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Everyone's Opinion Counts, New Section?


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What do you guys think of a "Best of" Sub-Forum?

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Active Member
Nov 20, 2005
Well I guess its not an entirely new section but maybe we can do a little sub-forum in the section it applies too. But I would like to start a "Best of" sub-forum. I know I brought this up before (twice actually and everytime it gets more support) but I (or we) here on this forum keep seeing "whats the best ......" over and over again. It could be from "best intank fuel pump, best fmic, best spark plugs, etc, etc" and honestly, the search engine here sucks! It finds everything except what you are looking for (or maybe I dont know how to use it correctly) but Ill do a advance search for "car alarm" or "alarm" with words only appearing in the "title" and in order of relavance! And I never find the thread Im looking for. So in order to do things easier for us and new people who come on the boards, lets make, for example, a "Best of" sub-forum in the General Section (since thats where 90% of the questions are asked anyways instead of the correct forum) and everyone who OWNS or has TESTED a FMIC can post their results, recommendations and times or other info they have. Obviously there will not be just 1 answer, but atleast people dont have to search hi and low for the same question asked over and over again. Here is a list of "re-peated" What is the Best....

In Tank Fuel Pump
Spark Plugs
Spark Plug Wires
Rear Diff.
Alky Kit
Torque Convertor
Street Turbo
9 Sec Turbo
10 Sec Turbo
Injectors (High Impedance)
Injectors (Low Impedance)
Fuel Pressure Reg, Adj
Air Mass Sensor
Street Camshaft
Valve Springs
Car Alarm
Car Cover
Timing Chain...

I could probably keep going but you guys get the picture right?
It would be kind of tuff. Everyone thinks they have the best.............whatever, so your still gonna get people arguing over it.
I figured someone would say their would be "conflict" but I dont mean a hands down who has the best whatever. I mean, just like we have been doing on THIS FORUM FOR EVER, have a thread on who thinks what is the best of, say injectors. 90% of the people here will go with say 60lb Mototrons per say, then atleast some can click on the "Best injector" and see everyones opinions. There will not just be 1 injector, but people will post on what injectors they use and why they like them. This way people can decide.

A better example, Im looking at getting a FMIC. I did a search and found like 4 different posts all with good info. Some liked the Cottons, others the Precision, and others the RJC. Then you had some say for the price the one Mark sells is good, etc etc. I just wanted to combine all those threads into a "Best FMIC" and have all ther opinions there. Instead of looking everywhere for them. And we have been doing this comparisson forever now so I dont see why the vendors would get mad? If anything, it would make them give us better products and higher customer service than before because we would say "Yeah I got the XXX FMIC, fit was okay but I had to fab up some parts and move this around, but it flows real well and the throttle response is instant"

OKAY, FORGET I SAID "BEST OF" AND CHANGE IT TO "COMPARISSON OF FMIC, ETC" How bout that? Cause thats what it really is I guess.
The problem with a section such as that is that almost all the info presented would be purely subjective, and likely opinionated.
I think that there already are enough sub-forums and adding another one would just make it more confusing.

Thank you,

Claude. :)
People can usu the search feature and make your their conclusions. All of this has already been covered. There is no best anyway since your combo may work better than someone elses with the same parts.
I agree with Bison, I dont think enough people use the search button. I dont make alot of posts but when i do make a post in tech its usually because i couldnt find it in a search. Not to say it hasnt been covered i just couldnt find it. Everything is in search though from my car stalls in gear, to what chip, to how to run what 1/4 mile time , to combos, ect ect. I mean you name it and it probably been covered on TB.
I like the how-to and fabrication section but since we have so many different sections we should have something like this for each section. Put turbos for sfi in turbos, NA and carb/turbo in before black ect. To be a sticky a modorator has to put it there and some things don't always get there. Searching is kind of a pain and it does take a while but it does work.
People can usu the search feature and make your their conclusions. All of this has already been covered. There is no best anyway since your combo may work better than someone elses with the same parts.

Well like I said in my first reply, when I try to "usu" the search button, it doesnt work half the time. I either get a "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. " or a plethora of threads that have nothing to do with what Im looking for. Try using the search yourself. Find me a "Best Car Cover" and tell me what you come up with? I only found 1 link after narrowing down the search A LOT. Obviously you havent used search in a while
But those that have used the search, can see what Im talking about. Like I said, changing it to a Comparisson sub-forum instead of a "best" sub-forum would be more like what I had meant. But I guess it seems like people here do not want to "upset" the paying venders even though this information is all over this forum, its just I wanted to make it easier to find.
Come on guys, look what has happened already:rolleyes: and we are members NOT vendors.... This idea would not be good for a shrinking community because it is a he said she said theory and as we know EVERYBODY'S COMBO works differently....

Quit pissing on each other already....
Well like I said in my first reply, when I try to "usu" the search button, it doesnt work half the time. I either get a "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms. " or a plethora of threads that have nothing to do with what Im looking for. Try using the search yourself. Find me a "Best Car Cover" and tell me what you come up with? I only found 1 link after narrowing down the search A LOT. Obviously you havent used search in a while

I tried to search for a bigger font, but could'nt find it:D :D :D

And what the hell is this "usu" we are talking about:confused: :tongue:, is it some sort of ebonics????
My bad, I didnt know the font was that big until after I did both posts, but I just wanted to make sure I "emphasized" that I ALREADY" tried using the search button and only like 2 out of 15 times I used it had success. This includes using different key words over and over until I found something useful. Then if I still didnt find anything, I would post a new thread.

And this isnt new, everyone here has asked others opinions constantly. Hey what tq is better, the xxx or the xxxxxx. Example below

the next thread could have been found in the "Battery comparisson" section

this next guy probly could have found more info or added more info in the "Fuel Pump Comparrisson"

Exhuast Comparison

MAF Comparison

And all this are new threads within the first 2 pages in the General Discussion. Imagine how much time could be saved instead of someone posting a link and waiting minutes to hrs for a reply, they could just go to the comparison page and get more information of the stuff they are interested, then ask more questions (in that thread) so that we could combine all the info we need about certain items (ie FMIC, fuel pumps, etc) This will be a data base instead of a "which is best" We will just get information and opinions, just like we have been doing for years.
As I stated earlier. You wont get any useful info from such threads. It would all be subjective "mine is best... no mine is best" and the arguements start.

Total waste of bandwidth IMHO
As I stated earlier. You wont get any useful info from such threads. It would all be subjective "mine is best... no mine is best" and the arguements start.

Total waste of bandwidth IMHO

Not only is Dave right on with his statement, the other BIG problem is "best" is too broad a term.:eek:

Take an item like spark plugs, you would need like 20 sub-catagories for the different applications and useage.? So you continue on with head gaskets, cams, injectors, turbos and so on until you have a massive pile of opinions that may, or may not, be valid or qualified. :confused:

Oh, we do have that already don't we?:D