Don, It was not my intention to discount/demean your acheivements with "Your" car, you have spent uncountable hours trying to refine it in areas that most(if not the majority) will never truely grasp, for that alone I send my utmost in respect to you in trying to pass along your knowledge to others here(not just the dripping fangs type) to find of value, if just a few pick up on what you wrote upon these walls, fellow members would not be running over some of their hard earned money/time after time. I have no magic "bullets" in my arsenal, but I pay attention to certain things many consider irrelevent from their view, I'm am not a believer in so called bad "parts", I do believe "we" knuckle draggers bring most if not all our mechanical failures upon ourselves, sometimes accidently because we didn't/don't know any better, the rest just blow **** up without a care/concern in the world and call it a day.
I know you to be a "Thinker", well, so are others in this arena of power production, you've seen/touched/felt things which caught your interest on solving a puzzle and I'll bet you saw the same thing long before a turbo Buick entered your life, but this vicious bitch has you busy just keeping up with the ass kissing, and you know what I'm referring to, well, at least I have a clue anyway. If Don won't/can't admit most of what I just wrote to be true, I'll pass on posting it here, 'cause it just won't find a home anywhere.