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The Only 3300 lb. Buick V6 in the 8s using...


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Tony. The master troll. What made you finally come out from the shadows? You had to have been biting at the bit for quite awhile now. What took you so long?
Tony. The master troll. What made you finally come out from the shadows? You had to have been biting at the bit for quite awhile now. What took you so long?

Donnie boy,

Wow a bunch more people than me, see that your full of crap. You know all about shadows dont ya donnie, Dont worry donnie we have faith just like mommy and daddy. So lets get back to doing more with less < hmmmm
Six years ago.

See Don. Your always taking a shot at other cars as if your so much smarter than the rest and you wonder why you get some of the comments.

He's turning 1000+ rpm less. He's using a 3 bolt turbo. He's using gasoline, not methanol. He's using a stock block with a much less radical cam design. He's heavier than you were. He's using a 200-r4 trans, He's on 275/60 radials.

If he had a T4 turbine side, 1000+ extra rpm capability and used a oxygenated fuel he could use less boost to make the same power. So no it's not magic header design that's helping you as you try to lead everyone to believe. As has been said before. No one in this world can prove a pulse header design is worth the effort in a drag car.
Ahhh! Finally! Someone is seeing the light. Thank you. Thank you. See?!!! Now, this guy knows what he's talking about. How come others couldn't see this when I was putting this combination together. I remember some saying it wouldn't spool until the next zip code. Finally. See guys. Some are coming around. :rolleyes:

Or, you just knew it all along, didn't you, silly? You just knew it was going to be fast all along. You just wanted to keep it a secret. I get it. (beaming look of proudness towards its2qik)

Fact - I have no clue when you put this combination together. I never read one thought about it back then (whenever that was) or even recently. I had no idea who you were at all until you came in to a thread I was reading a little while back and noticed that you like to act like a know-it-all. Your irritating, silly, leading questions you ask as if you are the professor and everyone else is an idiot student of yours who needs to drink deeply at the well of your mechanical wisdom is beyond ridiculous, IMO. This whole thread started this way... clearly you think of yourself as some "professor" and everyone else reading your stupid leading questions as the "student." You already have your idea of why your combo is so "blindingly fast", yet you open it up with stupid questions that are self-serving and designed to "enlighten" all of the unbelievers and bring us all to see what a real genius you are after all. And in the end, nobody is impressed - at least the ones who are actually out there doing it, aren't impressed.
Additionally Don, you keep saying that the TB "experts" say your combo is "wrong" but you're saying its "right" because it went in the 8s? I don't know which experts you are referring too, but is it really "right" when it takes CH3OH, nitrous, wheelie bars, 29.5" tire, less weight, bigger turbo, etc to run .7 sec and 20mph slower than the fastest TSO cars? I don't get it.

Here ya' go, Don. Your question was answered on the first page of the thread. I think cliff summed it up pretty well.
its2qik said:
Nice try. Everyone sees what this is really about... except for a few keyboard racers.

Do yourself a favor and stop drinking out of your buddy birdy's water bottle because your starting to sound just as retarded as he does. What exactly have you done yourself to justify anything that you are spewing? A twin turbo Mustang w/no factual data to support your claims? A corn fed TTA with dyno sheet that could have been typed up by your boyfriend, with no track videos to physically see if the trap speed matches the suggested horsepower? How about that Evo you enjoy ranting and raving about? Donnie clearly doesn't waste any of his time in any one of your threads, so stop wasting time in his. All of us "keyboard racers" get your point, and it is a moot point at best, so why continue? Dusty and turbo bitt are the only ones who provide an actual argument here, FryGuy enjoys swinging on both of their dicks while parroting, rather paraphrasing, everything that they say, not to mention going out of his way of "liking" anything that tries to put Donnie down, making himself look like a complete and utter moron. Has anyone here, or does anyone know of another car running the same numbers with such small valves? Leave the shoulda, coulda, woulda at the door, can anyone show us another car that accomplished that? If not, stop hating on Donnie, because he is the only one that apparently has accomplished that....
Do yourself a favor and stop drinking out of your buddy birdy's water bottle because your starting to sound just as retarded as he does. What exactly have you done yourself to justify anything that you are spewing? A twin turbo Mustang w/no factual data to support your claims? A corn fed TTA with dyno sheet that could have been typed up by your boyfriend, with no track videos to physically see if the trap speed matches the suggested horsepower? How about that Evo you enjoy ranting and raving about? Donnie clearly doesn't waste any of his time in any one of your threads, so stop wasting time in his. All of us "keyboard racers" get your point, and it is a moot point at best, so why continue? Dusty and turbo bitt are the only ones who provide an actual argument here, FryGuy enjoys swinging on both of their dicks while parroting, rather paraphrasing, everything that they say, not to mention going out of his way of "liking" anything that tries to put Donnie down, making himself look like a complete and utter moron. Has anyone here, or does anyone know of another car running the same numbers with such small valves? Leave the shoulda, coulda, woulda at the door, can anyone show us another car that accomplished that? If not, stop hating on Donnie, because he is the only one that apparently has accomplished that....

First of all bitch, I didn't paraphrase anything or swing on anyone's dick. As I remember it, everything I posted in this thread I said first in this thread. Secondly, I figured out why you're building a TPI 305 third gen to cruise the trailer parks with: You are too stupid to even read and understand what you're reading. You're too interested in trying to sound smart by posting theory when you clearly don't have a clue about how this stuff works in real life. You are asking me what I've even done when clearly you just want me to post it so that you can say I'm bragging. I'm not interested in bragging and I clearly don't give a **** what you think of me, you're the only one in this thread who I think is actually dumber than DonWG LOL.

I hope your keyboard and calculator run well, because I'm pretty sure your car never will! :D
Do yourself a favor and stop drinking out of your buddy birdy's water bottle because your starting to sound just as retarded as he does. What exactly have you done yourself to justify anything that you are spewing? A twin turbo Mustang w/no factual data to support your claims? A corn fed TTA with dyno sheet that could have been typed up by your boyfriend, with no track videos to physically see if the trap speed matches the suggested horsepower? How about that Evo you enjoy ranting and raving about? Donnie clearly doesn't waste any of his time in any one of your threads, so stop wasting time in his. All of us "keyboard racers" get your point, and it is a moot point at best, so why continue? Dusty and turbo bitt are the only ones who provide an actual argument here, FryGuy enjoys swinging on both of their dicks while parroting, rather paraphrasing, everything that they say, not to mention going out of his way of "liking" anything that tries to put Donnie down, making himself look like a complete and utter moron. Has anyone here, or does anyone know of another car running the same numbers with such small valves? Leave the shoulda, coulda, woulda at the door, can anyone show us another car that accomplished that? If not, stop hating on Donnie, because he is the only one that apparently has accomplished that....

Listen, we all enjoy the sport here. We obviously all enjoy the cars, going fast, trying to go fast, etc... With that you will have give and take, difference of opinions, conversation, and even arguments/heated debate. What I'm addressing here is the "I'm the professor who is smarter than the rest of you" attitude. See, the clash in this thread isn't about someone posting up his timeslips, pictures of his car, or dyno sheets. If that were the case, there would be no problem. More accurately the clash is about 1)attitude of superiority and a distant second would be 2)ideas of how to go fast (although they are intertwined at one level). I like different ideas. I don't like someone assuming the rest of us are idiots who need to learn from him as the genius, especially if we disagree with his methodology and conclusions.

Again, go back and read the first page of this thread. If you can't see what I'm saying, and see how that even the way he began the thread validates my observation, then I don't know what to say to you from this point forward. Apparently, quite a few others see it the same way just based on the various replies it has received.

ps. we both "liked" your post.... :)
See Don. Your always taking a shot at other cars as if your so much smarter than the rest and you wonder why you get some of the comments.

He's turning 1000+ rpm less. He's using a 3 bolt turbo. He's using gasoline, not methanol. He's using a stock block with a much less radical cam design. He's heavier than you were. He's using a 200-r4 trans, He's on 275/60 radials.

If he had a T4 turbine side, 1000+ extra rpm capability and used a oxygenated fuel he could use less boost to make the same power. So no it's not magic header design that's helping you as you try to lead everyone to believe. As has been said before. No one in this world can prove a pulse header design is worth the effort in a drag car.
Dusty. Are you trying to compete with Tony for top Troll position now?
First off. Someone else asked me a question about John's car. I was more than happy to answer it for him. And now you come up with this 'taking shots at other cars' crap. How was I taking shots? I was simply analyzing John's car. No one has had the balls to answer my question about the differences between an old school T76 and the latest 71mm turbos. Since you're offering up so much information about John's car, why don't you clue me in on the differences. I'm simply curious about what makes John's car tick. No more curious than anyone else who asks another person about their combination. So calm down and let's discuss John's car in a civil manner. Or, we don't have to discuss John's car. It doesn't matter to me. But it sure looks like others want to make some comparisons between my car and John's. Including yourself. Which is it??? You guys want to talk about John's car, or not??? Or, do you just want to fling stuff around like rabid, foaming at the mouth monkeys?
lol It's funny how all these haters make up these long winded, silly excuses to keep coming back to this thread. Is hating on me that much fun? Or, is it the hope of learning something new and different?
DonWG said:
Is hating on me that much fun?

Well, to come to FryGuy's defense, he is just sexually frustrated...

So does this 71mm flow more or less than an old school T76?

I'm willing to bet,... mmm,... mmm,... wait for it,... mmmmmore? :biggrin:

So that means I was doing the same with a worse flowing, old school, Turbonetics T76. Interesting. Very interesting, indeed. And with less cubes, to boot.

Six years ago.

Since your memory is foggy, here's a reminder.

Your playing down your 76 like it was inferior to the 71 John is using without knowing how the turbo's compare yet you already claim your turbo flowed less than his 71mm. All this to try and fool people here into thinking your magic engine is doing more with less. I will say the compressor wheel is better but your T4 turbine will outflow his T3. Then you bring up the cubes again. Your engine is maybe 20ci smaller than his but turns over 1000 rpm higher. Again, trying to make people think your small engine is at a dis-advantage when the opposite is true. Especially when you look at the turbo's in question.

Oxygenated fuel, T4 hot side, 1000+ rpm higher rpm range, aluminum heads (yes that's right. His iron heads require more conservative timing than aluminum heads). You sure you want to argue your at a dis-advantage. lol You put on the show as if your doing more with less but those of us that know combinations know better;)
lol It's funny how all these haters make up these long winded, silly excuses to keep coming back to this thread. Is hating on me that much fun? Or, is it the hope of learning something new and different?

None of the above. It's about keeping you in check. You slant the info and post so far in your direction to make it look like your doing something amazing. Those of us who know better help others step across the pasture full of bull crap and point them in the direction where they can pick up something useful.
Since your memory is foggy, here's a reminder.

Your playing down your 76 like it was inferior to the 71 John is using without knowing how the turbo's compare yet you already claim your turbo flowed less than his 71mm. All this to try and fool people here into thinking your magic engine is doing more with less. I will say the compressor wheel is better but your T4 turbine will outflow his T3. Then you bring up the cubes again. Your engine is maybe 20ci smaller than his but turns over 1000 rpm higher. Again, trying to make people think your small engine is at a dis-advantage when the opposite is true. Especially when you look at the turbo's in question.

Oxygenated fuel, T4 hot side, 1000+ rpm higher rpm range, aluminum heads (yes that's right. His iron heads require more conservative timing than aluminum heads). You sure you want to argue your at a dis-advantage. lol You put on the show as if your doing more with less but those of us that know combinations know better;)
Not arguing at all. Actually, I'm very curious about John's combination. I'm sure others are too. He's doing something rather unique compared to a lot of others who over a wide span of years now, could not. What is different about his combination, where he's obviously outperforming a great many others?
You're absolutely right about the cubes thing. If the heads are closely matched, the cubes make absolutely no difference. Where one would have an advantage with more cubes, the other balances out the advantage with more rpm. I think we've already discussed that scenario more than once over the length of this thread. Nothing new there.

John is obviously making good use of a high exhaust back pressure to intake boost pressure ratio. I would imagine that is taking a lot of boost to make up for the exhaust side. A relatively efficient compressor side would surely help him out in a situation like that.

The rearend ratio is obviously taming down the 1st gear ratio of the stock 200-4R. Very smart move there.
None of the above. It's about keeping you in check. You slant the info and post so far in your direction to make it look like your doing something amazing. Those of us who know better help others step across the pasture full of bull crap and point them in the direction where they can pick up something useful.
If you really think that is why you're wasting your time on this thread, then I hate to be the one to inform you. Dusty. You're wasting your time.
If you really think that is why you're wasting your time on this thread, then I hate to be the one to inform you. Dusty. You're wasting your time.

Nah. I'm on company time. If I was at home you'd be correct and I wouldn't bother posting.
I know there are a lot of DonWG haters that want to portray me as bagging on John's car. Quite the opposite. I think John is showing a lot of others out there how to get it done. And you know what? He's not a hater, and he's not a Troll. For that sort of fella, I hold the utmost respect for him. He is a fine example of the type of person that should be representing the Buick community.

John. If you're out there and don't post because you just don't want to get some of this 'stuff' that's being thrown about on this thread on you (and I don't blame you at all), Great Job!!! I'm sure the plan is to get that 8 under your belt. I wish you all the luck in achieving that goal. You are the man!
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