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Stupid Street Racing


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New Member
Nov 27, 2002
Last night, here in San Diego, another innocent person was killed by street racers. I think that makes number 16 or 17 right here so far just this year! This poor sucker pulled out onto the street where 2 racers were coming at high speed (which could not be discerned at night) and was t-boned by one of the racers and killed on the spot. Street racers all too often become murderers. What more must I say??
Originally posted by Slick
Last night, here in San Diego, another innocent person was killed by street racers. I think that makes number 16 or 17 right here so far just this year! This this poor sucker pulled out onto the street where 2 racers were coming at high speed (which could not be discerned at night) and was t-boned by one of the racers and killed on the spot. Street racers all too often become murderers. What more must I say??

They was probably a bunch of ricers. That says it all.

Around here real street racing is planned, and the task played out late,late at night on open large highways out in the boonies. Safe, we have NEVER had any problems. Nothin wrong with a good street race long as you know what you are doing. There is a time and place for everything.
Re: Re: Stupid Street Racing

Originally posted by buickman69
They was probably a bunch of ricers. That says it all.
Around here real street racing is planned, and the task played out late,late at night on open large highways out in the boonies. Safe, we have NEVER had any problems. Nothin wrong with a good street race long as you know what you are doing. There is a time and place for everything.

WRONG about the racers being a bunch of ricers. What I heard about was a Firebird and a pickup. What does that have to do with anything anyway? Is it better for the killers to be ricers?
And yes, there IS a place for everything, and the place for racing is on a race track.
Re: Re: Re: Stupid Street Racing

Originally posted by Slick
WRONG about the racers being a bunch of ricers. What I heard about was a Firebird and a pickup. What does that have to do with anything anyway? Is it better for the killers to be ricers?
And yes, there IS a place for everything, and the place for racing is on a race track.
Lee, are you a turbo Buick enthusiast or activist? :confused:
when i get a faster ride than my ranger i plan to start street race as much as possible,,,but only when i don't see any coppers...
who the hell street races where cars can pull out from side streets!? whatta bunch of dum a$$es.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Stupid Street Racing

Originally posted by TT/A1233
Lee, are you a turbo Buick enthusiast or activist? :confused:

I am both. As a long time member of the GSCA (member #10) I love Buicks. But I also appreciate good common sense. I believe we all need to to stop and think more seriously about street racing and all that goes with it. I used to do it myself but have grown up and matured - something that has yet to happen to many of the people here. Just look at some of the wise ass teenybopper responses here in this thread.
Hope I wasn't wiseass. I race. But I don't ever recall racing in an area where anyone could pull out in front of me or the person I'm racing.
here is the right info...........

Actually, it was the firebird that got t-boned. That driver was the one killed and he wasn't street racing.
The driver of the pickup had already had his truck impounded before for street racing. They even have a clip of this guys dad talking about how dangerous street racing is.
They are looking for the other car the truck was racing, they say it's a lowered honda.
Racing on the stret is stupid.I don't care where you do it.Fact is its against the law for alot of reasons.Trying to justify it like its organized and safe like an NHRA event is retarded.I thank god I have never been in an accident street racing.I have stopped because most of you kids are just plain STUPID,thats right STUPID.I have had friends of guys I raced step out in front of me while racing and plenty of other stupid stuff.It has nothing to do with cross streets or what time it is.Take that pre-school train of thought and buy yourself a honda so you can't go fast enough to hurt anyone and join the ricer boards.Don't get me wrong,I'm no saint.I get into a little stoplight to stoplight action sometimes.I just don't go to the "street races" that the kids hang out at and wave their guns and smoke their pot and all the other stupid stuff they do.Everybody on this board is an adult and should excercise common sence,something that is definitely lacking in society today.If you street race,at least do it as safe as possible.Better to not do it at all,thats the safest.I'm not yelling at anyone,but the wisecracks are out of line.What if it was your mom and dad out somewhere and some kid hit them at 100mph.Would you try to justify it then?
Sixgun someone can be killed as easily in stoplight to stoplight as they can "at The Street Races". To say one is ok and the other isnt is rediculous. Either you do or you dont. I am not going to preach one way or the other. I have ran against buddies on back roads to shut them up so I am guilty also.

Slick for you to say "I used to do it myself but have grown up and matured - something that has yet to happen to many of the people here" is dumb also. Since you have lived long enough to see the light eveyone else is immature and stupid. Thats pretty hypocritical considering you used to do it also. Why did you stop? Probably because of a near miss or something happened to someone close to you. You would probably still be racing without that incident.

I dont think anyone that posts in this section "hangs out at the street races" very much. Why dont you spend an hour reading them and you will quickly figure that out
I wasn't saying one is ok and the other is not.I am saying that nobody can stop someone from doing what they want to.If they are going to race at least be as safe as possible.I do not streetrace anymore,and have not even raced stoplight to stoplight in months.Believe me I've had chances.I have had no near misses,and nothing has happened to anyone close to me.I was not preaching,just stating that it is stupid to even try to justify doing something that is illegal in the first place.I would never say"well,we make sure its safe."or"Someone would have tobe stupid to pull out in front of speeding cars."Excuses,excuses thats all thats heard.Again ,I am no saint and can't promise I won't have the urge to race that corvette or whatever is next to me.But I don't try to justify it as OK.It is still dangerous and we should resist as much as possible.You never know when something can go wrong.I say this not to preach,but out of concern.BTW where did I say anyone was immature?I did say everyone here is an adult and should use common sence if they are going to race on the street.Not flaming anyone.
huh most of the guys that i street race with are well over 40 and have nice cars. no rice to speak of and if some punk 16 year old wanted a race we wouldnt anyways. smoke pot and drink beer??? geez i must be geriatric, we hang out at a local D&D and drink cofee. we're lucky to get one race in on a whole saturday night, we do more talking and sizing up than actuall racing.
A lot more dangerous activities!

Well, here's my take....

When I'm driving, getting hurt or killed by street racers is the least of my concerns. I'm more concerned about clowns running red lights, talking on their cell phones and not paying attention to the road, women applying makeup at 50mph, those who've been drinking prior to driving and people driving without a valid license in the 1st place. I'm not remotely worried about someone blasting into me during a street race.

People killed due to street racing, while tragic, make for great headlilnes and sensational news reports.

Take it from someone who drives 5 days a week, 8 hrs at a time for a living....
Good point Dean, people on cell phones probably kill 1000 times more innocent drivers then those injured by street racing. Hell its getting so the fools on the highway zigzagging in and out of traffic (especially those with fart cans) are the worst.

Sixgun thanks for not flaming so we can have an educated discussion

(steps off podium...)
Matt,sounds like the racing scene where you are from is pretty safe.You should come down to Dallas and then you can see what its like here before you think I'm stereotyping people.
when i race... i only go fast enough to get ahead... i dont bother keeping in it for a 1/4, because in every case so far i've got plenty of lead by 60 mph. oh yeah, and im a stupid 17-year old punk kid too. why dont we have a spelling contest... sorry, i dont mean to flame here, but GIVE ME A BREAK. i've never even had a close call of any kind.
I haven't street raced in more than 10 yrs. But I can tell you that we waited til very late and went to secluded areas on the edge of the county with no side access roads. Safety was first. Besides no one wanted to wreck their pride and joy. I have had more encounters myself with everyday boneheads that don't pay attention when they drive. But it may just be my observation, but I think street racing around here is Waaay more prevelent today than it ever was. I blame that squarely in the movie F&F. I read a local website that all the local people go to online and there is a lot of racing activity on there. In fact, just last weekend to boneheads in imports raced sidebyside in a narrow backroad with a 45* turn at the end. One hit a utility pole and broke in half and the other skidded into the field and ran when he saw the wreck. Oh yeh, and 15 kids witnessed this accident and all ran except on kid who stayed with the victim until the police arrived. Just plain stupid. I think these kids are a bunch of squirrels looking for a nut and will kick it off when ever and where ever. We've had at least 4 fatalities this year do to racing. These kids don't use their heads. I will not get involved with that scene. I'll go to the track!! It is safer!!!:D