I accidentally unplugged the sensor from the control unit and after that it is not reading right. I plugged it in, calibrated the sensor and heater.
What it is doing is displaying implausible A/R readings in the 20.x to 30.x to 1 with the "bar" display acting erratically. Instead of full blocks increasing and decreasing, it flickers kindof.
Has anyone else seen this? I have not used this with leaded yet, and it has not been used more than 500 miles. I am probably going to try a new sensor, but if anyone has a good guess I am all ears.
What it is doing is displaying implausible A/R readings in the 20.x to 30.x to 1 with the "bar" display acting erratically. Instead of full blocks increasing and decreasing, it flickers kindof.
Has anyone else seen this? I have not used this with leaded yet, and it has not been used more than 500 miles. I am probably going to try a new sensor, but if anyone has a good guess I am all ears.