I got a PM from Mike and he asked me to give a update for him-
Lisa passed away Dec 11th. She was 43. She spent her entire time at home with me taking care of her up until her last 3.5hrs. There was no suffering or pain. The Lord took her in the best possible way just like I asked.. She was an amazing woman... I am just trying to get thru every day now in our new house that is so empty. I am thankful for the time that God gave us together. I know we are just on loan from him and I am thankful he let me borrow her for the past 25yrs.. Thanks for caring about us my friend...
This is her obituary from the Everett Herald.
Lisa Marie McCoy Marthaller
Our precious Lisa, 43, passed away peacefully from this life to the next on December 11, 2011, surrounded by those who loved her. Diagnosed less than a month ago with an inoperable brain tumor she made the decision to forgo treatment that would have only given her a few, short months more, and lived each day with faith, courage, humor and strength that amazed and humbled everyone she knew. Lisa was born April 7, 1968 joining mom, dad and a waiting family of five brothers, two sisters, aunts, uncles and grandparents, all of whom, loved and cherished her every moment of her life. Lisa was one of those rare flowers on earth who bloomed with a beauty that touched everything and everyone around her.
Like her mom Louise, family was #1 with Lisa, she loved unconditionally and even during her last days, had thoughts and concerns only for others.
Lisa loved music and in 1998 began singing with brothers Kevin and Kyle in their band. Helping to name the band "Oblivion" she became the lead singer, later joined by good friend Kevin Hughes and niece Cindi. The band played semi-professionally and at family functions, most recently on July 4th at Pat and Marlea's annual celebration. We will always picture her with blonde hair waving in rhythm to the beat and her beautiful voice reverberation over the microphone.
In 1999 she re-connected with Mike, her one and only love, they married in 2000 and were partners in business, and life, totally inseparable until her last breath.
Mike's son, Mikey, came to live with them and Lisa became his step-mom and friend; he gave her many happy moments and she loved him dearly. With Lisa cheering him on, Mike bought American Towing and she proudly rode beside him in their beautiful red, white and blue tow truck which won many prizes. Lisa never ceased to marvel at the love and life they shared, this year finding and buying the home of their dreams where she got to spend her final days with Mike loving and caring for her and Max, their cat, never far from her lap.
Losing Lisa has left a void in the hearts of all who knew and loved her that can never be filled, but she left us a lifetime of wonderful memories which we will cherish and hold close when the pain seems too much to bear.
"When you truly love someone, you can still hear their laughter long after they're gone."