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Anyone know Trae Liberty from Perris CA????????????????????????


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He doesn't sell anything to my knowledge, he "BUYS" stuff with stolen credit cards. Vendors are the ones who have to worry about him.:mad:
He doesn't sell anything to my knowledge, he "BUYS" stuff with stolen credit cards. Vendors are the ones who have to worry about him.:mad:
I do make wiring harnesses but not for him he's on the BLACK LIST NOW. Was going to post on his youtube but its blocked now:mad: that POS.
:eek: !!!! thats great BUT like ya said lets not do a happy dance yet ! Obviously ya have his attention :cool: One of these days I have to find a guy in Bristol, Ct.. Have a rubber check from him.. He just disappeared into thin air :rolleyes: Every dog have there day !! GOOD LUCK !!

I live in Bristol and am willing to help locate him. Send me info via pm. When I track him down, I'm taking Bison with me
After not hearing anything for a while on this POS, got a couple calls from detective from Riverside Sheriff's dept. Confirmed that is was in fact a stolen credit card and NOT his "girlfriend" and guess he ran up a bunch of charges on her card.
Pretty much confirms that dink needs a good beating.
NAILED!!!!!! Search warrant executed today. Had him with my all my products still new in the boxes except that he installed the dual fans on his car. Guess they surprised the crap out of him. Supposedly bought someones cc info for $100 and went on a shopping spree. Sgt Vickers tells me that he has until tomorrow afternoon to bring the fans to the police station or he will be immediately thrown in the clink. The police have the other items and was told that they will not have to hold for evidence and will sending back to me. Facing numerous felony charges and they confiscated all his computers. It was the IP addresses that tripped him up.
Was told he might be calling me to see if he can make some sort of deal? Told Sgt Vickers I want my stuff back and wouldn't be making any kind of deals with a loser like this.:mad:

This just made my day. Glad I kept after this and saw things through. Big thanks to the officers involved and everyone else who tried to help me out. Greatly appreciated.

JACK COTTON! Mentioned you got ripped off from this guy too. Asked about anything from Cottons Performance and he said he wasn't looking for stuff from you but this guy did have a lot of parts at his house. Email me at and I can give you Sgt Vickers phone number!
That is excellent! Great work on being persistant and not just giving up. That's what those aholes count on.
fantastic. 2 thumbs up for the officers involved!!

Thanks guys!

I've been working since 0930 hours this morning and am finally getting time to check the board Mark. You just made my day since another scumbag will be spending time in a federal prison for a while and will never be able to get away from it.;):D
it pays to be tenacious! Excellent job!!!
GREAT NEWS! Way to stay with it, Mark!:cool:
This should put a "dent" in his USN career!.........
I hope the "girlfriend" has some way to nail his sack, too. Multiple hits would really up the chances this $hitbag will spend time in the barbwire hotel!
JACK COTTON! Mentioned you got ripped off from this guy too. Asked about anything from Cottons Performance and he said he wasn't looking for stuff from you but this guy did have a lot of parts at his house. Email me at and I can give you Sgt Vickers phone number!

Cotton's Performance
Ph: (413) 789-0531