Ok junior... "serious reason"? Ok then. Do you lock your doors at night? Do you lock your car when you leave it? Do you lock your house when you leave for work? Why? I want your answer to that.
And "aren't in law enforcement" eh? What about military? What about the military guys that have 3 deployments under their belt, carrying guns 24/7, with 3 MILLION times the training ANY law enforcement officer will EVER DREAM on getting, that get out of the service, and become civilians again? Can these guys carry guns? Is that ok? Are you sure? I think it's funny, that while standing in line at the local grocery store, you see a really young looking kid, with a buldge on his right hip. And you know it's a gun. And you look down, and shake your head, and think "why does this kid have a gun?" when in reality, this kid may actually have 17 years in service, and have been in special operations for quite a while, yet you still judge him, having no CLUE, he could have been in COUNTLESS firefights lol.
Not everyone, that's 'not in law enforcement' is capable of carrying a service sidearm responsibly. What if he wants to protect himself from thieves and muggers? What if he wants to protect his son, or girlfriend? Is that ok? Or do we have to be at the mercy of the police officer, 25 minutes away. Most of us will never use it. And that's what we're hoping on. But if someone intends on doing me harm, I have a way to protect myself.