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SignUp Now!Injector duty cycle is only 54%.....
He has some TSM secret stuff. He's not telling. I have to address a fuel issue next. Single in tank pump is very risky. If she pops it's game over for me.
Hey guys in all seriousness I would like ALL the TAI guys to get together in BG for a dinner one evening... maybe thursday at Raffertys, Lone star, etc....?? That would definately be fun....
Raffertys.I eat there every night Im in Bowling Green. Good Lord thier food is good. I'm not sitting beside JD. He's too loud!!!!
Hey hey doesn't matter where you sit at the table ........ EVERYONE CAN HERE ME!!
Anybody got a extra cam sensor they can bring to BG? We might need a extra.......
That was his attempt at bein FUNNY!!!!
His meager attempt is better than your best that you have ever had
Track day only two days away. Alky pump is leaking. Glad Julio hooked me up with a new one in BG.Putting it in tomorrow night with a new ful filter.