeah thats what did it ....Thanks again for bailing me out twice in one weekend...
I wouldnt call your car a turd. That is the ultimate driver u have there.
I sure wouldn't mind trading a little of my M.P.H. for some of that E.T of yours. Maybe we can make a deal. I've got some spare Stage II stuff in my garage and...
I sure wouldn't mind trading a little of my M.P.H. for some of that E.T of yours. Maybe we can make a deal. I've got some spare Stage II stuff in my garage and...