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HRPARTS&STUFF dissapointment


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Originally posted by Mease Performance

The conversation is alway civil, but guess what? if you wanna have a talk you can go to my website and hit "contact" we can talk all we please or you can give me a call.

another point I am trying to make is that you say you work for a $25 MIL a year business right? Well guess what? that makes NO DIFFERENCE HERE because our companies are MUCH DIFFERENT here....and surely much more personal. FOR EXAMPLE I just rolled in from outside in the shop (yes its thanksgiving) and cleaned up to eat dinner with my family, when someone tells US that WE NEED TO WORK HARDER......we truly feel like knocking on your door and...well.....LOL

One of these days someone is gonna mess with someone else on this board or ANYWHERE, and it might not turn out so pretty. I am not threatening ANYONE here NOR am I referring to MY business in person because I dont hold grudges against ANYONE....UNLESS that "ANYONE" doesnt apoligize for their actions, bashing'd be surprised

peace again;)

Keith....I am not messing with anyone. I thought we were talking. Conversation over. Again...good luck.
This is ridiculous, I think BlownZ was suggesting slight increases to HELP COVER YOUR COST!

funny how you two have blown it out of proportion, and with the amount of time it takes you to write these amazingly long post, no wonder nothing ever gets shipped out in a reasonable amount of time!! You could of made the swaybar in the time spent posting once!
Please just everyone let it die. My intention wasn't to bash or incite this kind of response from either Keith or Paul and I would rather just see it die. I have apologized to both even though I do think they took the posts FAR differently than they were intended. The beauty of the internet I guess.:(
Originally posted by smokin'6
funny how you two have blown it out of proportion, and with the amount of time it takes you to write these amazingly long post, no wonder nothing ever gets shipped out in a reasonable amount of time!! You could of made the swaybar in the time spent posting once!

See what you started! A simple post of:

HRpartsNstuff, PLEASE contact me, it's important regarding an order I have placed with you.


Because of the WAY you posted initially, YOU caused all this & YOU further delayed yours (and others) shipment! So, now I will need to take another day off to lower my blood pressure & get back to where I was 3 days ago.
Originally posted by HRpartsNstuff
When your fist post on page 1 attacked my helper Dave, you attacked me and/or my business. A remark like that had no place in an open forum. As I added to my latest post (edited), Dave has been a HUGE help to me & my business. To make him look bad, makes me look bad. That would have been MUCH BETTER in an e-mail. The rest of the world didn't benefit by hearing your opinion on that. Dave works 1200+ hours a month for me & hasen't received a dime in compensation for it. He helps 99% of everyone that calls in or shows up at the events. Words have a way of cutting people deep sometimes, and after feeling over-worked & under-paid, being un-appreciated was the last thing that anyone needs to hear. He mentioned (jokingly I hope) about resigning to me in an e-mail. I am not sure if you could even become to comprehend what that would do to me, my business, or to the Buick community in turn. ALL PEOPLE really need to look at what they are typing BEFORE submitting it, and THINK of how people might react to it, and if it should be said in an open forum or privately. Everything has been like a pressure cooker to me since that post, so sorry if you think I over-reacted.

If my worst fault is that I can't get top quality parts that are reasonably priced to my customers fast enough, I can live with that. If you (not anyone specific!) can't live with that, PLEASE go elsewhere & continue to enjoy the sport! I can't do anything about it right now, and can't worry about it either. One thing I did learn from all this & the many private e-mails supporting me was that I do need to start letting people know at the time of ordering approx. how long they might have to wait & update that with them if it changes. It will take even more of my time & delay shipments even more, but it seems to be an important issue. I'm sorry I can't be as perfect as some of you would like me to be, and have 50 of everything on the shelf at all times.
PS- We have to pay taxes on everything in stock at the end of the year, so that costs us even more.
As much business knowledge & experience anyone might have, without knowing the specifics of a business, general advice in an open forum really shouldn't be given. Gets too many people into things they shouldn't & don't need to be into, not necessarily the person giving the advice but the people reading it & taking it to the next level, ESPECIALLY in a topic labeled with the company name & the word "dissapointment"
As I said, if you feel the urge, PLEASE e-mail me privately.

Going to my Mom's for turkey, PLEASE everyone enjoy the day, what's left of it!

Paul...I emailed you.

Dave I apologize. I have a thick skin and sometimes assumes everone does.

Have a great day and good luck.
Originally posted by HRpartsNstuff
See what you started! A simple post of:

HRpartsNstuff, PLEASE contact me, it's important regarding an order I have placed with you.


Because of the WAY you posted initially, YOU caused all this & YOU further delayed yours (and others) shipment! So, now I will need to take another day off to lower my blood pressure & get back to where I was 3 days ago.

Ummm, you got the wrong person Paul, but then Im not suprised.

why is it all the negative crap gets so many views? ~2:30pm thursday and already nearing 2300 views

to bad the board doesn't charge for views, at a $1 a view you coulda bought a Mease sheet-intake ;)
As a small business owner in the same field,here is my take on this whole thing. Paul obviously makes a superior product or the demand would'nt be so great. You as a CONSUMER have the option to purchase Paul's stuff under his TERMS. You cant get it anywhere else, so if you want it, wait in line, if you don't want to without! If it was paid for and was not shipped within a reasonable amount of time, I could see a problem. If no money has exchanged hands, quit yer whinin'.
Originally posted by smokin'6
Ummm, you got the wrong person Paul, but then Im not suprised.

Sorry, in a hurry to get a shower & get out of here so I can enjoy my day & stop the wife from yelling at me for making us late.

You are the person that is just agreeing with the initial poster, and said the same thing he did. As I said, if HE (stand corrected now) would have posted differently, it all would be fixed & fine. As a matter of fact, if it were all done privately, I may have done extra to ensure he gets the order sooner than possible to help out. As it stands, I SURELY will not go further out of my way to do that.

Signing off now, enjoy!
Blown Z, apology accepted, sorry for venting.
Originally posted by Buick From Hell
I just went back thru this entire thread, and did a survey. Feel free to double-check my accuracy.

Out of this entire thread, I found only SIX users post negatively towards Paul. (all others were neutral or positive)

Out of the six, I could only find TWO that appear to be actual customers! (not exactly a "pile", and those complaints aren't all that bad anyway!) The others seemed only to defend the right to complain while not actually HAVING a complaint.

My intent here isn't to throw stones, free speech & all, I'm as guilty as anyone... just a personal observation, that this sure has turned into a big, nasty thread all over 2 relatively minor customer service issues...

(Happy Thanksgiving!)

This is the key. One guy has a beef and the other 12 guys (slighlyt exagerated in this particluar post) form a lynch mob to hang 'em. In genereal, most of the Lynch mob are not even customers and now they take one side of a story and blow it out of proportion which can greatly damage a business' reputation.

Sometimes people have a legitimate beef but the problem is when most of these guys post it in a public forum like this they are not posting it in a grownup and mature way. As someone mentioned above, you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. Think about that next time somebody wants to post about a problem they are having with a vendor.

I think this horse is about dead. Any chance someone can close this thread and everyone can hopefully move on?

Originally posted by BlownZ
Wow. I can see Nick being angry with me but everything I said defended you Paul. :(

I said it wasn't as easy as just raising prices. There is more to it than that and was only something to think about.

If I hurt your business in any way then I apologize. I will defend myself by saying this....quote anything in ANY post I have in this thread that bashes any vendor. I popped off at Nick...we exchanged emails and hopefully settled our differences.

Again...NOTHING I posted here was intended to bash anyone, demean anyone, I was sharing my thoughts in what I thought had turned into a civil conversation between me and Keith.

I myself would like to see this thread deleted but that is up to Nick and Bruce.

Paul...I am not sure where we disconnected but I am sorry.

Seems like this thread has run its course?

I have accepted BlownZ's understanding like he said, and am convinced he is well-meaning and did not intend to help fuel a small war!:)

I think with his new comments to Paul and Keith, we should just move on and be done with this thread. I will not delete it unless Paul wants me to, or the originator could also delete it.

Please let us all understand that getting upset with a vendor and putting it out for the entire world to view is much different than just telling your buddy. It is a record the thousands of viewers who can then re-tell the story in an "embellished" form.

Like I have said before, we are not here as moderators to protect vendors, but to protect the truth. One positive note from this thread is why we will not accept "bitching thread" about a person or vendor. All can plainly see this does no one any good and certainly can cause dissention and mis-understanding.

Being Thanksgiving, we all have lots to be thankful about, so let's turn our attention to that, and move on to the positive things we are blessed with.

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