I F'ing Hate Pit Bulls!!!

oh yeah btw great white sharks or any other sharks dont just attack you to attack you. they might bite you because they mistake you for a seal or another type of food. yes theyre bite might be deadly. But i just dont get how you can compare a shark that is rarely exposed to any human contact, to a pitbull or any dog that has been domesticated for 1000's of years?

lets round up all the pitbulls and great white sharks and throw them in a pit of antifreeze and have a mass grave, To rid our selves of the evil and purify our culture!
wow some of you would really put anti freeze in meat to kill an animal? and i also heard people doing that to cats. theres some people i hate and you dont see me putting arsonic in thier coffee. anyone did that to my pets they would find thier head scalped with the spinle column in tact mounted above my fireplace :mad:

and about dobermans and rotts? yeah theyre not very nice dogs when thier owners feed them gunpowder to make them into vicious guard dogs

It would have to be a really bad animal for me to do that, and fortunatly I have not done that. But it is an option. Personally, I am not capable of hurting ANYONE OR ANYTHING that does not hurt me or my people first. And it has to be an intentional or grossly neglegent incident for me to react. Case in point: 2 weeks ago I was tossed and stepped on by a horse. He lost his footing and I took a dive, got back up and then went to mount him again when he took off mid-mount. So I hit the dirt again but this time he steps on my leg, messing it up pretty bad. Did I hurt him? No. I caught a snake once and he bit me. I released him because I was taking a risk by playing with him. A few months ago there was a copperhead at the stables that bit a horse. I found him and killed him because he was a major threat. Horses are like dogs, people or any animal. Every breed is different and has its own characteristics and traits. Some can change during the nurturing process but certain primal instincts are still always going to be there. How many people have lions or tigers for pets?
oh yeah btw great white sharks or any other sharks dont just attack you to attack you. they might bite you because they mistake you for a seal or another type of food. yes theyre bite might be deadly. But i just dont get how you can compare a shark that is rarely exposed to any human contact, to a pitbull or any dog that has been domesticated for 1000's of years?

lets round up all the pitbulls and great white sharks and throw them in a pit of antifreeze and have a mass grave, To rid our selves of the evil and purify our culture!

You keep trying to justify owning these dogs but it just doesn't work. As for the shark comparison, read the whole post, it was "If we lived underwater..."

There are too many instances of Pits that have never been aggressive before attacking children, adults and other dogs to just dismiss it and say they were mistreated. These dogs have been thrust into our environment, a place where they are ill-equipped to live. There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but putting me and my family at any unneccessary risk so you can own one of these beasts is unacceptable.

I've seen so many of these attacks, that nowadays when I see a Pit, my only thought is, "someone should shoot that POS, before it hurts someone".

I've seen owning a Pit compared to leaving a loaded gun laying around or owning a bomb. Difference is, the Pit has independent thoughts and may kill/injure you without any input from you or any other human.

Human life and safety must take preference over a damn dog.
a lot of instances people voted for bush, and we dismissed it:D

I dont know if you realize this yet, but theyre is a lot of unguided people that own a pitbull or any dog for that matter.

Just like a hot cup of coffee. theres certain responcibilities you need to recognize before you accept that cup to the drive through.

1. it is hot, it does have a potential of burning your flesh
2. It may cause a loss of apitite
3. not recomended to drink hot coffee and drive

Owning a pitbull.

1. potentially dangerous
2. Precautions should be made
3. The dog needs to be outside, proper perimeter securing the dog within the perimeter should be in place( not just a rope with a steak in the ground)

I worked at lowes in the hardware dept for a year and you wouldnt believe what some people used to secure theyre dog.

also how did these attacks occur? was the dog leashed or unleashed? what was the percent rate?

I have seen the dogs be as gentle as a puppy... It does have certain built in abilities though and I don't care how you train them... I have seen people with tigers and lions. Take Sigfried and Royd or however you spell them 2, but they played and played with these animals and they got bit. It is going to happen. To me a Pit or a Rott is just as dangerous. I think they are beautiful dogs but CAN and will kill in the right situation. A poodle ain't going to kill you no matter how bad it mauls you:wink:

If I see either breed come on my property I get the gun... Other animals, children, and even sometimes adults are not safe in the right situation...

I don't hate the dogs, I would do the same if a Tiger or Bear hits the yard;)
I have seen the dogs be as gentle as a puppy... It does have certain built in abilities though and I don't care how you train them... I have seen people with tigers and lions. Take Sigfried and Royd or however you spell them 2, but they played and played with these animals and they got bit. It is going to happen. To me a Pit or a Rott is just as dangerous. I think they are beautiful dogs but CAN and will kill in the right situation. A poodle ain't going to kill you no matter how bad it mauls you:wink:

If I see either breed come on my property I get the gun... Other animals, children, and even sometimes adults are not safe in the right situation...

I don't hate the dogs, I would do the same if a Tiger or Bear hits the yard;)

Just like you have built in abilities to shoot me if i come onto your property unwanted. THANK YOU
If the owner socializes the dog at an early age none of this would happen. The dog whisperer has several pitbulls that he trains other aggressive dogs with.
The problem with the breed is people want a tough dog, cause it looks cool. So they tie it up, neglect it, beat it, ect.

I hope those people get what they deserve. That could have been someones child.

Here's a link to the best bully breed, and my dogs parents. EXCELLENT with childeren.

SiriusStaff Staffordshire Bull Terriers

Give it up dude. There are those who's minds are made up and refuse to see things any other way. We know first hand how great bully breeds are for family pets. Its is senseless to try to argue with brick-wall types on topics such as this one. I have tried in the past. Remember when I made the point that Turbo Regals are deadly in irresponsible hands? Any way I mostly chimed in to tell you that you are wrong!!!......about the best breed of bulldog.:biggrin: Duece is 104lb of pure ready to play muscle. Tell everyone how afraid for your life you are when you come to my house.:tongue:
These (Pits) are agressive animals BY THEIR NATURE! It's in their genetic code. They can't help it, and that's what makes them unfit for use as pets.

Ok, for the last time. They are aggressive towards DOGS! Not Humans. There is an abundance of them. Law of averages! They will bite some humans because they are animals and over populated by large litters and misplaced or abused.

It is not in the nature of a Pit to be aggressive towards a Human. Other breeds surely are but that dosent mean they will be.

Once again, why do personal dog protection agencies rarely if ever recommend a Pit Bull for personal protection? Not to be used as a family pet, FOR PERSONAL PROTECTION AGAINST AN ATTACKING HUMAN...? Cause they would rather bite another dog or cat then a Human.

This isn't rocket science people. You guys need to stop spreading this rediculous propaganda about Pit Bulls. Just cause you read it in the news or have a friend who has a friend who has a friend that has had a bad experience with a Pit does not mean the breed is dangerous.

I can list a couple of dozen instances while at work when people have been severly bit by laundry list of other dog breeds. I work in the Ghetto and in (13) years I can count on one hand how many Pits have bit people. Most of them are strays anyway and are acclimated to people. This is such non-sense about Pit Bulls. It's more ignorance then anything.
Just like you have built in abilities to shoot me if i come onto your property unwanted. THANK YOU

Not sure where you get that info from? Maybe in Texas if your posing a threat but in any other state or especially NY if you shoot someone for just coming on your property your gonna end up on Rikers island on some other pen.
Not sure where you get that info from? Maybe in Texas if your posing a threat but in any other state or especially NY if you shoot someone for just coming on your property your gonna end up on Rikers island on some other pen.

Yeah here too. Even in NC it is a CRIME to shoot someone else's dog... My father in law found that out the hard way... I know of several people in my immediate area that have been attacked by pits and rotts. I don't get it, I don't seem them any different from a wolf IMO.

If someone owns one I don't care. I wouldn't mind having a rott if I had the property facility for it. Some put them in a pissy fence hooked to the house and expect them not to get out. I agree it is not the dogs fault, it is the owners. However if it comes on my property I began to care... I have small children and many other small pets. I know a local rott killed one of our cats. He better be glad he was gone before I saw him again....

Recently police went to a house and they sent out a pitt to attack the police, the police shot the dog and arrested the owner for attacking an officer. I think that was the 100% correct thing to do. However if one comes in my yard I can't do crap about it...

My point is they have the ability to kill PERIOD! So ownership of one should be just a big a responsibility as someone trying to keep a Tiger...
O I agree on the TR thing too. However a Buick has a key and a KILL SWITCH:biggrin:
Recently police went to a house and they sent out a pitt to attack the police, the police shot the dog and arrested the owner for attacking an officer. I think that was the 100% correct thing to do. However if one comes in my yard I can't do crap about it...

That's because the owner is always charged with a crime the dog commits, including murder here in ca. If a dog bites you, the owner is charged with assault if you so please.

The second part is tricky, because if a dog is attacking you or you feel like there is an immediate threat it falls into the self defense category. Shoot away! However, it it's just snooping around you have to call animal control, they'll come deal with it.

Let’s ban anything that can kill a person
Guns because they can kill
Cars because they can kill
Motor cycles because they can kill and cars are better oops cars are banned SO
Knifes because they can kill
Electricity because they can kill
In Kali, as in most states, I believe, lethal force is justifiable only when your life, or the life of another person is threatened. Nothing more, nothing less. Somebody breaking into your house, or being in your house, whether your family is in bed or not, by itself does not and will not justify the use of lethal force.
HK-45.com: The HK 45 Combat Pistols

Cures all animal problems, Now make sure you have a bag or box and a shovel You will need to get rid of the evidence before some ash hole turns you in. Yes even if the dog is killing children at a daycare some sap will say its not the dogs fault blah blah blah.

Oh and make sure you have a concealed carry permit just in-case someone does see you. :biggrin:
Let’s ban anything that can kill a person
Guns because they can kill
Cars because they can kill
Motor cycles because they can kill and cars are better oops cars are banned SO
Knifes because they can kill
Electricity because they can kill

None of those things is a living creature with a will of it's own. Apples and oranges...
None of those things is a living creature with a will of it's own. Apples and oranges...

Say that to the families of those killed by a nut with a gun.
Yeaup he/she had a will of its own and the ability and the drive to kill and nobody new about it until it happened So because of this Guns should be banned. That way it will never happen again.
BTW the only true purpose of a gun is to KILL.
I agree that was kind of out of the norm, but apparently it was justified via the courts.

Try and tell some of these families of dog attacks how you feel. I'm sure they wished now that they never had one.

Pitbull Attacks, Maulings, and Killings


I read some of the attacks and watch some of the vid's, I agree with you that it's hard to watch a dog attacking a person. Most people have no idea what to do, even with a small dog. It really bothers me to see small children being mauled. They always seem to get it in the face, they are so trusting toward dogs and tend to want to hug them. I'm thinking this is why you see so many facial bites. When your talking about bigger dogs this can be a ugly thing. A dog like a child is a big responsibility, and today I see too many people who have no place having either, irresponsibility is a modern day sickness........

I love my dog!
