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Pizza Cruzz 5-03-09 sunday


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rafael vasquez

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2006
Hey guys it's time to get together for a crusie and some FREE PIZZA who's in?
Normaly we meet in Long Beach some were at 8AM then we leave at 9.30am
drive down PCH make a few stops and end up in Dana Point at 11.30am
have some pizza then go home at 3pm.:eek:

Every one is invited bring grilfriend's,wife's,neighdors,kids,parents,lovers,cousins,,,,:biggrin:
cunadas,hermanas,primas,vesinas,hinas, tu saves a todas:D

All you can eat FREE........


If any one has some pix from the past crusies please post them.
open for new ideas in were to meet in the am??
Also if any body has hot wheels or diecast GN's any thing gn for sale bring them im always looking. ''Mike Nordy'' hope you can make it.
thanx for looking.
Pizza cruzz 5-03-09 Sunday pizza pizza

Hey guys it's time to get together for a crusie and some FREE PIZZA who's in?
Normaly we meet in Long Beach some were at 8AM then we leave at 9.30am
drive down PCH make a few stops and end up in Dana Point at 11.30am
have some pizza then go home at 4pm.:eek:

Every one is invited bring grilfriend's,wife's,neighdors,kids,parents,lovers,cousins,,,,:biggrin:
cunadas,hermanas,primas,vesinas,hinas, tu saves a todas:D

All you can eat FREE........


If any one has some pix from the past crusies please post them.
open for new ideas in were to meet in the am??
Also if any body has hot wheels or diecast GN's any thing gn for sale bring them im always looking. ''Mike Nordy'' hope you can make it.
thanx for looking.
Sounds Good Ralph....


Lin & I will put it on the calender

Mike (Nordy) is back in Georgia eating snakes and firing exotic weapons in the woods. He will not be back for several months still.

We can eat a pizza in his honor and send him a group picture

I am still racking up the miles on the TTA. I've had the car 5 weeks and have put 3010 miles on it since I bought it.

I'm slowly working out all the little petty issues but really enjoying driving the hell out of it

This one should be up for sale in about a month so anyone wanting to add to their turbocharged stable keep me in mind

I'm not sure what to get next, but someday I'll get a damned SUPRA (when the prices come back down to earth)



Hey guys it's time to get together for a crusie and some FREE PIZZA who's in?
Normaly we meet in Long Beach some were at 8AM then we leave at 9.30am
drive down PCH make a few stops and end up in Dana Point at 11.30am
have some pizza then go home at 3pm.:eek:

Every one is invited bring grilfriend's,wife's,neighdors,kids,parents,lovers,cousins,,,,:biggrin:
cunadas,hermanas,primas,vesinas,hinas, tu saves a todas:D

All you can eat FREE........


If any one has some pix from the past crusies please post them.
open for new ideas in were to meet in the am??
Also if any body has hot wheels or diecast GN's any thing gn for sale bring them im always looking. ''Mike Nordy'' hope you can make it.
thanx for looking.

My sheeps feelings are hurt, Are they not welcome, They are saying that your a baaaaaaaaad man.
our fine feathered friend, where have you been, No kill stories lately, Are you Ok

Hey pappa Lou.
How you doing?
I'll stop by one of these days for a visit....been sick the last couple weeks so I'm avoiding people as much as possible.

Oh....and check the Kill Section.
E55 AMG last night.
...killing rich folks rides, rules:D

Hey pappa Lou.
How you doing?
I'll stop by one of these days for a visit....been sick the last couple weeks so I'm avoiding people as much as possible.

Oh....and check the Kill Section.
E55 AMG last night.
...killing rich folks rides, rules:D
Ok get well soon !

Lin & I will put it on the calender

Mike (Nordy) is back in Georgia eating snakes and firing exotic weapons in the woods. He will not be back for several months still.

We can eat a pizza in his honor and send him a group picture



THANKS Ray ;) ... damn i can't believe i'm going to miss a cruz.. hopefully when and if i get back in a couple of months you guys will have another one.. have fun and be safe.. also take some photos for me..

Mike (nordy)

where ya been,? what s in Georgia?
get yer butt back here and help us pay the taxes! LOL
take care buddy,
Pizza Get Together!!

Ralph, I will be there for sure I want to hand out the Car Show Flyers OK
See you there

Steve Hurst
where ya been,? what s in Georgia?
get yer butt back here and help us pay the taxes! LOL
take care buddy,

I'm at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco GA.. Been here for 6 weeks now, out of 17 weeks.. I'm working for DHS as a Agent for US Customs..
I'm at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco GA.. Been here for 6 weeks now, out of 17 weeks.. I'm working for DHS as a Agent for US Customs..

So when you get back are you gonna call me a right wing extremist? :D

Good luck out there Nordy! ;)
outstanding! Mike

welcome to the club.

the training is the worst now days, so much to learn, and remember.
good luck, and stay tough.
be glad to see ya back here.