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Holy Shit


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Active Member
Sep 4, 2012
Does anyone know the member DaRonne Edwards?! WTF Not only was he spamming me in a conversation, but now he searched all my past thread to find my phone number and is non stop texting me that I didn't sell the headers to him. I clearly told him I will not hit a certain price and sold the headers to someone else.

Can someone get this ass off my back. I don't need this.

I honestly don't even know where to post this on this site. Never really had an issue like this on any forum I have joined.
This is a bunch of B.S. I got your number through one of your post when you are trying sell a down pipe. I only texted you because you didn't respond to any of my Pm's i left you since we agreed on a price for the headers and then you left me hanging. I was the first one to ask about them. If you didn't want to sell them to me why didn't you just say that. I only texted you twice once to ask you about the headers and second to respond to your text and third I didn't repond to you. Thanks. Here's a link to our conversation.
And here's where you created another thread and raised the price:
I was by no means rude. I was very nice in trying to come an agreement. Today is when I found out the headers where sold. Its not that big of a deal to me any way like stated before they weren't for me. I was just waiting for some feed back. I guess I got more than I bargained for. Once again sorry for nothing.
And here's where you created another thread and raised the price:
I was by no means rude. I was very nice in trying to come an agreement. Today is when I found out the headers where sold. Its not that big of a deal to me any way like stated before they weren't for me. I was just waiting for some feed back. I guess I got more than I bargained for. Once again sorry for nothing.

hey daronne,

you take care of this?
Oh really this is a complaint. This is false accusation. The threads speak for themselves. Trixdout is full of B.S. and you know it. But it what it is. I'm not hiding from no one I'm right here. Some people on here will drag your name in the mud for the hell of it. This thread proves it all.
Oh really this is a complaint. This is false accusation. The threads speak for themselves. Trixdout is full of B.S. and you know it. But it what it is. I'm not hiding from no one I'm right here. Some people on here will drag your name in the mud for the hell of it. This thread proves it all.

Dude if I had the conversations saved, I left them from anger, I would prove you said one thing in the threads and another in closed conversations where only you and I saw the content. You are lucky I don't have the conversations.
Oh really this is a complaint. This is false accusation. The threads speak for themselves. Trixdout is full of B.S. and you know it. But it what it is. I'm not hiding from no one I'm right here. Some people on here will drag your name in the mud for the hell of it. This thread proves it all.

Well then, seeing how you've answered with such a detailed response we can see where you are right.

And here's where you created another thread and raised the price:
I was by no means rude. I was very nice in trying to come an agreement. Today is when I found out the headers where sold. Its not that big of a deal to me any way like stated before they weren't for me. I was just waiting for some feed back. I guess I got more than I bargained for. Once again sorry for nothing.
You fail to mention what you called me in the texts. If you don't want to say that, I can easily call verizon for the text messages and post them up. And from what you sent, you being "55" years old, are as mature as a high schooler. You clearly are delusional. Please do us all a favor and just get off the site.
You just got offended because I told you to man up and if you didn't want to sell to me. Be a man and say that like you did in the beginning and later made an agreement. I told you stay around on the site you might learn alot and how things work around here and that you might even grow a _____k. You can fill in the blank. This no lie. Thats when you got al offended. I left it along after that until this thread. I'm through with it now the headers are sold. Good luck with the sell of the cut up down pipe someone agree to buy it unless you can swindle more money out of someone else. I see how you do it on here. I'm sorry everyone got to get involved in this but this is your doing not mine.
You just got offended because I told you to man up and if you didn't want to sell to me. Be a man and say that like you did in the beginning and later made an agreement. I told you stay around on the site you might learn alot and how things work around here and that you might even grow a _____k. You can fill in the blank. This no lie. Thats when you got al offended. I left it along after that until this thread. I'm through with it now the headers are sold. Good luck with the sell of the cut up down pipe someone agree to buy it unless you can swindle more money out of someone else. I see how you do it on here. I'm sorry everyone got to get involved in this but this is your doing not mine.
Answer this... is this cleared up?
Oh I forgot I called you dumb for cutting your brand new 3 inch downpipe and now trying to sell it on here. Now I have put everything I said out in the open now you can calll Verizon or FBI, CIA or who ever you can get to pull your texts and compare and I guarantee I didn't leave 1 single thing out. You bucks got alot to learn and I don't never judge anyone by there age because I can learn I alot from anyone even you have taught me lesson. Have a nice day now!!!!
Oh I forgot I called you dumb for cutting your brand new 3 inch downpipe and now trying to sell it on here. Now I have put everything I said out in the open now you can calll Verizon or FBI, CIA or who ever you can get to pull your texts and compare and I guarantee I didn't leave 1 single thing out. You bucks got alot to learn and I don't never judge anyone by there age because I can learn I alot from anyone even you have taught me lesson. Have a nice day now!!!!

Wow you really are saying one thing and then another. I won't go into the name calling that occurred, but for a 55 year old person you sure as hell weren't mature as one at that age should be. I'm done. Everyone that sees this can judge for themselves. But because I'm not the only one that has a problem with you, I think they rather believe me and the other member.

Oh and back to the ignore list you go.

How many more of my threads are you going to stalk?
I'm sure if he haven't gotten it by now he would have contacted me or you don't you think. I'm not on here to sell parts, I come on here for knowledge. You see I actually have a passion for these cars. Not everybody thats a member come here for that. Some come here just to make a profit. I actually do try and give tips and advise when needed. i don't even bother to ask questions any more because some of you come off so rude. I just search and learn from there. That alone have did me some justice and I guarantee around my neck of the woods can't nodody mess with me on the street.
Wow you really are saying one thing and then another. I won't go into the name calling that occurred, but for a 55 year old person you sure as hell weren't mature as one at that age should be. I'm done. Everyone that sees this can judge for themselves. But because I'm not the only one that has a problem with you, I think they rather believe me and the other member.

Oh and back to the ignore list you go.
What are you talking about? Our whole conversation is laid out in front of them and no one said they believed you over me. If they look at our conversation and think you were in the right I really am on the wrong site. Can you tell me where is your integrity? You still can't man up. Little boy please go find another dummy to buy that downpipe you got for sale.
Can someone please make me understand how am I harassing this little boy when he clearly made this thread? Our conversation is laid out. Am I wrong for following up after our agreement if so I can man up and admit I was wrong.
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