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Question about Boost Juice


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Nick and of all people.. its easy to say this is fine when both of you don't run any system. Shame on you for giving poor advice. Do as I say..not as I do :whistle:

The poor advice comment was uncalled for. After all, I don't remember bad mouthing your system.

My point of reference is the system in my Son-In-Law's LC2, and the tuning we did based on that. But you did get one thing correct. I personally don't run alky. Mostly because I don't feel the need to, not based on whether alky systems work or not. They obviously do what they're designed to do.

So I'll leave this thread to the "experts". The fact that I have been successfully running 21 lbs of boost through my stock long block (for years now) without the aid of alky probably does disqualify me from this discussion.
I'll say this: Every time you go WOT with the boost set for the need of your alky injection to work or else, you need as much of a piece of mind as you can get!! I used 2 different SMC kits both progressive and non progressive and I just had a hard time trusting them....These motors present enough challenges as it is, especially for a new owner who has not had one before...Yes, you will run a risk with any alky kit, but too say one kit is not any worse or better than another just because it works right out of the box is just not true!!
The poor advice comment was uncalled for. After all, I don't remember bad mouthing your system.

My point of reference is the system in my Son-In-Law's LC2, and the tuning we did based on that. But you did get one thing correct. I personally don't run alky. Mostly because I don't feel the need to, not based on whether alky systems work or not. They obviously do what they're designed to do.

So I'll leave this thread to the "experts". The fact that I have been successfully running 21 lbs of boost through my stock long block (for years now) without the aid of alky probably does disqualify me from this discussion.

I also have run 22lbs. without alky and no problems at all on just 93 octane. It's how you tune the car and learning the limits of what YOUR car likes and dislikes.

If the OP isn't going to run boost any higher than say 20/21 lbs. he should sell the snow kit and concentrate on tuning the car properly with a new updated chip. Either way he should get a modern/updated chip.

If he wants to run higher boost and the snow kit it will suppress detonation with that boost juice crap, which is just W/M.

Why would anyone want to run W/M in a gas motor is beyond me as I have both a diesel truck and the GN and have experimented with both types of fluid combos.

In gas motors straight meth wins hands down from a power and ant-knock additive standpoint.

Dave don't take Julio's comment the wrong way, he was just confirming the truth. He even advised that he doesn't have to buy his system.

Telling someone to put a snow performance system on anything is poor advice as I see it, especially on a gas application when there are better options available.
Nick and of all people.. its easy to say this is fine when both of you don't run any system. Shame on you for giving poor advice. Do as I say..not as I do :whistle:

Razor, I agree with most of what you stated, but even though I use e-85 on my street and race car, I have installed your systems, as you know, and the Snow kit on various GN's so I DO have some experience with alky injection over many years, both good and bad. :)

The Snow kit has worked with excellent results for the street performance GN's I have done, but I prefer to NOT use the controller with the MAF input, as the boost referenced unit has shown better results and has been very reliable.

Also, some use Boost Juice, others do not, but again either way has shown to work fine from what I have seen?

I do not make the choice on the alky system, my customer does. In this case, he had a Snow system like he said, so my aim was to let him know it would work for his specific application based upon my "limited" knowledge!

My goal is to provide my customers with a build and products that best fill their needs and budget, and they have the final decision! :cool:
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Hey. It's all good everyone. I get all the warnings and horror story problems many of the members here have with this product my dad bought for his car. Very surprising to hear just how awful the thing is. It is amazing that the company selling the product is even in business after reading just based on what I have read from this forum alone. If the car grenades, I will gladly build the engine myself and it will be a masterpiece when I am through. Fine.. But in the meantime I am just going to take my chances with the product my dad bought and the 8 gallons of boost juice that came with it.

So, what chip is being used by the guys that aren't knowledgeable enough to avoid the Snow performance product? Any idea? No chip for that? But if I buy an AlkyControl system there are plenty of options right?

Guess I better get hacking and write my own.
Turbo Tweak makes alky chips. You need to know as much as possible about the engine and rest of the car so the chip can be as close as possible then you can fine tune it. I would specify your using the Snow system and Boost Juice.
As time goes by the replacement parts for these engines are getting harder to find, and when you find it.. you pay a premium. Years ago there was stuff everywhere and cheep.. its no longer the case. Perfect example are cranks and balancers. If you subject the motor to trial and error.. your doing this to the wrong platform. These motors do not take knock well. Every motor is different as to what its particular likes are.. how much carbon.. compression, etc.. Getting the tuning handled is another chore.

So when advice is given its done so to minimize drama... Examples are intercoolers, headers, etc.. not that someone can't make one.. its that there are different ways of looking at things. Example someone with limited skills needing a set of headers.. tell them to go get a set from TA and be done with it. Yes its more money that the Ebay ones out there.. but in the end the fitment and drama is lessened.

So when someone wants to start messing with tuning a GN.. their a newb at it.. why add drama. When chips, meth kits, scan tools, etc specific for the app are already there. Wheel is round.. want to improve on something.. do so to a known existing product.

Good luck with your decisions... I've made over 4000 kits just for the GN alone.. installed and tuned over 450 of them in the last 11 years making them.. the fastest of the pump gas Turbo Regals run it.. I deal with this particular issue 60+ hours per week for the last 10 years.. but hey what do I know.. (y)

Its ok.. detractors say all kits work the same.. sooner or latter it comes around. :)
What about just taking care of the people who take care of us. Razor makes a awesome product specifically for our tbs why not take care of his effort instead of the Walmart of methanol, snow perf.

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The OP has not chosen the Snow kit over Razor's kit...He has just been given the advice to think about weather or not he wants to install it when there are better choices out there...That being said I agree with your statements!!
OP is not out anything by using the Snow kit. I know I tried an SMC kit first and learned my lesson. Let him learn his. I didn't grenade my engine; I just found the limit of a non-Razor kit and haven't found the limit of the Razor kit yet.
As time goes by the replacement parts for these engines are getting harder to find, and when you find it.. you pay a premium. Years ago there was stuff everywhere and cheep.. its no longer the case. Perfect example are cranks and balancers. If you subject the motor to trial and error.. your doing this to the wrong platform. These motors do not take knock well. Every motor is different as to what its particular likes are.. how much carbon.. compression, etc.. Getting the tuning handled is another chore.

So when advice is given its done so to minimize drama... Examples are intercoolers, headers, etc.. not that someone can't make one.. its that there are different ways of looking at things. Example someone with limited skills needing a set of headers.. tell them to go get a set from TA and be done with it. Yes its more money that the Ebay ones out there.. but in the end the fitment and drama is lessened.

So when someone wants to start messing with tuning a GN.. their a newb at it.. why add drama. When chips, meth kits, scan tools, etc specific for the app are already there. Wheel is round.. want to improve on something.. do so to a known existing product.

Good luck with your decisions... I've made over 4000 kits just for the GN alone.. installed and tuned over 450 of them in the last 11 years making them.. the fastest of the pump gas Turbo Regals run it.. I deal with this particular issue 60+ hours per week for the last 10 years.. but hey what do I know.. (y)

Its ok.. detractors say all kits work the same.. sooner or latter it comes around. :)

No offense. I'm am not refraining from buying your kit because I don't think it is not the best thing out there for the Turbo Buick. I'm sure it is. I am not buying it because I have another one sitting in front of me purchased by a man whose middle finger knew more about GM performance than anyone I have ever known. The man knew what he was doing and taught me everything I know and more.

I'm not even sure I will dig on running meth. For all I know I will install this kit, use up his supply of boost juice and then back it out. I can always just use the stuff dad already had. The car spent the 90s running in the 10s at the track. I can live with that.

If I find the injection setup to be beneficial and decide I want more, you will likely have another customer. My dad was obviously interested.

Thanks for any info guys, I will listen to it and trust it. I am new to the owning a Turbo Buick thing, but I grew up in a gear head world. It is not my first rodeo, but if I can get a quick answer to an immediate problem I will certainly ask the guys who already did the homework. I like the custom chip option. I will get the tune handled and I will learn very quickly what works and what doesn't.

Thanks again.

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You've got a lot to learn about the car to keep it running 10s and not destroying the engine. Alky is just one layer in the cake. It's unfortunate you don't want to listen to us on this. Hope you listen next time before it's too late.
I would think the only logical reason you would use 50/50 would be if there is no supplier for 100% meth in your area. If the kit is designed for it and installed correctly there shouldn't be any issues. I recently bought a Alky control kit and am in the process of installing it. I was running 20psi on straight 93 pump but since E85 isn't availible in my area, this is the best solution to take it to the next level. I have XFI so no chips to swap just need to write a new program and find out what works. I would think by now Julio's reputation would speak for itself. Cost is not that much different between kits so why would you buy anything else? Piece of mind doesn't come cheap.
You've got a lot to learn about the car to keep it running 10s and not destroying the engine. Alky is just one layer in the cake. It's unfortunate you don't want to listen to us on this. Hope you listen next time before it's too late.

I have a lot to earn? Why? Because I questioned the use of the Snow product? Because I asked if there was an individual chip that specifically worked with that kit?

Just what is it that you think I have to learn or don't already understand other than around here use of that kit my dad bought is forbidden and brings me to the gateway to hell?

You don't think I understand quality tuning? You don't think I can burn my own chip but would rather check to see if something solid already existed?
It's a simple formula of volumetric efficiency. How much can be brought in, disposed of, with as little waste as possible while maintaining stability. Am I wrong?

It would be nice to have a baseline and I will order a chip for this vehicle, but I want to know what it is you think I need to learn about running in the 10s without destroying the engine. After all, the car has been doing that long before I owned it and was built to take it, from the bottom end of the engine to the massive amount of transmission work, to the rear end. The thing is, I will NEVER put this car through the work my dad put it through. I have a different car for that. I probably won't ever race this GN.

It is a toy I can never sell, as long as it doesn't get wrecked or stolen I am good. Please pardon me if I don't carry the same amount of fear that others do in daring to push the threshold of catastrophe with the installation of this evil, banished kit of destruction and pain. I will dare to use the juice of the dark lord, all 8 gallons of it.

I'm going in guys... into the ring of fire. And I like my chances.

In other areas, I think I like that fix for the slow power windows. Great Stuff! :)

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Don't get me wrong fellas. I don't want to blow up my old man's work of art. I just don't think I will. I honestly just want to try this out and see what it can do for me. Boost juice% 50/50? I'm not buying it, there are 2 cases of it in my garage.

I am starting to think that dad didn't like the supply and feed lines and had some made that will likely work as replacements.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4
First I will say to each man his own. You do what you want, we know you will, you know you will. They're just stating their own experience running snows kit. It was a option that you could sell a unused snow perf kit with 8 gallons of juice for more than a used kit. I wish you the best of luck. Btw check out Eric over at turbotweak, he will help you with all of your chip needs. I think you might like the sd2 chip Eric offers.


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I'm sorry I underestimated your TB IQ. You are simply amazing. All my friends that have been at this for over 10 years need to follow your example. We have clearly been doing everything wrong and never learned anything.
No offense. I'm am not refraining from buying your kit because I don't think it is not the best thing out there for the Turbo Buick. I'm sure it is. I am not buying it because I have another one sitting in front of me purchased by a man whose middle finger knew more about GM performance than anyone I have ever known. The man knew what he was doing and taught me everything I know and more.

As a tribute to him.. put it on and give it a whirl. Life is all about decisions.. some you make, some are made for you by others. You have a wealth of information on this particular website as to what to do and not to do with your car. Up to you really for the ultimate decision. Most of us posting on this thread have been there and done that sharing our wisdom. Typically post count lets you know how long someone has been around contributing.

Some may be good at paint and body, engine building, chassis setup, tuning.. as to meth.. my middle finger knows more about meth injection on a Buick than anyone I know. (y)

PS.. that chip you have is a copy.. Red's chips don't look like that.