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Prayer needed


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I heart Boost and DRs...
Dec 2, 2009
My boyfriend Billy that this screen name belongs to is in the hospital in critical condition. He was stabbed last night about 10:00 breaking up a fight at the bar he works at and it punctured his lung.

I will keep this updated as I can and I know he has a few friends on here, but Im not sure who you are so Im sorry I havent named you.
Thoughts and prayers go out to both of you. Hope everything comes out fine.

Been through same thing years ago dr. said i wasnt going to make it. My mother called all her friends and they prayed all night and im here. Prayers work guys everybody say one for him!!
prayer sent

Last week my father had his right lung go flat from a whole and 1 week later he is fine and he is 59.i am shore he will be fine.good luck.:)
He is still in critical condition, but it is looking better for him. The guy that did it thought he was someone helping the other guy out and being scared for his life stabbed Billy.

My thoughts on that is how did you not see a white guy in a black club with a yellow and black security shirt on? Im so sorry yall Im just upset and mad.
Im doing pretty well, but havent been here at home much he stablized last night and from what the Doctor said he is going to be ok! I just got to make him take it easy for a month or maybe longer, depends on how he heals.

He is quiting bouncing though. I dunno when he is coming home though it could be a while.
God please watch over Billy and his Family at this time, be with the doctors that work on him. Load be with his Family that they may stay strong in thier time of need and always turn to you for that.

It is in your Son's name that we pray.

God please watch over Billy and his Family at this time, be with the doctors that work on him. Load be with his Family that they may stay strong in thier time of need and always turn to you for that.

It is in your Son's name that we pray.


AMEN..and may GOD bless you both.. get well soon!
Im doing pretty well, but havent been here at home much he stablized last night and from what the Doctor said he is going to be ok! I just got to make him take it easy for a month or maybe longer, depends on how he heals.

He is quiting bouncing though. I dunno when he is coming home though it could be a while.

Talk about freaky. I was talking to him just before he went to break up the fight.:Eek: Glad to hear he's ok though. I get off work after 9 most of the week so if he wants to call make sure it's late.
God please watch over Billy and his Family at this time, be with the doctors that work on him. Load be with his Family that they may stay strong in thier time of need and always turn to you for that.

It is in your Son's name that we pray.


Yup! done, and done again.
Guys Im home and sore as hell still! I think you all so much.. Im going to go back to tinting windows and traveling with the car shows so I hope to see you all sooner or later.

I lost a few pounds in there cause the food sucked. Im no longer bouncing or going to bars because I got lucky this time next time my not be so lucky.

I cant express thanks enough for the prays guys. Thank you so much.
Glad to see your Ok now. I dont say very many prayers , so I hope that they all had a little bit to do with your recovery!! Life will be a bit different now!!

Nice to see you made it. I think it's a mistake for a white guy working in a black club though. Working in clubs for years I've seen that recipe become a disaster before.