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Power plate or not?


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I'm all for using the search option but as others have said if it's an old post it may or may not be relevant anymore or may not be able to find the answer to the question in the first place.

Every post you find doing a search about the powerplate will still be 100% relevant. There is no new technology to change anything you can find about it.

Those pesky laws of fluid dynamics tend to be stubborn.
I guess there are assholes on every board .:p This one just has more than most.

I did a search and your names are all that come up. I was looking for a different answer.:D
earlbrown said:
Every post you find doing a search about the powerplate will still be 100% relevant. There is no new technology to change anything you can find about it.

Those pesky laws of fluid dynamics tend to be stubborn.

Could this not have be posted prior in the thread but whoever with a link prior in the post to the thread that has the info?

Along with some ribbing?

Sent from my iPhone using Turbo Buick
Well at least the op will get some trophie points for having over 100 post on a single thread lol
Thats why sometimes i rather not ask..

The good thing about those who respond like that is you know who the idiots are that have nothing to add or are immature or would rather try to get your goat than help you out.

I wouldn't let it bother you,I just wouldn't ever take them serious, they're looking for any attention they can get because their mommies didn't love them :D

Pity them don't hate them.

You know who the wise men are by not only what they say, but what they don't.

These guys responding now are wise guys, not wise men.
It was within 2hp on a b a dyno testing on a 5700rpm 231ci. Did it add power? No. Did it lose power? No? I left it there. The plugs were in the engine for 2 years and I ran a best of 10.61@127.85mph with a bunch of other crap that's old and doesn't work. 60-1 turbo from early 90's (junk), cleaned up stock heads with stock valves/valve job (junk), and several other junky items. It's funny how some have about 150hp less and are saying it does or doesn't work. Did it for me? I don't know. It definitely didn't hurt anything. Have a nice day
If your a asshole on do you need a powerplate?
What about for sensitive members or un searching newbs will the kenne-bell heavy flow overnight pad help?
It must be winter:D I think the op got the facts he was looking for and a couple laughs along the way:oops: This is the internet,go over to Yellowbullet and see how the threads go:eek:This is still the best site and a good group of guys & gals that are always willing to help:cool:
Jason, you're just across town from me.. just give me a call we can go over the ins and outs of what works and what doesn't.
Instead of using a power plate,Red Armstrong uses 1.65/1 rockers on all of his intake valves except 5 and 6. On 5 and 6 he uses 1.6/1 rockers. If everyone thinks the same,no one is thinking.