Dont know charlie
Dont know if the module is the problem or not...
But if the module is the problem we will be able to replace it with a known good 86 / 87 unit.
We will also be putting the hotwire on the module to give the coil and module full voltage. Giving the ignition every chance it can.
By the way, how are you enjoying Robert, our PSM, real good one huh? That's 9 years of experience right there.
He was in the military too no wonder a bunch of vets are screwed up.
Cross your fingers for us.
Probably not the problem, but it will have a better ignition setup on it.
Charlie do you have an oscilloscope or any other cool tools snap on scanner?
May need it if this doesnt fix the problem.
Need to know why the injectors are cutting off during engine deceleration. I l found this out by looking at both of the powerlogger files I have on my dad's car so far. This may be part of the problem. Something has some control over the injectors.
I looked back at my log files I have with my car with that computer in it, and the injectors never go to 0 PW & 0 % DC or get close.
So something that is in my dad's car is effecting pw and dc.