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HRPARTS&STUFF dissapointment


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Well, your sales might not be increasing but Paul's are and will continue to grow.
Originally posted by 86brick
BTW, Cal had mentioned he was going to call Rick Jensen (the editor of GMHTP) about getting your car featured in the mag...... Anything ever happen with that? Are we going to see that bad boy in an upcoming issue?? Sure would love to see it in the mag:) :cool:

I have spoken to Rick about Dave's car. Until then, he hadn't heard about the 9.57

Dave, email me your phone number or call me at (321)863-2303 and I will try and get you and Rick in contact with each other.
WE4 FYI, If you do a search on this board with my name (WIKED87GN) you will find out I never B**** and moan this is the 1st time i have ever done this, and i hope that you also understand my frustration, when you are promised something on a certain date and it never comes to past., maybe it was dave's mistake to tell me that my sway bar will be shipped within the next shippment going out, I dont know, but i also do understand of what they are going through and will patiently wait for my sway bar to come, I am also moving soon in early january and will try to contact them to give them my new address, i apologize for any feather I ruffled on here but it needed to be done, if not bitch here then where.?


Originally posted by wiked87gn
WE4 FYI, If you do a search on this board with my name (WIKED87GN) you will find out I never B**** and moan this is the 1st time i have ever done this, and i hope that you also understand my frustration, when you are promised something on a certain date and it never comes to past., maybe it was dave's mistake to tell me that my sway bar will be shipped within the next shippment going out, I dont know, but i also do understand of what they are going through and will patiently wait for my sway bar to come, I am also moving soon in early january and will try to contact them to give them my new address, i apologize for any feather I ruffled on here but it needed to be done, if not bitch here then where.?


You definitely picked the wrong vendor to B*TCH about, I am not knocking you dude, just saying that Paul is a small company that builds these parts FROM HIS HEART, and I highly doubt there is very much profit involved. Paul has had an excellent reputation, please dont let it turn into what we went through.

PEACE!!!!! make PEACE!!!!!!;) :cool: :cool: :cool:
Re: Paul, Dave, and Kevin

Originally posted by WE4
Hey guys, just let it cease. THEY will never get it. I can , if anybody in the world can, whole heartedly understand the stress and frustration. Look at me. I work 12-16 hrs a day plus have 6 employees so you know what kinda volume we have to do, but if a guy cannot sign on to or I forget or make a mistake on one of the 40 orders or people I talk to a day, the whole world is coming to an end and there is a conspiracy against them.
Let this die and continue to deliver the best possible products and service as we cannot please them all. Do you see the same trend I see tho? It always seems to be the EXACT same people who complain and bitch. Funny how that is , isn't it?
We all give 110% all the time. What they do not still seeem to understand is that without US they would have very few vendors to even deal or bitch about. .
Hopefully , before we just get sick of it and get out altogether, they will come to their senses.
I apologize to Paul that I didn't see this earlier. If payment wasn't made, sale never took place, so this guy can bitch till the cows come home, order from someone else (problem being probobly Paul is the ONLY source) and you did nothing wrong. When I moved it was 6 months before we were back up and running to potential.
Good Luck in your move and like I said earlier, We all have the same issues.
Well I am going back to screwing people , taking their money, banning members, deleting threads with all this time I seem to have on my hands. What a joke. I guess they feel we have no families and/or lives either. I also bet they expect to have Thanksgiving with their families then be on here Thanksgiving night asking why you didn't work on their stuff today.
What a friggin joke.
Since I want to enjoy Thanksgiving Day with my family and cannot afford the time to babysit this friggin place I may just shut it down on Thursday. Spend time with your loved ones guys as someday you will see there are much more important things in life. I found this out as we are now not heading to my sister's house in LA this Thanksgiving as our plans have been rerouted to My inlaws place as my father in law has just been diagnosed with serosis of the liver and lung cancer. Gave him 6-8 months to live with no other options.
So , see how trivial the rest of this seems to be now.? If not, seek some help.

Everyone enjoy this week and the holiday. Be safe and be thankful.

WE4 admin

and... what he said it couldnt be put better ;)
Originally posted by wiked87gn
WE4 FYI, If you do a search on this board with my name (WIKED87GN) you will find out I never B**** and moan this is the 1st time i have ever done this, and i hope that you also understand my frustration, when you are promised something on a certain date and it never comes to past., maybe it was dave's mistake to tell me that my sway bar will be shipped within the next shippment going out, I dont know, but i also do understand of what they are going through and will patiently wait for my sway bar to come, I am also moving soon in early january and will try to contact them to give them my new address, i apologize for any feather I ruffled on here but it needed to be done, if not bitch here then where.?


Kevin, I am glad you have made the above response and can understand your frustration in waiting for parts for your car. I am not going to say what Bruce already posted, as he and I have discussed this situation.

You, and others that come here to bitch, like the Ramchargers thread, do not understand the damage you do in the Buick community. First, it brings out unwarranted comments from members, here only to participate in any contrasversy. Happened in both threads.

Since yesterday, I have made some calls around the country to well-know Buick enthusiasts to get their reaction to your post about Paul. The response which I expected is that Paul is one of the most professional, honest and upstanding person and vendor around. It is because of personal attacks such as yours, which is the reason many qualified, Buick experts will not participate in board discussions.

If you, and others, want to use this forum as your "bitch" session, you are completely wrong. We are not going to allow personal attacks on people or businesses. In your case no money changed hands, and a firm delivery date was not given. In the Ramchargers case. no one I know, or talked with, has a problem communicating with them.

Future threads of this nature will be stopped, deleted or locked. If anyone has a factual case of fraud like one now in the "For Sale" forum, it can be aired. The tolerance for personal or vendor attacks, innane posts and distruptive comments has been lessened. We will not give notice of deleting a post, thread or even a member if needed.

This is a turbo Buick tech board as well as a social place to exchange information, get help and give help. Where are you going to "bitch"? I don't know, but it will not be here.
"Future threads of this nature will be stopped, deleted or locked. If anyone has a factual case of fraud like one now in the "For Sale" forum, it can be aired. The tolerance for personal or vendor attacks, innane posts and distruptive comments has been lessened. We will not give notice of deleting a post, thread or evem a member if needed."

Now there's a great idea. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by HighPSI
I have spoken to Rick about Dave's car. Until then, he hadn't heard about the 9.57

Dave, email me your phone number or call me at (321)863-2303 and I will try and get you and Rick in contact with each other.

Well there goes some valuable time out the window that I could have better used living...

For years now, I have come on this board and read the repeated bashing of the "one man" vendors & manufactuers. Paul has it right... you don't know just what it takes to try and build something from nothing. I know first hand just how bad it gets, as it cost my Father his material possesions, his wife and kids and most importantly his health. This is why I stand behind them, and would gladly wait for an obscure part for an oddball car.

Overall, the lack of understanding around here makes me want to vomit.

This thread, its very nature, is probably the one reason that I am glad I'll be parting ways with my Buick in the spring.

I hope the new owner of my car enjoys my HRPARTSNSTUFF motor mount and MPE 3" downpipe as much as I have, without acting like a moron and stressing about the wait.

The shear idiocy of this Community (its really just the bad eggs with the loud mouths) is reason enough for me to walk away with a clear mind.

Paul F, Keith M, Buick from Hell, Mark H, Jack @ Racetronix, John S @ Caspers (and others)... If and when I need something for my Monte Carlo SS, you'll be hearing from me. Cheers.

Originally posted by wiked87gn
WE4 FYI, If you do a search on this board with my name (WIKED87GN) you will find out I never B**** and moan this is the 1st time i have ever done this, and i hope that you also understand my frustration, when you are promised something on a certain date and it never comes to past., maybe it was dave's mistake to tell me that my sway bar will be shipped within the next shippment going out, I dont know, but i also do understand of what they are going through and will patiently wait for my sway bar to come, I am also moving soon in early january and will try to contact them to give them my new address, i apologize for any feather I ruffled on here but it needed to be done, if not bitch here then where.?



I Suppose I owe you an apology. I was making a general statement and yes you are correct about the fact that you are not usually a "complainer". I did not mean to direct it totally at you. Me bad. I was just making a general statement that Nick, Jack, Jesse, and I have noticed. I also can relate to your frustration, but as we have said before and I will reitterate, all you have to do is post a "question" to the board and/or contact one of the moderators and we will investigate our own vendors. Part of the program we have implemented. I knew Paul had something going on and anyone of us could have helped you. I do again, understand your frustration and wish you would have posed it more of a question to see what was up rather than accuse. However, this is how it came across. I do apologize if you took it personally as I can see now how you might. None intended. But you can see you would get much farther with sugar than spice. Posed as a question as to what the is going on, may have gotten you a little further along. I also think Paul was very thorough in his explaination. Paul is alright man and you will be taken care of. Hang tight, enjoy Turkey day and it will all work out in the end. Just remember, most people accuse us (the mods) of negative things but this is one instance where we have a program to do just this, help our members out when they seem to have exponged all their options. Next time, if there is one, give our program a shot. I think you would be very surprised at the outcome.
I am sorry but it needed to be said.

No feathers ruffled.... don't sweat it.

WE4 admin
well said

exactly this is the problem with the internet. Everything here in this thread can be a learning experience for both vendors, suppliers, and the general public. Nothing against the original "complainer" as a whole this bulletin board and its contents has nothing against YOU in a private matter, so what was said in the above posts, please dont take it to harm. We have all made mistakes, and we always will. I have learned this throughout the years MANY TIMES, and it took a whole hell of a lot to get the problems taken care of. Sometimes you just need to sit back and not look at the internet for awhile. 10,000 opinions and minds clash here, some are friends some are friends of friends, etc. But in the long run we're all here for the same damn reason, this is a hobby to us as well as you ,and EVERY OTHER BEING ON THIS BB if you dont think you can say anything credible by posting useful information/telling another poster something positive etc....then you shouldnt be here. Go here to make friends not enemies, only thing creating problems does is get either involved more pissed at the situation. I deal with these problems every day, guys talk S*hit on our products, workmanship, service, cars, attitude, etc, etc....its your job to act like a civilized human being and ignore the BS.

well anyway...Nick ya spelled "controversy" wrong in your post...just thought I'd correct ya;) :D :cool:
Where the hell?

Did that come from? What did I miss? What is this all about? I do not recall seeing you in this thread at all. I am confused:confused:


And.... I can grant your wish but it will delete your post.
I still don't get it......

Since "someone".....and it HAD to be its originator which I know..... deleted the post above this post, my comments here are not understood and do not make sense. So, disregard most of the what was that all about part. :) But if I delete it the rest won't make sense either so I am leaving it.
No money has changed hands,and Paul gave him a truthful explanation. I don't see the blood in this one. If you don't like the service go elsewhere,no biggie. But what I have seen of Pauls parts I doubt if Anyone makes anything that will compare!

Originally posted by Randy Greenoe
No money has changed hands,and Paul gave him a truthful explanation. I don't see the blood in this one. If you don't like the service go elsewhere,no biggie. But what I have seen of Pauls parts I doubt if Anyone makes anything that will compare!

I WOULD NEVER agree with anything you say, but I just did;) ;) ;) :D :cool: its all good.

Originally posted by BlownZ
Bruce...I think it is the Ramchargers thread that they are referring to. You should take the same advice I gave to Paul...put a muzzle on Nick. He ticks someone off everytime he posts...and I don't think I have yet to see a post that he doesn't threaten to lock a thread or kick someone off the board. JMO...I am not complaining. :cool:

And what is the Buick world going to become when NOONE buys from the wonderful vendors available today. (look what happenned to us) So (I am not arguing with you either) when each and every company makes a mistake we are supposed to post it where 11,000 members and millions of people can see? As a vendor/supplier for just about all of the vendors you have dealt with. I can say this from first hand experience. If this is a true statement, I bet we could take the award for number of "whiney" posts I deal with problems with materials, problems with delivery dates on materials and supplies/tooling/etc, and problems with just about anything else you can think of each day. I do not think it is a good idea. If you have had a bad experience, this isnt the place to DEMEAN that persons business. That is information you either keep to yourself/friends or leave on Ebay as feedback;)

Re: randy

Originally posted by Mease Performance
I WOULD NEVER agree with anything you say, but I just did;) ;) ;) :D :cool: its all good.
Hey maybe someday you might say something I could agree on also!;)
Re: Re: randy

Originally posted by Randy Greenoe
Hey maybe someday you might say something I could agree on also!;)

Hey at least I can say my downpipe doesnt molest me at night :D :D :D :D :D :D ;) but we wont get into personal lives :D
Originally posted by BlownZ
.......... You should take the same advice I gave to Paul...put a muzzle on Nick. He ticks someone off everytime he posts...and I don't think I have yet to see a post that he doesn't threaten to lock a thread or kick someone off the board. JMO...I am not complaining. :cool:

Maybe someone should put a muzzle on you?

You have never liked what I say or do, and my opinion is we can do without your comments. If you do not like my posts or "job" that I try best to do, that is your problem. Another comment like that and one of us will be gone from this board, guess who?
Re: Re: Re: randy

Originally posted by Mease Performance
Hey at least I can say my downpipe doesnt molest me at night :D :D :D :D :D :D ;) but we wont get into personal lives :D
A free shot and I can't pull the trigger!:eek:
Not going to happen BlownZ

Originally posted by BlownZ
Bruce...I think it is the Ramchargers thread that they are referring to. You should take the same advice I gave to Paul...put a muzzle on Nick. He ticks someone off everytime he posts...and I don't think I have yet to see a post that he doesn't threaten to lock a thread or kick someone off the board. JMO...I am not complaining. :cool:

I stand behind Nick and his beleifs as if they were my own.
He is here to stay my freind, so I believe the choice is now yours.
I am not on either side of the fence here, just letting you know where Nick stands on It is his trigger to pull. He is as much a part of this board as I am. I, personally, hope you can work this out. You will know why here in the near future, but for now, understand Nick is running the show, and I don't see any changes on the horizon ;) (BTW... Who is Paul?)

Those who wish to leave are now welcome to. If you would really like to be removed, I will remove you but I also want it in writing for me to post that you REQUESTED it. Send your requests to me if you feel that member numbers mean anything, at least as far as status. As far as traffic, yes that does mean more I guess but that is what it was formed for in the first place. Information. More traffic, more information, more gained from site. I don't need to protect any numbers. I could care less if I had 100 or 10,000 members. I just want what is best for all in the long run. That is what I support. For the full story on what to do go here:

WE4 admin.
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