
......I'm getting real tired of the "i wanna convert for this reason", or the "i'm so glad I converted" or "I'm gonna convert cause I think it's easier".....I take that back.....I guess I'm just tired of reading these posts IN THE HOT AIR SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have both types of cars, so I know the pros/cons and differences between the two, for sure. I don't consider myself a "purist" by any means and I couldn't care less what ANYONE thinks about what I do to my car. But, it sure would be nice to have a tech section on this board that has subject matters that pretain to the title of the section.....I guess what I'm saying is this: If you want to convert, go for it, enjoy what you do, and I will help in any way that I can....just don't ask these questions and look for tech advise in the HOT AIR SECTION.
OK, I will stop ranting.....and just to be clear:
I'm not directing this statement at any person or persons directly......just stating my opinion.