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Stroker built motor Pan to Plenum


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Nope! He just floats around in the Punch Bowl.
Queer got your boytoy stickin up for you now, huh.........Awwww.....that's cute. Might not want to let the fat fuck desert rat Nick Micale find out or you'll be out of your $2 daily sploog.....
Damn Guys this is a post of a Gentleman selling an engine , Knock off all the drama BS
Turbo Keith, you're totally right. However, they attacked the shit outa this guy because he didn't have some of his facts straight, yet all the while being totally transparent. Sadly, that's seems to be the norm on this board!

Okay the guy made a mistake about the "274 cubic inch". Why not just ask him about it instead of attackin him? And you yourself even spoke up on the behalf of the OP, as you should and as I did. But you and I and a few others were the exception......not the norm.

And, it's always the same old dildos spewin the same old shit..... Those jerkoffs aren't here to provide any knowledge or expertise, they just wanna brag about the piece a shit gn they have and beat the other guy down..... You know why? Because they're a bunch of jerkoffs!

Meanwhile other people on this board have had $$$$$k of work done by vendors like fat fuck, Nick Micale, and have been robbed. And when they speak up about it and post something, all's you hear is their little pussy crony friends speakin up for them after they just emptied the guys pockets!

On another note, Turbo Keith, I like your optimism......

Peace out.....

I was the first one to speak out on behalf of the OP, because I felt it should be done. It was needed.

You however, only spoke out so that you had another reason to bring your beef with Nick back into the forefront. You said so yourself, and then taunted about being given a vacation again.

You've had your minute in the spotlight again, and we all know how you feel about YOUR experience.

But this is clearly a for sale thread about an engine, and it isn't your engine. What the fuck does it have with you and your experience with another builder? Exactly WHAT?

Please take your gripe somewhere else and quit mucking up this fellows "FOR SALE" thread.

I beg of you to be more respectful of the OP and show some adult style restaraInt.

I was the first one to speak out on behalf of the OP, because I felt it should be done. It was needed.

You however, only spoke out so that you had another reason to bring your beef with Nick back into the forefront. You said so yourself, and then taunted about being given a vacation again.

You've had your minute in the spotlight again, and we all know how you feel about YOUR experience.

But this is clearly a for sale thread about an engine, and it isn't your engine. What the fuck does it have with you and your experience with another builder? Exactly WHAT?

Please take your gripe somewhere else and quit mucking up this fellows "FOR SALE" thread.

I beg of you to be more respectful of the OP and show some adult style restaraInt.
"I have yet to see people talk to each other the way they do on this board. "

This is what I was responding to in post #36. Because it's true. And, yes, this site is a joke! And largely because of JERKOFFS like you! So fuck you!

You're always there to defend the degenerate scumbag vendors after they just got done milking some poor bastard for every nickle they have.

And speaking of degenerate vendors..... I'm curious.....why didn't you have shit bird, Nick Micale, build your new motor?

Also, don't ever tell me what to do.....I don't care how much you beg me!
Chris , If you think this site is so bad then please leave , I'm sorry about your dealing with Nick M , He has never been nothing but good to me . I have read about your dealings with him but for the respect to the OP please leave this post alone . I have nothing against you , At all but this is not the place to vent your frustration . Let the man sell his engine .
Chris , If you think this site is so bad then please leave , I'm sorry about your dealing with Nick M , He has never been nothing but good to me . I have read about your dealings with him but for the respect to the OP please leave this post alone . I have nothing against you , At all but this is not the place to vent your frustration . Let the man sell his engine .
"If you think this site is so bad" When did I say this? I said it's a" joke." Big difference.

"He has never been nothing but good to me." Ohhh, so that makes him a great/stand-up guy then, right? Though I don't share your rational, I still think you're a decent guy.
You have just proved my point...Your foul language and lack of class is a good indication of your character.
And your pompous attitude makes you an arrogant asshole. Go back to blowin your boyfriend.....
"I have yet to see people talk to each other the way they do on this board. "

This is what I was responding to in post #36. Because it's true. And, yes, this site is a joke! And largely because of JERKOFFS like you! So fuck you!

You're always there to defend the degenerate scumbag vendors after they just got done milking some poor bastard for every nickle they have.

And speaking of degenerate vendors..... I'm curious.....why didn't you have shit bird, Nick Micale, build your new motor?

Also, don't ever tell me what to do.....I don't care how much you beg me!


You only spoke out so that you had yet another reason to bring your beef with Nick back into the forefront. You said so yourself, and then you taunted about being given a vacation again.

You can try to justify it all you want, but it's painfully obvious what you are ALL about.

I'm CHRIS KIRK, and it's about me, me. me, me, nothing else. No matter who's thread I muck up!

Good job, Tool.
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Thread closed. I wish you people would act/post like adults. If you are interested in these parts or engine, take it to private message. OP, if you want to make another for sale thread, go ahead. Just make sure of your description when you post, that may take some of the childish responses & criticism out of the conversation.

Buick people used to go fast with class...I don't know what happened.:joyful:
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