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*****STOLEN***** truck/trailer/car


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This crap has to stop! Someone in the community has to be up to this. I'd like to hear of each car that was stolen as well as the rig hauling it. Seems like some of the top cars are getting stolen. If thats the case, these guys know what they are stealing. What a bunch of garbage. How do you know they are heading to Arkansas and Texas? Did someone spot them? I bet they are heading towards the border. There seems to be a growing popularity of GN's in Mexico.
What kind of truck's were the others using? I know Billy's was an F250. Some of those older Fords are a target because they are so easy to get running. Any kind of security measures people take should not be discussed here. Criminal's have web access too......
Very sorry to hear this. Billy, notify customs of the theft, perhaps they could be stopped if they are headed out of the country. Also, alert all GN/T Type clubs throughout the U.S. to be on the lookout.
Sorry to hear this. Billy post a list of parts that we need to be watching out for.
I am really sorry Billy, mine got stolen last year.
It is almost to the point where you can't enjoy these cars anymore...
I would contact the owners of the stolen trucks, maybe one was low on fuel, they would have to buy fuel some place close. Then check security footage of the local gas stations and businesses adjacent to the hotels, if possible, maybe they were able to get something on their outside video surveillance. This may provide an i.d. or direction they were headed....
posted on the BPG Website and Face Book page...

this really sucks.. As an Event promoter you can only provide so much security. This will hurt all Car events Buick or not. Evey car owner has to decide what is best to protect their investment. I Know hindsight is 20/20 but a few points to take into consideration. When my trailer and rig were at any event I made sure that my trailer wheels were locked on both sides with a cable.I also park it in a secured location. The BPG recommends parking at the track as we employ armed security and have to provide ID as well as Rig and Trailer Registration to remove after hours. There are many options available to protect your vehicle from homemade to GPS tracking. As an event promoter we are asked about security every year. During the GSX event Security was the primary concern and we addressed it. I do feel for the owners losses and hope that their vehicles are recovered.
Agreed Sean, this will hurt the events I am afraid:frown:

No one can control what happens outside of the event, you would think the hotels might would have stepped it up a tad...

I am pretty sure we too, will have secured parking for trailers overnight etc...

Sorry for all effected, good luck!
Cleveland ohio will be watching with their eyes peeled! Glock .45 ACP may be the new security system of choice!:mad:
One thing that's interesting to me from what I have read it seems as if they were all stolen the in the late night/early morning after this event had ended. That tells me that the thieves obviously knew about this event and when it ended. There's a good chance they might've been at the event spectating and casing the cars they wanted to steal.

Honestly, with these cars I have come to the conclusion that you can NOT leave them unoccupied anywhere period! Bottom line, you can't have anything nice today without some scumbags wanting to steal it or mess it up!:mad::(
Wow, this must be pretty heartbreaking for you guys. I posted this on all the Middle TN forums I'm on. We have had a lot of car thefts in Middle TN lately and the cops are really working hard to catch the theives with bait cars.

They just reported it on the local news here in Nashville, but they only said two cars were stolen.
Sick to my stomach reading this.In this small community of Buick guy's, every one needs to keep there eyes, ears open. I'm in upstate NY. I'll be on the lookout up here. So sorry, Billy. I hope these bastards get what's coming to them. Phil.
Hope they are ckeckin close around bg there is a good chance they are still in the area layin low until this is dyin down .
Agreed Sean, this will hurt the events I am afraid:frown:

No one can control what happens outside of the event, you would think the hotels might would have stepped it up a tad...

I am pretty sure we too, will have secured parking for trailers overnight etc...

Sorry for all effected, good luck!

We the BPG work with the local Chamber of Commerce and the Visitors Convention Center to co-ordinate Hotel Security HTH
We've sent the word out to our Central Florida club members this morning, in case these cars head for the ports in Jacksonville or Miami