I F'ing Hate Pit Bulls!!!

its the owners fault all day.I have had these kinda dogs all my life.my mom had them also.i have never had anything bad happen.I have cats with my dogs,kids.and never had anything happen to any of the cats or kids.
lets see how mean this pit is :) Butterfinger Comedy Network on Yahoo! Video thats just a video i seen today.Its not all pitbulls that are bad,its the owners or wanna be gang bangers.
IMHO Some pitbulls are very nice.

However, 99% of them make the rest look bad.

Mike B.
you tube pit bull attacks baby!

The clip that was posted was very good. It explains why the media loves to hype these dogs up so much that people with barely enough brain power to get one foot in front of the other buy in to it like what they are saying is bible. I knew as soon as this thread started it would go on and on. I believe our government takes away freedoms everyday due to the fact that alot of people feel as if they need to be protected from themselves. The more we ban and outlaw the less freedoms we have! There are alot of things ****ed up in this country, I dont think pitbulls are on the top of the list. Instead of outlawing pitbulls and any other dangerous thing, maybe they should be regulated instead of stripping our freedoms away! Most of these uneducated people who need to be saved from themselves and cotteled like some sissy should move to a state with alot of government control to save there ass. Here is some common sense, start being proactive rather than reactive like the media! I am in no way condoning the gangbanger down the street with the savage pitt, I'm saying talk to the idiot before something happens. I also feel you should have to apply for a permit to own any type of dog, especially a dangerous one. I hope everyone can chill out with this thread, no type of solution will come from you are wrong and I am right mentality. Please put some thought in to what you say, besides all pitbulls must die!

You hit the nail on the head with this quote: A dog like a child is a big responsibility, and today I see too many people who have no place having either, irresponsibility is a modern day sickness........ This pretty much sums it up, I couldn't agree with you more.

I did not expect for this to go on as long as it is. Guy's, if you have a dog of any kind we all must remain protective of are children, family, friends and other innocent animials that didn't deserve to be attacked. If anything, just think of this as I do... it's an educational experience between Pit dog owners and non Pit dog owners, statictics, amongst other data that can be researched. We have already determined there are several different breeds of these dogs and not all of them are bad.

Just like Phatman said, irresponsibility is a modern day sickness. For you guy being over seriously about this, try to relax a little. Your probably not the problem. However, people that don't give a hoot about their dogs are, which in turn, give Pits a bad name and other breeds of dogs for that matter.


I read some of the attacks and watch some of the vid's, I agree with you that it's hard to watch a dog attacking a person. Most people have no idea what to do, even with a small dog. It really bothers me to see small children being mauled. They always seem to get it in the face, they are so trusting toward dogs and tend to want to hug them. I'm thinking this is why you see so many facial bites. When your talking about bigger dogs this can be a ugly thing. A dog like a child is a big responsibility, and today I see too many people who have no place having either, irresponsibility is a modern day sickness........

I love my dog!

You guys are right about it being the owners responsibility...

I live in the country. People tend to let dogs roam free sometimes or they break free. Once that dog is free with no owner, no leash, no anything I feel it becomes a threat to the safety of other living things around it... Again it is not the dogs fault, I AGREE. Fact still remains that this animal that can KILL is FREE with no constraints...

We all agree the dogs have the ability to kill right? So why not let bears, tigers, panthers, lions, and other killer animals out to our streets and let them roam free:rolleyes:

A little bit of common sense has to be applied...

If you have ever came upon one or two of these dogs in the open with no restraints on them you will quickly realize that your saftey is more important than his safety. I have been there. No different than if I look out and see a big poisonous snake in the yard. HE GOT'S TO GO!
Oh ya, plenty of cute pictures of pitbulls here.
Pitbull Attacks, Maulings, and Killings
Sure, if you want to have one go ahead, just be aware if your dog threatens my grandkids I'll kill it. I refuse to let my grandkids end up on this website.
You guys are right about it being the owners responsibility...

I live in the country. People tend to let dogs roam free sometimes or they break free. Once that dog is free with no owner, no leash, no anything I feel it becomes a threat to the safety of other living things around it... Again it is not the dogs fault, I AGREE. Fact still remains that this animal that can KILL is FREE with no constraints...

We all agree the dogs have the ability to kill right? So why not let bears, tigers, panthers, lions, and other killer animals out to our streets and let them roam free:rolleyes:

A little bit of common sense has to be applied...

If you have ever came upon one or two of these dogs in the open with no restraints on them you will quickly realize that your saftey is more important than his safety. I have been there. No different than if I look out and see a big poisonous snake in the yard. HE GOT'S TO GO!

i am with you on this one
Wow this is wierd. In my news paper today...

Man arrested in dog shooting - News | Reflector.com

Owners or humans fault for sure... Just another example of lack of sense...

I grew up down here in south Florida, hunting, fishing and farting around always had dogs around. One thing I can agree with you on is that a agressive dog needs to be confined, and God bless the man that put one on me. I think that dog may have met the same fate with me, just a little quicker.
Hey, I don't want Pits to be banned, that's a slippery slope. It's all about risk. If you are comfortable having an animal in/around your home that is capable of killing you or your kids/grandkids, that's a risk assessment that only you can make. I sincerely hope that none of you ever has to regret that decision.

I have to make my own risk assessments. If you have a Pit, my children will not be allowed in your home or yard. If the dog comes on to my property, he will die of lead poisoning.

All of this anecdotal evidence of "well I/my brother/friend/mom/cousin-in-law have had 'em for years without a problem, doesn't wash away a single one of the thousands of attacks by these dogs.

Again, it's your risk, don't ask me to share in it.
Hey, I don't want Pits to be banned, that's a slippery slope. It's all about risk. If you are comfortable having an animal in/around your home that is capable of killing you or your kids/grandkids, that's a risk assessment that only you can make. I sincerely hope that none of you ever has to regret that decision.

I have to make my own risk assessments. If you have a Pit, my children will not be allowed in your home or yard. If the dog comes on to my property, he will die of lead poisoning.

All of this anecdotal evidence of "well I/my brother/friend/mom/cousin-in-law have had 'em for years without a problem, doesn't wash away a single one of the thousands of attacks by these dogs.

Again, it's your risk, don't ask me to share in it.
+1 Well said.
How can you judge a breed of dog based upon the BAD **** you hear? Thats rather stereotypical of all you who agree with this imbecile. I have an 11 month old pitbull and let me just start by saying she is the sweetest most loving dog ever. PURE PINK NOSE PIT! You people really ought to judge the OWNERS and the way people RAISE THEM rather then judging of breed of dog in its own. :rolleyes:
Looking at both angles!

You pit guys are defending a want, not a need. And for the Non-pit guys....These people are going to own these animals no matter what...Some are going to be good pets and others will be bad. Just like gun owners....

Also look at the new people getting into either one. Accidents always happen when people are not properly informed .
How can you judge a breed of dog based upon the BAD **** you hear? Thats rather stereotypical of all you who agree with this imbecile. I have an 11 month old pitbull and let me just start by saying she is the sweetest most loving dog ever. PURE PINK NOSE PIT! You people really ought to judge the OWNERS and the way people RAISE THEM rather then judging of breed of dog in its own. :rolleyes:

Um, who are you referring to as an imbecile?
When I was in a teenager the neighbors pitbulled attacked my dad in our own yard. It had locked onto his face ,and I had to use a breaker bar to beat the dog off of my dad. He lost about a third of his nose and has had to several surgerys to where they take cartliage out of ears and reconstruct his nose.

This pitbull had animal control called on it 20-25 times overthe years before this happend. Sadly nothing was done until something bad had happened to me and my family.

I know owners of these dogs and they will all tell you that they are the sweetiest of all dogs. These owners are just like their dogs and they won't listen to you. Heck they even get tattots of their loved ones.

Listen up, these dogs are killers.
We're all supposed to be adults here. We should be able to hold an intelligent discussion on virtually any subject without anybody taking any of the text personally. We should be able to see both sides of the fence here without name-calling and throwing insults at one another. I have known the OP of this thread for about 5 or 6 years and I know and will attest that he is of above average intelligence, is a devout family man, is proudly serving his country, and should not have to suffer rude and inflammatory remarks just because you do not see his side of the argument. He seemed to see yours without taking it personally, and you should be able to do the same.
Um, who are you referring to as an imbecile?

That would be me Gary...lol I don't mind though, we all just proved are point how narrow minded some people can be.

Once again Shortie, NOT all dogs are bad...... Please go back and re-read what was written from owners and non-owners of these dogs wrote. It's very informative, then you will see the overall picture.

Please relax.....and have a great day:smile:
Personally if a pit ever got ahold of my family I'd have to kill the pit, then it would take a lot for me not to want to kill the owner too.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

Owning a dog is a HUGE responsibility, problem is most who have dogs don't understand this.

But then again that doesn't surprise me. We live in a world where others don't think they should be held accountable for what they do/what their kids do/what their dogs do.

Besides putting a dog on a chain is inhumane. When I was younger we had 2 dogs, a doberman and a german sheperd mix. Dad built a big dog pen for them to run around in.