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ISAC, Fuel rail, Plug wires, Trans temp gauge, Turbo J bracket


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The Slow and the Curious
Dec 5, 2007
ISAC is brand new never used $250
Taylor Plug wires 1000 miles, great condition $35
Stock fuel rail, was re-painted $45
Trans temp gauge and center console gauge holder, holder has 2 notches cut out in the back for wiring, Trans temp gauge is mechanical and needs a bung to be welded into trans pan (dont have the bung) also does not have bulb for gauge, both for $75
Turbo J bracket, powdercoated $65
Fuel rail.JPG
plug wires isac.JPG
Gauge holder,transtemp.JPG

Prices do not include shipping

Paypal accepted,
bump, prices are not set in stone. if it helps i can post pics of my g/f's cans, but you will need to paypal me first,lol. (cans are a C's fyi)
bump, prices are not set in stone. if it helps i can post pics of my g/f's cans, but you will need to paypal me first,lol. (cans are a C's fyi)

Is she willing to hold a fansign so that we know you aren't pulling random "can" pics off the internets?

I'm sure my wife would LOVE to see a pic of some other girl holding my username with a cute heart or something drawn around it. LOL
I don't actually need anything, I'm a worthless tire kicker. If the taylor wires were black I'd probably buy them.

I was just making conversation. How was your day? How 'bout this weather?
good, good. I got pulled over by the worlds biggest prick for having no dealer tag on a vehicle and got written up for it so now I have to go to court to avoid a misdimeanor.
one guy in line for the wires already, if i dont hear from him by sunday night they are yours.
So since the plug wires sold....can we "just look at" some cans????? Come on man, you know u want to!!!!! Would u just look at those!!!
I might save the tits for higher priced parts lol.

Also, I hate to be a dick but these parts are "first one to put money in the paypal account get the parts".

Plug wires are sold