The stock setup simply aids in relieving positive crank case pressure by placing it in a vacuum so to speak and sucking the vapors into the throttle body. Some people have experienced mild smoking and some issues with excessive oil being sucked into the intake stream and hurting performance...that's why they remove it. This usually happens if your rings are worn and there is a higher than normal amount of crankcase pressure. The IC people remove this setup because it will eventually fill their intercoolers with oil and kill the cooling airs don't have that issue. You can leave it in the stock configuration and it will be fine. Reseal the filler neck and it won't be sucking the unmetered air. I have a similar setup as brad and have eliminated the tube going into the MAF pipe....right or wrong, it works fine either way. I actually feel like the gm engineers were on to something with the stock setup as it would be a better way of relieving the positive crank case pressure better than an open breather....I'm just too lazy to figure out how to put it back with my chrome MAF pipe. Lol.