What also happens when an alky failure occurs during aggressive driving?? An expensive engine/turbo may need repair. Alky's specific heat is significant and it burns on a very wide range of air/fuel ratios. What ties the alky required air/fuel requirement to the powertrain controller / engine management system? How do you effectively spark the motor (WOT ADV) effectively with 2 different burn rates and burn initialization event timings? There is a requirement of "total air/fuel" which exists in the chamber regardless of the amount of alky being supplied. I have seem some folks wash down cylinder bores and lose "pump efficiency" through alcoholism. M1 can be caustic to certain materials. A lot of folks go very fast on alky and more power to them, but I have also seen some of the damage caused directly/ indirectly from it's use. I have not seen relative component longevity from extensive use of alky. Corn is different since this is a consistent mix (ethanol & gas) and can be related to the commanded air fuel control algorithm. If I'm racing I use race gas. If I'm driving I use 93 / 100 unleaded possibly with boostane/ torco additive with a street calibration and modest boost.