Not to scare you or nothing, but after you completed this job, start thinking about your rear end seal, since that too will sooner or later will have to be replace.
I'm not knocking your intelligent, but looking at your timing chain position you might want to rotate the engine until #1 piston is TDC and both timing marks are facing each other, or you will be doing this all over again when your engine won't start.
Thanks for pointing that out. Before removing the cam sensor I set the motor at 25ATDC. Now I realize that has to be done later when I reinstall the cam sensor.
I'm assuming I can just turn the crank back until the timing marks line up. Is this ok?
Rear main seal is on the bench. That's next. Although looking at the condition of the rear now it is dry as a bone. It doesn't show even the very least sign that it's leaking. I am considering holding off?