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Hot- air gets the smack by other family sedan


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Good kill Fitz. As for the rest of this thread, it sounds like a bunch of apes sitting around comparing the length of their packages.:rolleyes:

FITZ you must be kidding,there's know way a stock r/t sirit will run anything close to 13's i don't care what kind of tires you have.I had a dodge daytona turbo stick and trust me 5.0 mustangs would beat me know prob.and those run about 14.8 to 14.5 stock.and know there was nothing wrong with the car or the way i drove it ,it was just not a fast car. O.K. but not fast.If you claim it does 13's why is it posted at 14.4 or is that just a fab #.yea by the way mine was intercooled also.Notice how i said had,after being embarassed so much i sold it.what probabley happend was the hot air turbo blew you off the line so bad that he let out of it and thats when your 16.0 car passed him by 6 car lenths.the reason he turned off was to save you ferther embaressment.if these cars are so fast how come nobody wants them.the reason you see so many t/r's-camaro's-vettes-mustangs-firebirds-is because there fast many dodge spirits,daytonas,or whatever inc.4cyl dodge you want to use ,do you see that are fast?(i'll give you a hint NONE)OH YEA do you know what mopar stands for? Move Over Peaple Are Racing,so you get a clue and take the mopar advise,move over peaple are trying to race FAST cars.
Heh, in case you didn't know, the Spirit R/T has a 16 valve head and makes about 30 more horsepower than the 8 valve T II engine that came in your intercooled Daytona. 14.4 is a reasonable number for a stocker R/T, and slicks would probably put it in the 13's.
Hi buddies! Havn't been around for a while, but now I am and want to make 1 last comment. Fast 86 put your car back to stock and you'd better not spin out of the hole or you'll be so far behind me by the 1/4 you'll forget what you were racin! That misspelled name you mentioned was a slip of the finger which somethig I'm sure you get quite often. Thanx Worthog for educating 83 build wrong or whatever his name is. Warthog is correct in the fact that your pitiful t2 motor is waaaaaaay weaker than my t3 motor not to mention I make more power than you all the way through the power band. And since you said you were beaten repeatedly by the other fast cars (rustangs cam., firebirds , and vettes) it must suck to be you. I can't say that I shared in your losing ways.:D At least you got smart and bought a TR. Well anyway here's to you, why don't you take your sad comments to a more suitable board like www. how to be a At least there you won't be another uneducated goof w/ a keyboard because at this msg. board that is exactly what you are. :o

FWIWIMHO = for what it's worth in my humble opinion...

6-fitz, nice kill. I wish there were more 2.2 R/Ts (Spirit & Daytona) out there, although they seem awfully rare...

For the rest of this thread that has been immature flame spraying, I'm dissappointed with the posts that seem to think that 6-FITZ is the troll of the week or something. Can hot-air TR's be made to go fast? Sure they can. Is the 2.2 dodge turbo engine great bang for the buck? In my opinion, it is.

Like many of you, I also think the turbo Buick is the baddest car on the planet, but I don't need to take it so far as to put down other cars. If this story had been about how 6-FITZ had stomped a TT stage2 TR with a stock Spirit R/T, I'd be ready to raise the BS flag with the rest of you, but 6-FITZ gives 14.9 ets to the hot-air cars, a 5-6 car length lead is only about half a second. We can try and nitpick was it 4 lengths or 7, but I don't quite understand the need for the hostility:confused: Not to mention that 6-FITZ appears to own a TR as well... I hope that if I ever post a Buick Kill by a non-Buick car, I don't get flamed in such a similar manner...:rolleyes:

I think I preferred the old days when only "older" and "mature" men could afford a turbo Regal.

Originally posted by 6-FITZ
Hi buddies! Havn't been around for a while, but now I am and want to make 1 last comment. Fast 86 put your car back to stock and you'd better not spin out of the hole or you'll be so far behind me by the 1/4 you'll forget what you were racin! That misspelled name you mentioned was a slip of the finger which somethig I'm sure you get quite often. Thanx Worthog for educating 83 build wrong or whatever his name is. Warthog is correct in the fact that your pitiful t2 motor is waaaaaaay weaker than my t3 motor not to mention I make more power than you all the way through the power band. And since you said you were beaten repeatedly by the other fast cars (rustangs cam., firebirds , and vettes) it must suck to be you. I can't say that I shared in your losing ways.:D At least you got smart and bought a TR. Well anyway here's to you, why don't you take your sad comments to a more suitable board like www. how to be a At least there you won't be another uneducated goof w/ a keyboard because at this msg. board that is exactly what you are. :o

And you still can't spell. Are you even out of the 7th grade yet!

My 13yr old spells better than you.

And as far as my car, your not even worth my time or gas!
No wait! I'll take you on in my slow LeSabre T-Type, and show YOU my finger as I go by.
No wait! Did you ask Mommie and Daddy if you could go and get spanked!!

Now go away TROLL!!
WOW, I can't believe this!

Originally posted by fast86gn

But I guess they don't teach you how to spell these big words correctly in the 5th grade!

And far as the troll comment FYI I've owned more fast cars in my 40 yrs than you you'll ever look at!
Here's a site you can post your Dodge so call kill

DUDE, your 40?

I don't wanna get into this, or start anything, but please act your age!
Re: WOW, I can't believe this!

Originally posted by Big Paul

DUDE, your 40?

I don't wanna get into this, or start anything, but please act your age!

Then why reply?
We don't need this!!!!

I replied, cause I don't wanna see fellow TR guys fighting, it makes no sense, let bigons be bigons.

We should be fightin with the Rustang, and Import guys, not our own.
Hell I'm not fighting I'm having fun just screwing with his brain:D :D :D :D :D :D

Hell I'm not fighting I'm having fun just screwing with his brain


I don't have any problem with having fun, except for the manner that its carried out. The only difference that I can see between what you did and what a troll does, is that you own a Grand National, but if that's the way that you have fun, I suppose that's just the way it is...:p
Are you sure?

Who's screwing with who?

You may think in your mind that you are screwing with my mind, but please don't think I'm losing any sleep over it!:p

I know that trolls are inevitable with the internet, but I think you are the first TR owner to proudly go where no other (known) TR owner has considered going before...:eek:

So, can you voluntarily call yourself a troll, or does it take everyone else who reads this (and cares to post) to convince you?:confused:

If you were a teenager, I might feel good about trying to show you the error of your ways, but you're 40??!!:eek:

Or maybe you're not 40? Maybe you don't have a Grand National?:p

"fast86gn, you will answer the question! Are you, or are you not a common internet Troll!!!"
Here ya go!:)


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Re: What's first kill?

Originally posted by kmease
1) Better tub that thing out if you expect to run from a dead stop...invest in 33"X15"'re gonna need em! D ;) :eek:

2) You have NO IDEA what I have brewing underhood :confused: :eek: :p

3) IF you DO wanna runnit' ....hehe....I'll gather $5k for the bet! ;) :eek:

4) Will that car GO over 145mph?.....our Impy(one of three) went 154## RIGHT OFF THE SHOWROOM FLOOR!

5) Suggestion: Invest in SII O.C. & PT91 backed by a 4L80E and 2.73 gears...before you come taunting me!

6) If you say anything ELSE.....Trust me......You have NO IDEA!

Mease Performance Engineering

LOL... I can't wait to see what kind of fine and jail time this guy gets when he is finally caught. It is only a matter of time...:rolleyes:
Re: Re: What's first kill?

Originally posted by SubZero350

LOL... I can't wait to see what kind of fine and jail time this guy gets when he is finally caught. It is only a matter of time...:rolleyes:

Not that I would wish bad things upon others, but doing what this guy says he is doing (going 185mph+ on public roads often) is a little irresponsible. Other than an interstate, I cannot think of any road safe enough to go that fast on without running the risk of having someone turn out in front of you. Besides, what is the point of going 200 mph if you cannot do it within the 1/4 mile where it matters the most?
turbo mopars !

man i love those turbo mopars!!!! great sleeprs, and if you use a minivan, great to haul the family around and than make a stop at the strip, remove rear seats, and cut a 12 seccond ET!!! ive got a vidio of a totally stock looking turbo minivan runing 10.9 to a camaro's 12.8!!!! crazy stuff! good kill man. and to you "BS flagers, GET A LIFE!!
I'm SORRY,I didn't realize that this was the TURBO MOPAR website.I wish you clowns would get off the mopars,WHO CARES! if you want to lie about how your 4-cyl turbo runs nines do it at the mopar lounge.If your not talking turbo buicks DON"T TALK AT ALL! knowbody CARES.