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Do you guys keep a loaded gun near when you go to sleep?


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Anyone keeping their handgun with rounds in the mag/none in the hole, and think it's safe from your kids? One may not be able to pull the slide and chamber one but, 2 probably could if one holds and the other pushes the slide...think about that for a second.
one under the pillow
one in a sock( you guess which sock)
gauge between mattresses on my side
knife in under pants

stun gun in her underpants...
think thats it
Do you guys keep a loaded gun near when you go to sleep?

yes because a federal agent snores too much...
forgot :
a set of buffalo bill night vision goggles by the dogs
I live "out of town" and is 15 mi from closest sheriff.
so, something is always close at hand,
be it the bedroom, patio, garage, office,
my yard is gated/fenced compound, 7ft block walls, ( it was that way when I bought it)
my neighbor is always home, and we watch out for each other,
and..... I have a tractor, to bury unwanted items, LOL
CCTV, motion detectors, motion lights, and killer attack dogs.
pic of one of the dogs.......


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3 springfield xdm's 2 in house one in shop all loaded with same ammo, same backstraps, palm safety, You don't wann be in a high stress situation with a unfamiliar weapon. Ever try to put a clip in and pull the slide back while someone is beating you with a baseball bat.(it can be done but it ain't easy) Try that shit on one time and you will leave it loaded.
DO NOT make any mention of them to kids ever ! even if its just your kid and you think its the right thing to do. Kids are dumb and they could possibly tell there even dumber friends. Don't tell your friends where you hide them, don't tell your wife(especially if your banging her friends). Get wife her own piece and keep it in a safe room with emergency cell phone like bathroom with a solid door, shielded hinges and prop rod. This same room should have 1/2 plywood under the drywall on exterior side to keep someone from just kicking in the dryboard.
This would be home invasion type stuff. For the most part the average home robbery can be stopped with just with pump action of a 10-12 ga that's a scary sound in the dark that anyone would know. If you commit to pulling the hammer back just make sure your use of lethal force is lethal its just easier to deal with in the end ;). Stay safe
"After a couple shootings in the neighborhood I started to. Unfortunately my ex new this and came to my house the other day and took it :eek:. I didn't realize until yesterday when my brother told me she was in my room on Sunday. I called the police and made a report. I then told her brother she took it, and it was waiting for me outside my back door when I went to go to work today. So, am I stupid for keeping a loaded gun in my house not locked up?"

To answer your question? Absofreakinglutely. NEVER, EVER leave a gun loaded or not unsecure. EVER. This is how that 14 year old nutter got a hold of his dad's revolver and took it to school and shot 2 kids the other week. Like all the other drug dealers around here. They get their guns from home burglaries. Secure is three things, and three things ONLY. It's how it was in my MOS in the military. ON your person, (either slung around your back, in your hands, or in your holster) in the arms room (ie your safe) or within 2' of your person, in your line of sight, and NOT on the ground, or leaning up against something so it can fall over.
If they enforced these rules in the civilian world, we'd be a lot better off. It's the rules in my house as well.
My house SOP's are, when I get up in the morning, I put my house gun in the safe, and pull out my every day carry (easier to conceal) and put it on, and walk out the door. It's on me EVERY SINGLE SECOND, until I go to sleep. If I shower, it's comin' in with me. It NEVER LEAVES my side. EVER. When it's time to hit the rack, I open the safe, place my carry gun in, remove my bedside gun, relock the safe and lights out. When I get up in the morning, I do it all over again. If I'm not horizontal in bed, my gun's on my hip, or at arm's reach within eyesight. It's completely worthless to have a gun and a CPL if you don't have it on you. If I go to a dwelling that prohibits guns, it goes in my safe in my car with an alarm.

Just my advise being a federal agent . If you have kids no, if you don't make sure it's not right next to your bed so you have to wake up to get it. I think the best defense is a shotgun not loaded but ammo close.

A shotgun for home defense? Really? You didn't get CQB in FLETC? What's ALWAYS right next to the front door? A big old window. And you're going to use a shotgun to possibly shoot inside a house with? Negative Sambo. That's askin' for trouble. Use something that has decent power up close, but falls on it's face past 50 meters. So if you miss, or overpenetrate, you reduce collateral damage the best you can. Plus a pistol is easier to wield in the often tight confines of a house. And that whole bullshit about "just rack the slide and they'll go a runnin'!" is just utter crap. Ok, so you've just scared them off. Great. Now they'll just wait until the driveway has no cars in it, and then break in AND steal your shotgun now. Too risky of a situation you're making. NEVER give away your position in a house, and NEVER EVER let them know what you're doing, or what sort of weapons you have. That's an amatuer mistake if I've ever seen one. If someone is about to try and enter your house, while you're home, it's pretty obvious they got somethin' for ya'. They can see the lights and car in the driveway/garage, so they must know you're there. And if you're sleeping, they're going to see the car. They must be coming in with a plan to deal with any occupants. Why would you scare these people away? What if they DON'T get scared away. Now they're coming for you and they know where you are. What if your house doesn't squeak when people walk thru it? So now you've just given away your position, and they're free to move about the house practically undetected, and they know where you are, and you don't know where they are. Not a good situation. You sit still and silent with your already loaded weapon and you wait till they present themselves in the fatal funnel. Unless you're trained in CQB, if you walk around huntin' for them in your house, you're going to get yourself hurt. Don't forget, they're there with a plan for your ass. That's why they didn't wait until you were gone to break in...
2 dogs, Ruger LR9 next to me, Ruger LC9 next to the wife, bats throughout the home, shotguns in closet, knives and a laparoscopy blade probes ( about the sharpest penetrating surgical blade probe made) in the nighstand. And a very light sleeper, could hear a mouse fart.
Colt trooper mk III loaded with remington .357 htp rounds and 4 speed strips in my night side stand

And a Chinese 870 (pardner) 18" 12gs loaded with Winchester super X slugs just in case

Plus a big dog with good ears to slow them up a little, and give me a second to catch my senses.

A suggestion to for those who want to conceal a weapon "safely" in a bedroom without a safe, would be a cedar chest.

Most if not all lane models lock, and are large enough to fit a home defense 12ga in, and most have a upper felt lines shelf where a handgun and ammunition can be stored. Plus they look inconspicuous at the end of your bed, or against the wall.

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keep my off duty glock 26 next to the bed and under a mossberg 590A1. aslo got me a german shepard still a pup at almost 5 months but in the works for a fine family/guard dog.
my off duty is almost 99% with me if not its locked away. so is the 12g... no kids yet but will def be very cautious when i do..
keep my off duty glock 26 next to the bed and under a mossberg 590A1. aslo got me a german shepard still a pup at almost 5 months but in the works for a fine family/guard dog.
Beautiful pup...….I have a 6 mo. Female West German Shepherd.
Yes!!! I have a Glock 17C with in arms reach and an Mossberg 500 and a Colt 6920 With an 11.5 inch upper and a Surefire can with in one full body move. And yes I have Children but unlike the majority of parents that have firearms I don't treat my guns like they're a dirty secret and Hide them in my closet. The kids know the Firearm rules by heart and know that they are "always loaded", and if they want to see them or shoot them all they have to do it ask, and because that's how they have been raised they really could care less about them anymore. Don't get me wrong they had their moment when it was awesome to touch a gun, but now when dad brings home a new gun I'm the only one that excited.
Yes!!! I have a Glock 17C with in arms reach and an Mossberg 500 and a Colt 6920 With an 11.5 inch upper and a Surefire can with in one full body move. And yes I have Children but unlike the majority of parents that have firearms I don't treat my guns like they're a dirty secret and Hide them in my closet. The kids know the Firearm rules by heart and know that they are "always loaded", and if they want to see them or shoot them all they have to do it ask, and because that's how they have been raised they really could care less about them anymore. Don't get me wrong they had their moment when it was awesome to touch a gun, but now when dad brings home a new gun I'm the only one that excited.
That's just one of the differences in a country mouse vs. city mouse upbringing. But with Lil ones its still a out of sight out of mind thing. I was 7 when I got my first shotgun....carried that damn thing hunting for 2 yrs. before I got shells. And I knew if I was caught mishandling it, it would get promptly wrapped around my head. I now use the biometric lock box. One on each side of the bed, kinda his and hers.:D I live in a quite pretty safe area but still have monitored alarm and a German Shepherd in house. Wife takes the defensive position, but my dog and I will hunt you in house.... No I don't want my pup hurt but that's her job if needed.
If I remember right I think the average time between hearing something and a confrontation is like 13 sec.
Just don't forget about your kids friends when they are over. They may not know the rules

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