Prayers Needed for Mrs. GNS!

scot w.
Feb 19, 2005
Please say a prayer for my wife Gina, yesterday she found out she has cancer... She had a small spot removed from her leg and the biopsy from it came back as Melanoma. She is scheduled to see a surgeon on Monday to look at it and to schedule more extensive surgery. Let's all pray that it's minor and God can intervene with his healing powers. Amen....

I will keep your wife in my prayers...
Prayers are with your wife Scott. My gf mother was diagnosed with breast cancer for a 2nd time two months ago. And while removing the cancerous cells in her breast, They checked a few days later and they found some in her brain. You wonder sometimes why the man upstairs does this to great ,innocent people. She is now in remission for the 2nd time. The cancer in her brain reacted great to kemo. Godbless your wife scott. Stay positive and strong for her
Just for the fact that you are a believer in Gods healing ability puts you that much more ahead. I will definitely keep her in mind my friend. Stay positive, and keep doubters and negitive energy away from both of you. The mind is an incredibly powerful tool when you align yourself around positive things, thoughts and people.
Kathy and I will be praying for Gina tomorrow in Church! As you know, I've had Melanoma so I can understand your worries. All of our prayers will be with her in hopes this will be a minor outcome, and has been caught early. God be with you and Gina!
I've got complete faith that she'll be fine Scott and doubt that there will be any problems. You must've caught it early and it's very treatable which is good. If the 2 f you need anything just give me a call and I'll see what I can do for you.:)