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HRPARTS&STUFF dissapointment


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Re: hrmmm

Originally posted by Mease Performance
And what is the Buick world going to become when NOONE buys from the wonderful vendors available today. (look what happenned to us) So (I am not arguing with you either) when each and every company makes a mistake we are supposed to post it where 11,000 members and millions of people can see? As a vendor/supplier for just about all of the vendors you have dealt with. I can say this from first hand experience. If this is a true statement, I bet we could take the award for number of "whiney" posts I deal with problems with materials, problems with delivery dates on materials and supplies/tooling/etc, and problems with just about anything else you can think of each day. I do not think it is a good idea. If you have had a bad experience, this isnt the place to DEMEAN that persons business. That is information you either keep to yourself/friends or leave on Ebay as feedback;)


Umm I was just answering Bruces question as to which thread they were referring to. I like Ramchargers....I was just answering a question. I don't agree with you that we shouldn't post a bad experience here though. Any idiot can see the difference between someone with a legitimate gripe and being a pinhead. Look at this thread for instance....I actually see it as a good thing for Paul...he represented himself well, dozens of members came to his defense and spoke highly of his product. It really could be considered good advertising in a weird sort of way.
Originally posted by Nick Micale
Maybe someone should put a muzzle on you?

You have never liked what I say or do, and my opinion is we can do without your comments. If you do not like my posts or "job" that I try best to do, that is your problem. Another comment like that and one of us will be gone from this board, guess who?

ummm Who is Me? What do I win?
Re: hrmmm

Originally posted by Mease Performance
And what is the Buick world going to become when NOONE buys from the wonderful vendors available today. (look what happenned to us) So (I am not arguing with you either) when each and every company makes a mistake we are supposed to post it where 11,000 members and millions of people can see? As a vendor/supplier for just about all of the vendors you have dealt with. I can say this from first hand experience. If this is a true statement, I bet we could take the award for number of "whiney" posts I deal with problems with materials, problems with delivery dates on materials and supplies/tooling/etc, and problems with just about anything else you can think of each day. I do not think it is a good idea. If you have had a bad experience, this isnt the place to DEMEAN that persons business. That is information you either keep to yourself/friends or leave on Ebay as feedback;)


Keith... I for the most part agree with you but with a different spin. I do not own my own business but I run a 25 million dollar division for a Fortune 500 retail chain. If your customers are piling on you then you have a problem. The point I think some of you miss is that the kind of feedback you get from a public forum is PRICELESS. You can hear what people truly think of your business. You hear what they say when they are not face to face or on the hear what they are really thinking and if you are smart enough to use this information for your OWN benefit rather than getting angry at it then you will be SO MUCH stronger on the other end.

Companies pay tens of thousands of dollars for the kind of focus group that you vendors get for FREE here. My company pays the Gallup group to bring our customers into a room and hear what they really think of us. Sure sometimes it sucks to hear but we change what we do based on the feedback that we get. Gallup charges us a fortune for can get it for free here if it were allowed.

I understand the way things can turn evil in a post here but really if it turns evil...then someone screwed up somehow. It might be understandable on your end, you might know how, when, what or why and be able to justify it but when it boils down to it...the customer doesn't care about the why...they want their part and they want it now. If you are to succeed then you need to fulfill that need that they have and put the money in the bank before one of your competitors do.

I look at it this way...if you really want your business to succeed then you NEED to listen to the good AND the bad. The good is fun to listen to and makes you all happy but the Bad is worth far more to your success and will make you stronger. Just my opinion...Happy Turkey Day everyone.
Originally posted by BlownZ
ummm Who is Me? What do I win?

You win...nothing. If your unlucky though you might get an injection of RMI to clense your mind of all non-conforming thoughts before your brought back into the general population.:D
Originally posted by Nick Micale
Maybe someone should put a muzzle on you?

I'm going to try that Monday at work, see if maybe more people will start to like me. Got "Customer Relations Dellemmas going on lately". Have been "firing customers" lately. :D

Fire 1 deadbeat, hire 2 good customers..... More free time, more production, and get paid faster, make more $$. All businesses must fire customers, plain and simple. Let this be a lesson to all here. My Motto for 04

5 years from now, no matter how much a$$ kissing, the deadbeats will still be deadbeats.
If your customers are piling on you then you have a problem.

I just went back thru this entire thread, and did a survey. Feel free to double-check my accuracy.

Out of this entire thread, I found only SIX users post negatively towards Paul. (all others were neutral or positive)

Out of the six, I could only find TWO that appear to be actual customers! (not exactly a "pile", and those complaints aren't all that bad anyway!) The others seemed only to defend the right to complain while not actually HAVING a complaint.

My intent here isn't to throw stones, free speech & all, I'm as guilty as anyone... just a personal observation, that this sure has turned into a big, nasty thread all over 2 relatively minor customer service issues...

(Happy Thanksgiving!)
Re: Re: hrmmm

Originally posted by BlownZ
Keith... I for the most part agree with you but with a different spin. I do not own my own business but I run a 25 million dollar division for a Fortune 500 retail chain. If your customers are piling on you then you have a problem. The point I think some of you miss is that the kind of feedback you get from a public forum is PRICELESS. You can hear what people truly think of your business. You hear what they say when they are not face to face or on the hear what they are really thinking and if you are smart enough to use this information for your OWN benefit rather than getting angry at it then you will be SO MUCH stronger on the other end.

Companies pay tens of thousands of dollars for the kind of focus group that you vendors get for FREE here. My company pays the Gallup group to bring our customers into a room and hear what they really think of us. Sure sometimes it sucks to hear but we change what we do based on the feedback that we get. Gallup charges us a fortune for can get it for free here if it were allowed.

I understand the way things can turn evil in a post here but really if it turns evil...then someone screwed up somehow. It might be understandable on your end, you might know how, when, what or why and be able to justify it but when it boils down to it...the customer doesn't care about the why...they want their part and they want it now. If you are to succeed then you need to fulfill that need that they have and put the money in the bank before one of your competitors do.

I look at it this way...if you really want your business to succeed then you NEED to listen to the good AND the bad. The good is fun to listen to and makes you all happy but the Bad is worth far more to your success and will make you stronger. Just my opinion...Happy Turkey Day everyone.

Happy thanksgiving you and your family also...

You are right and you are wrong. 90% of the vendors here that sell buick parts/stuff/BIG MOUTH intakes (LOL);) :D sell these parts knowing WELL that there isnt much profit involved. If it gets to the point where everyone wants to go out and talk SH*T without meaningful comments (which MAF pipe boy mentioned above);) :D That heart is lost and guess what? NO MORE BUICK PARTS:mad:


Happy thanksgiving you DUDES and your family!!!! ....

Paul you guys have my business 100% .., Your devotion , loyalty , honesty and quality of products makes me and many others proud and grateful that you are vendor and supporter of the Buick community.

Re: Re: Re: hrmmm

Originally posted by Mease Performance
Happy thanksgiving you and your family also...

You are right and you are wrong. 90% of the vendors here that sell buick parts/stuff/BIG MOUTH intakes (LOL);) :D sell these parts knowing WELL that there isnt much profit involved. If it gets to the point where everyone wants to go out and talk SH*T without meaningful comments (which MAF pipe boy mentioned above);) :D That heart is lost and guess what? NO MORE BUICK PARTS:mad:


Happy thanksgiving you DUDES and your family!!!!

Why don't you price it so there is profit involved then? Surely you aren't doing it out of the kindness of your heart? You are in business to make money and if charging more for the part would allow you to increase your service level then it might be something to consider? If we don't have many Buick parts vendors then you should be able to charge pretty much whatever you want or branch out and sell parts for other makes too.

I know when I was shopping for an intercooler I never even considered a Mease unit (this is NOT a slam) because it would have taken several weeks to get. Price wasn't the deciding factor, the quality is second to none, it was because I didn't want to wait. More help might mean more sales and it might isn't as simple as adding help and sales go up but the catch is that you never know how many sales you lose if you don't listen to your customers complaints. If you vendors don't hear the complaint then you CAN'T fix the problem. Simple concept.

I just think a business person would WANT to know what his customers think of them....and not just the happy customers. They'll be is the unhappy customer that you need to win over to grow your sales. The past is littered with failed startups that could not or would not change to meet the needs of their customer. Just my opinion.
All I'll say is 90% of buisness would fail if they took 2+months to get parts to their customers. I've never waited longer than 2-3 weeks to get parts Ive ordered FROM ANYONE. Furthermore when I had incomplete info on a form once, I had the owner himself call me THE NEXT DAY to correct it. Waiting for two months with no end in sight for parts is ridiculous, I have watched many post online of peoples frustration and I myself would not deal with vendors running buisness like that. AS FAR AS NICK DELETING THREADS FROM PEOPLE TAKING ISSUES AS SO MANY HAVE HAD TO, THATS RIDICULOUS, WHAT NEXT, HE'LL START DELETING WHATEVER THREADS HE DOESN'T LIKE? WOW I THOUGHT THIS WAS AN OPEN FORUM, THAT'LL BE A GOOD WAY TO START LOSING MEMBERS.:mad:
I know... I said I wouldn't post again....

Originally posted by BlownZ
Why don't you price it so there is profit involved then? Surely you aren't doing it out of the kindness of your heart? You are in business to make money and if charging more for the part would allow you to increase your service level then it might be something to consider? If we don't have many Buick parts vendors then you should be able to charge pretty much whatever you want or branch out and sell parts for other makes too.

Great idea!
This advice is almost better than your advice to get rid of Dave, my biggest (and practically only) helper, working 1200+ hrs a month for basically nothing, pleasing 99% of everyone that calls in!
I figure if I increase gross sales by about 35%, the net profits will allow me to hire one full-time person to help out. Their additional time put in will hopefully gain me more sales, which will then = profits. As said before, without more sales, all I get is this persons wage paid. The 35% increase will pay for it so it won't come out of my pay. Soo... starting next year, here will be our new price schedule:

Motor Mounts: $236, up from $175
Trans Mt's: $100, up from $74
Lower CA's: $296, up from $219
Upper adj's: $404, up from $299
Anti-roll system: $620, up from $459

And we can all thank BlownZ for making it so a few people out there won't have to wait to get their stuff. Excellent idea! :rolleyes:
Oh wait, a flaw I think... Suddenly I will lose my control arm business & my swaybar business because my new prices are too high. No problem though, I can just get all the new income from the parts no one else makes, like the motor & trans mounts. We will just raise those prices by 70% & leave the rest alone. Uh-oh, because it's less % of our business than the rest of the parts, we will have to raise it more than that. So lets just use 100% increase. So now, the prices starting 2004 will be:

Motor Mounts: $350, up from $175
Trans Mt's: $148, up from $74

Again, let's thank BlownZ for allowing all the people ordering the mounts allow the other customers to gt their stuff sooner. :rolleyes:

But wait, now some other manufacturer will see they can make some money making mounts as well if they can sell them for a lower $329 a set & steal my business away. Now my sales drop off as well.

You know, after thinking about it more, I THINK NOT!

Originally posted by BlownZ
I just think a business person would WANT to know what his customers think of them....and not just the happy customers. They'll be is the unhappy customer that you need to win over to grow your sales. The past is littered with failed startups that could not or would not change to meet the needs of their customer. Just my opinion. .

You know, I WOULD like to know what my customers think, good & bad both. I have always asked for that since day one, cause I know it will help my business. What I DON'T NEED is for everyone else to know the good & bad as well!!!! Did your company take all that expensive feedback from the Gallup company and post it for public knowledge on their website or public BB's???? I think NOT![b/] But it's OK to do it to my company??? Is it because I didn't pay the "big bucks" for the feedback? Well guess what, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out people don't like to wait for race car parts!

As for your "free" advice and/or thoughts on any topic, I would rather you please just KEEP IT TO YOURSELF !!!!![B/] :mad:

If you feel the need to help me or my business in any way, please send it to me PRIVATELY in an e-mail! Your words, opinions, and advice are doing me exactly ZERO good in an open public forum!

PS- As far as I know I did nothing wrong or bad to you, and not sure if you are even a customer of ours. You are causing more damage to my business in 2 days than EVERYONE COMBINED SINCE THE DAY I STARTED BUSINESS by just flapping your gums (or fingertips) for no reason whatsoever! :mad: :mad:
PLEASE do NOT ASSume you know how to run my business or personal life, or know what's best for me. PLEASE just find another business to help out.

Thanks! :rolleyes:

PS- Thanks to all the other 99.9% out there that remind me why I stay in business & work the long hours & put up with lovely stuff like this. Happy Holidays!
Wow. I can see Nick being angry with me but everything I said defended you Paul. :(

I said it wasn't as easy as just raising prices. There is more to it than that and was only something to think about.

If I hurt your business in any way then I apologize. I will defend myself by saying this....quote anything in ANY post I have in this thread that bashes any vendor. I popped off at Nick...we exchanged emails and hopefully settled our differences.

Again...NOTHING I posted here was intended to bash anyone, demean anyone, I was sharing my thoughts in what I thought had turned into a civil conversation between me and Keith.

I myself would like to see this thread deleted but that is up to Nick and Bruce.

Paul...I am not sure where we disconnected but I am sorry.
MPE...sorry MPE vendors price increases

INTTRI intercooler: $899 originally up to $1149 (hey its DEFINITELY competent replacing the front mount, why not make it the same price as some front mounts?

D3IWGSS integral downpipe, stainless steel: originally $349 going up to $1349 Yes I am saying you should buy a molested or ATR pipe (hey at $1349 I could buy a new set of friggin dies for the machine every time I sell FOUR PIPES!!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

And $400 additional for all of the other products we make.

$10K for a sheetmetal intake if you want it in 5 days.

Understand the point we are trying to make here? Why it shouldnt be public? These are our PERSONAL LIVES HERE!!!!! Is your business open on thanksgiving? I know I could DAMN WELL (and I will) call Nick Micale RIGHT NOW and ask him whats up;) :)

A lot of guys say dont make your business personal, dont say ANYTHING on the internet...which is a GOD DAMN good reason not to put up with this PURE BULLS*IT. WHY isnt Job Spetter here, bob reiger, kenny duttweiler, eric schertz, and many others? because they dont want to stoop to "your" levels and put up with this BS, besides they have 6 second cars to build (and so do we) they dont simply have the time for it.

again, PEACE, but you are fighting a losing battle here, as it has always been....:cool: :cool: :cool:
Re: MPE...sorry MPE vendors price increases

Originally posted by Mease Performance
INTTRI intercooler: $899 originally up to $1149 (hey its DEFINITELY competent replacing the front mount, why not make it the same price as some front mounts?

D3IWGSS integral downpipe, stainless steel: originally $349 going up to $1349 Yes I am saying you should buy a molested or ATR pipe (hey at $1349 I could buy a new set of friggin dies for the machine every time I sell FOUR PIPES!!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

And $400 additional for all of the other products we make.

$10K for a sheetmetal intake if you want it in 5 days.

Understand the point we are trying to make here? Why it shouldnt be public? These are our PERSONAL LIVES HERE!!!!! Is your business open on thanksgiving? I know I could DAMN WELL (and I will) call Nick Micale RIGHT NOW and ask him whats up;) :)

A lot of guys say dont make your business personal, dont say ANYTHING on the internet...which is a GOD DAMN good reason not to put up with this PURE BULLS*IT. WHY isnt Job Spetter here, bob reiger, kenny duttweiler, eric schertz, and many others? because they dont want to stoop to "your" levels and put up with this BS, besides they have 6 second cars to build (and so do we) they dont simply have the time for it.

again, PEACE, but you are fighting a losing battle here, as it has always been....:cool: :cool: :cool: I said to Paul. I thought we were having a civil conversation. I wasn't meaning to bash you or anyone else. I thought we were just having a conversation and if what I said offended you then I apologize to you too. I seem to be doing a lot of that so I am done with this thread. Good Luck with your business.


The conversation is alway civil, but guess what? if you wanna have a talk you can go to my website and hit "contact" we can talk all we please or you can give me a call.

another point I am trying to make is that you say you work for a $25 MIL a year business right? Well guess what? that makes NO DIFFERENCE HERE because our companies are MUCH DIFFERENT here....and surely much more personal. FOR EXAMPLE I just rolled in from outside in the shop (yes its thanksgiving) and cleaned up to eat dinner with my family, when someone tells US that WE NEED TO WORK HARDER......we truly feel like knocking on your door and...well.....LOL

One of these days someone is gonna mess with someone else on this board or ANYWHERE, and it might not turn out so pretty. I am not threatening ANYONE here NOR am I referring to MY business in person because I dont hold grudges against ANYONE....UNLESS that "ANYONE" doesnt apoligize for their actions, bashing'd be surprised

peace again;)
Originally posted by HRpartsNstuff

Let's try it this way:

1.) We sincerely apologize for any mis-communication between yourself, myself, and Dave, and for all incorrect shipping forcasts (to everyone involved).

2.) Yours will ship out of the next new shipment that goes out (as promised), which hasn't shipped yet as previously scheduled.

3.) You're order is valued and appreciated, but if you feel the need to cancel or not purchase other products from us, you are welcome to do so.

Thank you for your patrionage, patience, and business advice, and have a nice day! :)

This whole thread should have ended right here IMO.
Paul and nick micale

Please give me a call today on my cel I have sent you both PM's with the number.

dont let anything bother ya:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: we know it wont bother you nick:D :D :D :D Need some of that "POOF" spray???????? :) :) :) I could change the labels on mine!!!!!!
Originally posted by BlownZ
Wow. I can see Nick being angry with me but everything I said defended you Paul. :(
Paul...I am not sure where we disconnected but I am sorry.

When your fist post on page 1 attacked my helper Dave, you attacked me and/or my business. A remark like that had no place in an open forum. As I added to my latest post (edited), Dave has been a HUGE help to me & my business. To make him look bad, makes me look bad. That would have been MUCH BETTER in an e-mail. The rest of the world didn't benefit by hearing your opinion on that. Dave works 1200+ hours a month for me & hasen't received a dime in compensation for it. He helps 99% of everyone that calls in or shows up at the events. Words have a way of cutting people deep sometimes, and after feeling over-worked & under-paid, being un-appreciated was the last thing that anyone needs to hear. He mentioned (jokingly I hope) about resigning to me in an e-mail. I am not sure if you could even become to comprehend what that would do to me, my business, or to the Buick community in turn. ALL PEOPLE really need to look at what they are typing BEFORE submitting it, and THINK of how people might react to it, and if it should be said in an open forum or privately. Everything has been like a pressure cooker to me since that post, so sorry if you think I over-reacted.

If my worst fault is that I can't get top quality parts that are reasonably priced to my customers fast enough, I can live with that. If you (not anyone specific!) can't live with that, PLEASE go elsewhere & continue to enjoy the sport! I can't do anything about it right now, and can't worry about it either. One thing I did learn from all this & the many private e-mails supporting me was that I do need to start letting people know at the time of ordering approx. how long they might have to wait & update that with them if it changes. It will take even more of my time & delay shipments even more, but it seems to be an important issue. I'm sorry I can't be as perfect as some of you would like me to be, and have 50 of everything on the shelf at all times.
PS- We have to pay taxes on everything in stock at the end of the year, so that costs us even more.
As much business knowledge & experience anyone might have, without knowing the specifics of a business, general advice in an open forum really shouldn't be given. Gets too many people into things they shouldn't & don't need to be into, not necessarily the person giving the advice but the people reading it & taking it to the next level, ESPECIALLY in a topic labeled with the company name & the word "dissapointment"
As I said, if you feel the urge, PLEASE e-mail me privately.

Going to my Mom's for turkey, PLEASE everyone enjoy the day, what's left of it!
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