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car not running right


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New Member
Apr 11, 2002
It was 60 degrees today in NJ. I have the alky pump speed at 8. Turn on at 10 lbs. Using a PTE 22 degree timing chip. My boost maxed out at 17 lbs. only! 3 days ago in colder weather I got 18-19 lbs. with the same alky settings. I even set my boost command to max and the boost still topped out at 17 lbs. Could it be the weather limiting my boost or maybe I have a boost leak? Do you guys find your boost goes down when the weather gets warmer? Say you were running 21 lbs. with the alky at max and it was running great in cool or cold weather. Now when the weather gets warmer does your boost go down without you changing anything(boost settings, fuel pressure, alky pumpspeedor turn on point)?
honestly, im so fed up and pissed off at my car right know that im probably not the one to talk to. maybe someone else will chime in. acctually, after reading your first post again my boost command acts the same way.:confused:
My boost does not fluctuate, and I am using a stock adj wastegate actuator. I am not familiar with the boost commander, but if it uses the stock actuator it sounds like the spring in yours may be getting tired and is bleeding off boost
Hmm now I'm beginning to think that my wastegate actuator is going bad. How do I do a diagnosis for it?
How about disconnecting the BoostCommand, and just run the car stock style with the rod? If it does the same thing you will know it is not the BC, and then take a look at the puck not sealing or the actuator
I turned off the boost command and got the same result.

I tried to remove the THDP. The bolts are stuck and won't move a bit. What should I use to loosen the bolts?

How do I know the actuator is bad? I been thinking about getting the HD actuator. Can the actuator be removed while the turbo is still bolted or should I remove the turbo?
Do you have an adjustable wastegate rod? If you have the bstc on max and you're only getting 17 psi, adjust the rod tighter and back off the bstc. There is only about a 7 psi swing total with one boost soliniod, so if you want to double it to about 14 psi you'll have to run dual soliniods. I do notice with my bstc that my boost will change a pound or two with weather changes, so I run dual solinoids and have a boost range from about 13 psi to probably 27 psi.
As GSX said, boost will go down with warmer weather. All you need to do is tighten the wastegate rod. The bstc takes over all info for the boost and the stock spring is 10 lbs, so if you have it on max, 17 is all you're going to get. Shorten the wastegate rod about 4 turns and turn the bstc down a little more than 1/2 and you should be close to 17 lbs with about 4 lbs of boost to dial up. You should be able to run 14-21 lbs now with the bstc.

I have mine set up for 19-25 lbs.
You are totally right about warm weathre bringing down the boost. I got 20 lbs. with the bstc on max in 40 degree weather and it did go down to 17 in 60 degree weather. I shortened the rod to the point where the puck is fully closed against the wastegate hole. I don't know if you call that shortening the rod 4 turns but I hope the rod is where its supposed to be.

I want to run two solenoids. Sounds like a good idea. What do I need besides an extra solenoid? any extra lines? How do the lines run from solenoid to solenoid? My target is 23 lbs. What about the heavy duty actuator? Is that necessary to run this much boost?

I still need info how to diagnose a bad actuator and if its leaking boost. Can the actuator be removed from the turbo with the turbo still on the header or should I remove the turbo first?
Dual soleniods are very simple to install. Just run the wiring in series from one soleniod to the other. I made my own tiny wiring harness that plugged into the back of the fist and into the front of the 2nd soleniod. This way I didn't have to cut the factory wires. Then with the vacuum line, just "T" into the line after the factory "Y" to split it and attach one vacuum line to the original soliniod and the other line to the second. Also, you should have to pull the wastegate actuator rod about a 1/4 inch to get it to go onto the arm to hold more boost. Perhaps your rod is still not tight enough.
I have pics of the dual solenoids setup....I will email them to you if you want...
