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Kirban Performance weatherstrip replacements - Don't do it!


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By posting about a product his company sells, and not even trying to contact the company in question, you have attacked the company for selling a defective product. Not to mention that they may not know that the product is defective so you've done a disservice to them as well as others that are trying to fix one of these PITA cars. Feedback is needed to those that produce the products that we use so they can fix issues if there are any. You weren't around when comp cams came out with the first roller cams for our cars but they were crap, to put it mildly. They just didn't hold up and it took a while for the company to fix the issue, but it has been fixed. As Dennis stated, there are only 2 companies that make the weather stripping for the T tops and without knowing that the one he's using, isn't making them right, he can't contact them to try and correct the issue, or try the other company to see if there's is better.
Twice the return/refund time had passed already. I am not the kind of person who, after waiting so long to install the product, is in the habit of holding others accountable for my mistakes.

I do, however, try to be a helpful person for the other members on the site, who have helped me with issues in the past.

I had already decided to contact Dennis Kirbin after he responded to my post. Then Charlie Leeper decided to get his digs in and threaten to remove the entire thread, because of my "attitude," when I requested that the thread be locked so that no further negativity would come from it.

The negativity that I was trying to prevent came from a Site admin and I don't understand why. It seems that Charlie Leeper feels that the vendors who advertise on the site are more important than the members, and has taken a particular and personal dislike to me for some reason.

Even in the Feedback Forum Rules, it says that I have to contact the seller within 30 days of the purchase to get things squared away. When did that change to six months?

I stuck to the facts of the transaction, did not use any foul language toward Kirban Performance or Dennis Kirbin personally (who i didn't even know existed until I was jumped by other members and site staff).

Where I went wrong, according to the rules, is by not contacting the administration about my issue before posting. That is supposed to cause my post to be removed, which would have been preferrable to being bad-mouthed and insulted by Site Staff and members. At least then, i would have known that I didn't do it right and a friendly pointing out of the rules would have given me a reason to contact Dennis Kirbin and kept this from becoming a huge Charlie Foxtrot like it has.

Look, I am a new member (less than a year) and this was my first time posting a review of a product (not a company). The only place i mentioned Kirbin Performance was in the title of my OP. Then the shitstorm hit.

I'm a grown ass man and can take constructive criticism in the spirit in which it is given. I also learn from my mistakes.

Trolling, flames, and insults, however, are something else entirely, especially from someone in authority like Charlie Leeper, Site Staff

If someone, ANYONE, would have said, "P8riot, you're not following the rules of the Forum and we're removing your post," I would have then found and followed those rules to the "T."

This has gotten so far outside the realm of reality and into the surreal and I just want to go back to looking for ways to fix and keep my GN running.

You can rest assured that I will not be posting further on the site unless it is about something less volatile than going up against a vendor/advertiser.

I again request that this thread be locked, please, so that this can be resolved between the two parties who are affected by the bad product experience: Me and Kirbin Performance.
You haven't listened to any advise given.

After all, you came here for a reason.

I think you just like to hear yourself talk.

And the shitstorm continues. Nice "edit" to your post there Charles Leeper. Real professional for a site admin. I hope that your alienation of a member makes you feel good.

I see that I am no longer welcome here, not only by the staff, but also by some members who feel the need to pile on insults and crappy comments.

Just remember, I was reporting on a product in order to HELP YOU, and you took a shit on me for it.

Now, let the "See ya'" and "GTFO" comments fill the rest of this thread. I guess some of you have enough friends that you can afford to kick this one to the side.
And the shitstorm continues. Nice "edit" to your post there Charles Leeper. Real professional for a site admin. I hope that your alienation of a member makes you feel good.

I see that I am no longer welcome here, not only by the staff, but also by some members who feel the need to pile on insults and crappy comments.

Just remember, I was reporting on a product in order to HELP YOU, and you took a shit on me for it.

Now, let the "See ya'" and "GTFO" comments fill the rest of this thread. I guess some of you have enough friends that you can afford to kick this one to the side.

I appreciate the feedback you have provided however, I would stop the back and forth as nothing good is coming out of it.

Please let us know what dennis does for you as he's a stand up guy with all his products.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Dude do you always attack those who attempt to help you? Or is this something new for you? I went back and re-read this whole thread and from what I can gather aside from a few snide comments (on either side I might add) you have been offered help, advice time and again. And you have yet to do anything about it. I mean if u are so motivated to help then why haven't you called Mr. Kirban yet? You see, you say one thing, but do another. And if it were simple corrective criticism, then that would be one thing, but you are basically attacking those who are attempting to help you. So by all rights you should be flamed.

I can tell you I one thing, you wouldn't last a second in some of the off-road forums! For if you pulled this stunt on say pirate off-road then they would have eaten you for lunch, picked your bones clean and left them to parch in the summer sun. So I'd just be glad that you are in a more tolerant environment.

Be that as it may, no one has time for somebody who screams wolf, but doesn't want help. So you are right you should shut the fire truck up and act like a grown man for a change! And by that I mean that you should try and fix this whole thing before you are ostracized (admin or no)! But whatever your fate it will be solely your fault for being an ass hat. So it's up to you how you take this!

My guess is, that as Phoff has asked you probably have aftermarket T-Tops? And perhaps his inquiry about such helped you to finally figured that out? So now know you may already know that you are SOL! But that's only a wild ass guess!

Either way, nobody can help anyone who doesn't want help. And attacking those who have attempted to help you certainly will not get you anywhere either.

At this point, I would think of this thread as a mirror! Meaning that however you look / act is what you can expect in return! So if you want people to be ugly to you, then just keep being ugly to those (who are by the way trying to help you)! Which makes no sense to me whatsoever! But then again I'm the most discriminated against human being on earth as I'm a white Conservative who believes in God, Guns, Country and Family. So lots of stuff makes no sense to me these days!


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yes, Boost, I have said i was going to do that in two previous posts.

This is has gotten too out of hand so, just go ahead and remove me from the forums, please.
Why remove you, just take this thread for what it is and press on.

If you don't want to come back so be it but there is no reason to remove you from this awesome forum.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Again, in the spirit of attempting to help you figure this out?

You might want to start by confirming whether or not your car actually came with the "CC1" Option (which I am assuming is the T-Tops option code) as it says it is the Lockable Hatch Roof? So you might check your trunk for the RPO Codes to see if has the CC1 Option or not? If so that would at least confirm that your car did in fact come from the factory with T-Tops. If not then I'm pretty sure that all bets are probably off as far as fitment of a factory knock off weatherstripping would go.

Edited for spelling (iPhone auto mistake maker is a real problem child if you don't pay attention)!
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Dennis Kirbin thanked people for "coming to his defense," when I NEVER ATTACKED HIM OR HIS COMPANY!!

Yes you did.
When you posted here that you will no longer be buying anything else from his company, you implied that he was not worthy of buying from.
He is worthy...

Don't worry. I wont delete anything. In fact, I'm half tempted to make this a permanent sticky. To show people how not to handle issues. Also, how tolerant this community is towards people who would rather whine, than put on their big girl panties and do the right thing.

This old ARMY dog is telling you to swallow your pride. Call Dennis and report back what he says.

Happy spooling.
Mike Barnard
I never once said that I wouldn't buy anything again from Kirbin Performance. Don't put words in my mouth. That is proof that you haven't read the entirety of my posts.

I only logged in to get Dennis Kirbin's phone number so that I can call him today.

Believe me when I say that I will not be posting anything on this forum in the future, regardless of any baiting insults you site admins post toward me. I definitely know where I stand and what my "place" is here on this site.

I know that some members here understand the truth if the situation, because they have let me know privately.

Anyway, thanks for the great information that has helped me in the past and maybe this will become something to laugh about in the future.
Make sure you don't have aftermarket t tops. Many cars do. None of the OEM type weatherstrips will fit.


Say what now? I never heard that before. How does one tell if they have aftermarket or not? Thanks.
You might want to start by confirming whether or not your car actually came with the "CC1" Option (which I am assuming is the T-Tops option code) as it says it is the Lockable Hatch Roof? So you might check your trunk for the RPO Codes to see if has the CC1 Option or not? If so that would at least confirm that your car did in fact come from the factory with T-Tops. If not then I'm pretty sure that all bets are probably off as far as fitment of a factory knock off weatherstripping would go.

I know that some members here understand the truth if the situation, because they have let me know privately.

This is one of my favorite lines I see posted when things don't go as planned. I have yet to see these members come out and post something. Why hide ?

I swear I have seen this at least twice in the as few months.

Please come back and let us know what dennis says.

You're still welcome back don't get all bent out if shape over one thread.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Code CC1 is there on my trunk sticker.

Called and spoke with Dennis Kirban (I realized I had been spelling his name incorrectly. My apologies, sir.) and we had a great conversation. He is working with me to to resolve the situation and assured me that he has no hard feelings.

He understands my reluctance to ask for a favor after so much time had passed from the date of purchase, but also told me that he handles that kind of thing from a PR point of view and can make allowances in certain cases.

I am more than satisfied with how things have tuned out so far.