
I've ordered a few parts from Kirban's twice. Fast shipping and the prices are just about the same as anyone else. I like the fact that I could get to his shop if I ever wanted to, considering he's located in PA and I drive down there every so often to see my mom and aunt.
You guys kill me.

So I was willing to drive 10+ hours one way to purchase one of his cars at his asking price (I never once haggled ANYTHING with him), and spend $2000+ on parts for said car, and it was unreasonable to ask him to meet me on a saturday for an hour? Yeah, maybe he is closed on Saturday, and if it was say, Summit Racing, I wouldn't bitch. I don't expect personal service from big corporations who don't need my $$$. However, I read all this stuff about him being such a great guy and helping his customers and he treats me like crap?

And apparently you guys didn't READ my post. I never "bugged" him about anything, I asked him ONE time (the one and only time I have exchanged words with the man) if a Saturday meeting could be arranged, he was VERY rude and pretty much hung up on me. I never got an attitude, never got rude, I simply asked a question and tried my best to form a professional relationship so I would have a good supplier to buy MANY parts from and he got rude and short with me for no reason. I was made to feel like me calling him during normal business hours to buy his product was a huge inconvenience.

As far as the part goes, by anyones standards I should have recieved a refund, but I was willing (without being asked to) accept a store credit as I was actually going to place a big order on that call, and they once again went by the "How to piss off customers and fail at business" handbook and made mess of what was a very simple (and profitable for them) transaction. In fact, I would have went ahead and just taken a loss on that part and placed my order if they could have at least done me the favor of treating me half ass decent.

I've done business with several vendors and members, aside from the idiots who couldn't screw a motor together for me to save their lives (no matter how much $$$ I gave them) I bet you won't find one complaint about me. In fact, it will be quite the opposite.

I wasn't asking for much at all, and as a small business owner myself I think Kirban was way out of line treating me as he did. I would have taken off work and made the trip during the week to buy that car if he could have at least not been an ass about it.
BS. I won't apologize, in fact "prick" is sugar coating it................Tell me why I'm wrong for calling him a prick?.......................
If for no other reason, you were asked not to. It's rude & inflamatory.
Quoted from SGRIM: "............ However please don't insult anyone on If you have negative feedback for someone please do it in the proper forum and under the proper guidelines.".............
Man this started a bad topic huh? They did email me back. I will order the parts through them also.
Why is it that when someone talks crap about another person everybody has to chime in. Aren't we all entitle to our own opinions???
They say 90% of good customer service is rarely spoken of and 10% of bad customer service is always spoken of. That's life.........

Exactly. Piss off a customer and he will tell everyone. I'm a prime example. And yes, we are entitled to our own opinions, I've voiced mine.

The difference with me is I am also quick to refer and recommend the vendors who have done right by me. Guys like Julio (Alkycontrol), who builds awesome alky kits and will always get my business with his customer service, RJC, PTE, Bowlers transmissions, and probably a few others I forget right now.
It's rude
I treat others as they treat me. He acted like a prick, I call him a prick.

Is it rude? Yes, its rude. I won't argue that.

I sold my GN, so "Going fast with class" doesn't apply as much to me anymore:wink: .
Wow, call kirban a prick and here is where this leads to...

Turbosam6 has been a real good member for many years and if you argue with him, he is just like the rest of us, tell you right in your face till you understand.

Kirban:rolleyes: Wasnt he the guy selling cars out of his house till he got audited for not paying taxes on cars he was selling, then sold the story that he was selling out of a dealership:biggrin: ERR UHHH never sold those cars??

Maybe he should become a member here and defend himself on instead of everyone else jumping on turbosam6

Just let it slide guys, jesus.


"turbosam6", here why you're wrong to call him a pr**k: The fact that you were not happy with the way Dennis Kirban treated you doesn't justify calling him a pr**k, but just go ahead and do it if it makes you feel better...:rolleyes:. It doesn't give you the right to insult him publicly. Acting like you are just shows how much class you have (or don't have :D :D :D) and we can't help but making ourselves an idea about what kind of person YOU are, that's all! :D If you have issues with him, settle them WITH HIM, but not here with us because that's not what most of us come here for. To my knowledge, I don't recall that this attitude ever solved anything. I totally disagree with your way of treating people but don't worry, I have some class and self-respect and will never call you names...not because you don't deserve them but because I believe more into "gentleman-like" manners and also because this is not the way I was brought up and shown how to treat and talk with people in trying to solve the issues I might have with them, which is obviously not your case!...but let's not forget that "you're entitled to your opinion" like you said! :biggrin: :biggrin:...I have no doubts about your honesty, but let me say that I do have some when you say that "you're respectful"...Yeah, sure...
Have a nice day,

Claude :wink:
You can call them or Pete Hoffman is on this board as well.

If all else fails we have an account with Kirbans & we can get the parts for you as well.

I have had a few Canadian customers order our parts & Kirbans at the same time & we have them ship the parts here & combine shipping.
Shipping from Kirban's to us is usually 1 day.

Classy response Bri;). Would expect nothing less.
Exactly. Piss off a customer and he will tell everyone. I'm a prime example. And yes, we are entitled to our own opinions, I've voiced mine.

The difference with me is I am also quick to refer and recommend the vendors who have done right by me. Guys like Julio (Alkycontrol), who builds awesome alky kits and will always get my business with his customer service, RJC, PTE, Bowlers transmissions, and probably a few others I forget right now.

I agree! Venting is anyones right. 1st amendment will protect against yelling "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater but venting when you feel you have been treated wrongly on a free internet forum is anyone choice. No threats were made, just ones opinion.

I can think of a few so-called legit vendors that have done some shady crap and scamed quite a few people. It is rare but don't for a second think it is non existent. He has every right to voice his opinion. No one has to like it or read it but censorship is a slippery slope in any forum.
Admin on do not intend to silence anyone. Just please leave the name calling and s**t talking out of it.

Facts are facts, TurboSam I have no reason to dought your story. I personally don't care less how you feel about him, not my place too. Just please leave insults out!

This debate can continue for ever. Everytime a thread pops up about a vendor you are going to have people going back and forth standing up for the vendor or the customer. Just stick to the FACTS. That is all I ask!

Far as Kirbain goes, he has a huge following so he has done something right to some people. He is very well respected in this community and I will continue to show him respect until he gives me reason to otherwise. He has done alot for our cars and I appreciate it!


"turbosam6", here why you're wrong to call him a pr**k: The fact that you were not happy with the way Dennis Kirban treated you doesn't justify calling him a pr**k, but just go ahead and do it if it makes you feel better...:rolleyes:. It doesn't give you the right to insult him publicly. Acting like you are just shows how much class you have (or don't have :D :D :D) and we can't help but making ourselves an idea about what kind of person YOU are, that's all! :D If you have issues with him, settle them WITH HIM, but not here with us because that's not what most of us come here for. To my knowledge, I don't recall that this attitude ever solved anything. I totally disagree with your way of treating people but don't worry, I have some class and self-respect and will never call you names...not because you don't deserve them but because I believe more into "gentleman-like" manners and also because this is not the way I was brought up and shown how to treat and talk with people in trying to solve the issues I might have with them, which is obviously not your case!...but let's not forget that "you're entitled to your opinion" like you said! :biggrin: :biggrin:...I have no doubts about your honesty, but let me say that I do have some when you say that "you're respectful"...Yeah, sure...
Have a nice day,

Claude :wink:

I reserve my opinion of someone until I have met them or have had reason to form an opinion. I really don't care much what you think of me, if I got upset every time someone disagreed with me on a some internet car forum I'd spend alot of time in anger management. The truth is I am a very respectful person who treats others exactly as I would like to be treated myself. My downfall is when someone wrongs me I don't just let it go, I kinda hang onto it (I know its wrong, but thats just me). Yes, I was disrespectful to Kirban, but he treated me that way first, and I guess when I see someone getting ready to do business with a person or company I have had bad experiences with I try to sway them towards a company that has treated me fairly and I feel will treat them fairly. I'd expect others to do the same for me, and every time someone asks about BG Customs or another vendor who ripped people off everyone jumps on board to bash them. Well, this is no different. Maybe Kirban has treated some of you better, great, but if he was rude and disrespectful to me he may do it to you. BTW, I'm not the only one who holds a negative opinion of Kirban, and while some members don't speak up about it, I do. I don't care if I piss off 200 people if I prevent a fellow enthusiast from doing something I think he may regret.

FWIW toofastforyou, when you are in business serving the public you open yourself up to public opinion, and you'd better believe the public will voice that opinion. If you don't think I have class because I called someone a name, fine by me. The truth is far from it, and those who actually know me know that I am a guy they can trust and rely on if needed. I've never wronged anyone intentionally, and I treat people with respect IF THEY DESERVE IT. Respect is extremely inportant and invaluable, and once someone has shown me that they are not capable of giving or earning respect they might as well be dead because I will never care about them. Don't worry, you won't be the first person to think I'm harsh for saying that.

You may "disagree with my way of treating people" but many people agree with me, and once you have been exposed to as many different types of people as I have you learn whats important. How you treat people and conduct yourself goes a long way. I won't deny my name calling was immature and won't help anything, and maybe some people like yourself may think less of me for it, and I would understand. I never claimed to be perfect. But maybe Kirban will read this, realized he made a mistake (a several thousand dollar mistake) and think twice before treating a customer as he did me. Then its worth it.

My post was simply meant to deter the thread starter from spending money with someone when there are so many better options out there, like busniess' that actually TRY.
FWIW I have recieved some PM's from members who share my opinion of Kirban and have provided examples (some worse than mine) of their negative experience with him. I will not mention the members names out of respect for them, but lets just say I am not alone. This guy isn't half the man he'd like you all to believe.

I've actually had bad experiences with a few very well respected sponsors here (some "favorites" of the board) but I don't even bother mentioning them because I will be lynched. Like I said, my credibility is null and void unless you actually know me. If I posted all my Buick related vendor issues it would look (from the outside) like I am the problem. I haven't had any issues dealing with any LS1 related sponsors or shops and I don't expect any more than what I am promised.
FWIW I have recieved some PM's from members who share my opinion of Kirban and have provided examples (some worse than mine) of their negative experience with him. I will not mention the members names out of respect for them, but lets just say I am not alone. This guy isn't half the man he'd like you all to believe.

I've actually had bad experiences with a few very well respected sponsors here (some "favorites" of the board) but I don't even bother mentioning them because I will be lynched. Like I said, my credibility is null and void unless you actually know me. If I posted all my Buick related vendor issues it would look (from the outside) like I am the problem. I haven't had any issues dealing with any LS1 related sponsors or shops and I don't expect any more than what I am promised.

Don't be so defensive about your opinion, who cares what others think of your opinion. You haven't offended me, I could care less who you call a p---k. :D
Right now the number of PM's I have recieved agreeing with me outnumber the number of Kirban nut-swingers--I mean supporters-- in this thread.

Interesting. Turns out I'm not the only guy he pissed off.

Could I it possible I am.......*gulp*...RIGHT?!?!?:eek: