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Lonnie Diers


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126 without wheels
Oct 16, 2009
Just to let you people know about this Lonnie Diers guy so you too wont get ripped. We send him a trans to rebuild and when it broke he said to send it but 8 weeks ago he was moving his shop. YA RIGHT!! We sent the trans to his new address and now he wont take calls or even answer e-mails. But his cell phone works when he needs to make a call to someone. He dosent give that number out to the people who he is rippin off. I dont need to say what a nice guy this man is when he can't stand behind his work and then just suck someone in and say to send it and I will fix it the same day and send it back. Just because we are in Florida dosent mean we cant get the word out about a rip off. Ross trusted Lonnie and see what trust gets you with this guy.
Lonnie is not going to rip you off. These things take time, especially if he's in the middle of a move. He is a very upstanding guy in our community. I'm sure you'll hear from him soon.
if you're trying to get ahold of Lonnie and having bad luck why don't you try paging him here first? This thread has one way to go... downhill.
If this Internet cesspool posting keeps up, the good builders will stop dealing with the public directly and we will have to go through a middleman with a big markup.
If this guy got ripped off or is unhappy with Lonnies work then he has a right to air it out and it would be better to get it out here on the net so Lonnie can respond and tell his side of the story (if there is one). The problem gets solved, either two things, Lonnie is not running his business very well lately (it appears by some of these unhappy customers), or there is another side of the story that needs to be told, and we will make our own decisions. It does seem to be a common problem he is not answering e-mails and phone calls, so why people deal with guys who can't communicate is beyond me. Rossler doesn't have this problem that's why I use him.

great guy with me, even sent me parts at cost for a broken trans that i had, every thing takes time.
I don't know whats going on.

but I heard he did move the shop, and is trying to ........
set up new shop,
build trans for customers
answer calls
ship said trans
order parts
have a life of his own

He is a one man operation
and you are NOT the ONLY customer.
based on past experience, you will get your trans fixed
but posting negitive BS won't expedite the repairs.
Sorry to be harsh

I dont usually get my feathers in a uproar like this. My very good friend is a trusting man but when it takes 2 months to get any kind of results I am willing to do whatever it takes for him. I do apologize if I sounded off to loud but it is time for people to do what they promise. Now Ross is without a car because he trusted a mans word. Glad to see someone has noticed the post and maybe now people will understand how people can be deceived. You have a great Holiday season. And by the way all the money has been paid and this is because his work did not hold together. The trans has only about 100 hrs on it. Ross is out of the country for 11 months out of the year and loves to drive his car when he gets home. 8 weeks of this run around after Lonnie said to send it to him is just a little out of hand. Is this any way to run a business when you tell a customer it will be fixed the day he receives it and he will send it right back the same day. Well he signed for it on the 10th of Dec and still no word about it. If anyone has any issues it would be nice to hear Lonnies side of this one. A mans word is his bond!
I am not sure i read this correct, the 10th of Dec is only 1 week and you are on here bad mouthing someone? Buddy get a life, i have one of Lonnie's trans and it took months. He is a good person and stands behind his work maybe not as fast as we want but it will be done. There is "NOBODY" in business that can gurantee one hundred percent success rate if so they can walk on water. Try dealing with some of the best engine builders you will see the turnaround time. Delay is part of this small community for quality work.
There really needs to be new rules for the feedback forum. This guy has only 3 posts and he is here bashing a vendor that has been around in the Buick community for over 15 years. I smell a troll. AND IT ISNT EVEN HIS TRANS IT IS HIS FRIENDS WTF!
That is a strong title. You are the friend?

If you have a problem this is the place to do it but as stated above in many cases a simple "paging Lonnie" would have probably gotten a much better result...

Does Lonnie even know, or supposed to know who you are?
Sorry if some people dont like the truth

There really needs to be new rules for the feedback forum. This guy has only 3 posts and he is here bashing a vendor that has been around in the Buick community for over 15 years. I smell a troll. AND IT ISNT EVEN HIS TRANS IT IS HIS FRIENDS WTF!
Before some people go off in a rant as I stated that we MEANING the mechanic , Ross, and myself have been trying to get ahold of Lonnie for 7 weeks with e-mails and phone messages with no results and he did tell Ross, several weeks ago and it took 5 weeks to get his new address, that he will do it the same day he received it and reship it the same day he got it. As far as being only my 3rd posting here , I dont think it matters how many times someone posts on a site to get a point across. IF A MANS WORD MEANS NOTHING THAN WHAT GOOD IS HE!!! Also most of you might be so lucky as to have a friend to help with a problem when you cant be here to straighten out a problem. Dont bash me because a vendor is not holding up to his word, I call it as I see it. If some people here are all shook up about this than maybe someone should get Lonnie to respond or is this all on my shoulders??? I would give the shirt off my back to help a friend and if this is a problem I hope I have a lot of problems I can help solve for my friends. WalMart sells a lot of shirts so I can afford to help my friends anytime they need it! I have said nothing out of school here so please dont take offence, if you may have at some time been told you would have a problem fixed and that person never showed up to help, than You know what it feels like !
I dont think how many posts makes anyone better than someone else around here. That doesnt make since to me. :confused:
Lonnie has been really hard to get ahold of recently. Ive emailed him 4 or 5 times without a response. I even sent him an email asking him if he was ok and that I was worried but never heard back. He did give me his cell # but I haven't bothered trying it. He is really, really busy right now. He offered me a $250 refund for cutting me too close to the deadline of my big yearly race and causing me to miss it. I had to remind him about it, last thing I heard from him was "do you have paypal?" but that was a month ago. I believe he will make it right and is not trying to screw me, at least I hope.

Bottom line, I understand your frustration. He told me 2 weeks on my trans (I was realistically thinking 6 weeks or so) and it ended up being right at 8 weeks.

I really dont give a crap about the trans or the $250 he owes me, I just hope the dude is OK.
Just to let you people know about this Lonnie Diers guy so you too wont get ripped. We send him a trans to rebuild and when it broke he said to send it but 8 weeks ago he was moving his shop. YA RIGHT!! We sent the trans to his new address and now he wont take calls or even answer e-mails. But his cell phone works when he needs to make a call to someone. He dosent give that number out to the people who he is rippin off. I dont need to say what a nice guy this man is when he can't stand behind his work and then just suck someone in and say to send it and I will fix it the same day and send it back. Just because we are in Florida dosent mean we cant get the word out about a rip off. Ross trusted Lonnie and see what trust gets you with this guy.

I love you morons that get on here and post just because you can. Send me a transmission out of warranty that I am going to fix for free. I get it last week. I am now ripping someone off. I did not sell you anything. I will deal only with the customer and that is Ross.
Lonnie will bendover backwards for a customer. I've seen him do it even if it cost him money.
Lonnis has a LOT on his plate! He always has the best intensions when he says he will do something for you. Just sometimes **** happens!
How many posts does have a lot to do with things. It shows how hard you have tried to resolve a problem before you jump on blasting someone!
Cool your jets dooshbag!:mad:
Lonnie, glad to see your ok. Your always a stand up guy in my book and I will always send you business. I still need to call you but been holding off. Happy holidays man.
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