Tough knock question

I do listen. The thing is, is that the car never does what people say it should do when I do suggested the checks or adjustments. And I don't refuse to deal with electronics, they just don't always operate like people on here say they do lol. I have quite a lot of perseverance but this is rediculous lol.
I can sort things out when I get solid answers (not saying your guys' aren't) but whenever I ask advanced questions, I get conjecture only. Leaving me right where I started. That's what makes this hard on me.

And what's wrong with the gen 2? I have it on all the settings everyone on here told me to put it at... :) It does the exact same thing as the standard issue translator, but with more functionality. All I've done to it is pull or add fuel, which an expert from this board said it doesn't work when a TT chip is installed. Can you confirm or deny that for me?
I don't have a GEN 2 but I do have the PRO. After reading through the GEN2 manual I see no reason why the GEN 2 won't adjust fueling with a TT Chip. You will need the Extender Chip if you want to change timing. The problem as I see it is that the TT chip is going to compensate for your closed loop changes with the ECM learn ability and since the BLM isn't locked on the TT like it is on the extender chips your transient tuning could have results that are hard to tune. This is why the extender chips lock the BLMs so you can tune using the INT portion in your scanmaster.

Looking through your KR log it appeared at one time that the KR was happening around 100kPA. This is the default LO load setting on the MAFT Pro and presumably the GEN 2. I can understand not wanting to get rid of the GEN 2 as if you aren't using the MAF adjusted tune it is essentially just a translator. The manual wasn't clear here but can you turn off the MAF adjusted tune to confirm your user tune settings aren't interfering and drive the car around to test?

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, you have a tough knock question here as the title of the thread implies. Many people are just trying to offer helpful advice to help you. Writing messages like the ones above will push most people away. If you come to get free advice from a forum, remember you get what you pay for. It can't be understated that YOU have to try to understand the equipment on your car.
My block learns do jump around a bit. What do you think causes that?

I am just not familiar with the TT chips to answer that completely. I have a TT chip in my stash in case I ever need to de-mod to troubleshoot and only ran it for a week or so. I would expect the BLM to move some as you move through the maps but I don't know how much.
Id ditch the Gen2 its a real pain in the ass even if you know how to tune, just by the way the menu's and scroll methods are set up and the directions are no help they need to be re-written, keep it simple with the regular translator and powerlogger and seek out a professional tuner..
What's your opinion on if I set this 2nd gen to all base settings. In theory, wouldn't it function then just like a standard issue basic translator?
Ok, I put in the extender extreme g chip in to see if I could correct this horribly rich car, and it wouldn't even go. It idles, but won't let me accelerate. It revs up and down in rapid succession and gets super rich when I start to depress the accelerator pedal. Anyone know why this would be?
Did you remember to make the appropriate changes in your GEN2 setup for the chip swap? Also IIRC the GEN2 allows for mainscale tuning if it is necessary.

Are you trying to use the same settings as the TT chip for the extender? Without reading back through the thread I think it was suggested to set the GEN 2 up to run only as a translator and hold off on the user tune features or do fueling changes via the chip. Did you try this yet?
Yes. Can't pull enough fuel out of the TT chip. I'm ultra rich during light acceleration. Like low 9 AFRs. The bailey chip allows part throttle fuel adjustments. So I wanted to give that a try. It used to work. I wonder why it doesn't now. I don't remember making any changes to allow for different chips in the translator. I'm not sure it needs any adjustments for chip changes.

Two other questions... 1. If I requested a chip cut for a 206/210 roller, and the stock cam was put back in, what would that do to fueling? Just curious. And 2. I was told when alky's injecting, that it could make up to 20% of the total fueling. That tells me alky chips are not rich by nature, but should be super lean instead, because the alky's there. So when I turn off the alky and slowly roll into it from around 30 mph, why is my AFRs dropping to mid 9s? That's another one of those instances where my car does exactly the opposite of what everyone else says it should be doing. Just like my block learns. How can I be running a 142 block learn and be rich at the same time.
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I understand why you swapped chips, and if the extender used to work and doesn't now then I am not sure there is a better time to start de-modding and try to simplify your setup to be able to troubleshoot it. My feeling is you have something messed up in the GEN 2 and it is translating into both tunes, but that is just a feeling. I keep a known good stock maf laying around in case I have to de-mod and one day I will get around to nailing down a SD tune on this combo for the same reason. The GEN 2 and MAFT PRO are pretty slick stuff, but the headaches are the price of tuition until you figure them out.
That is true. I was just in a trusting mood, and thought since every thing on my end was squared away (vac leaks, fuel pressure etc) then everything on their end should just work too lol.
If it was me I would start from scratch with the extender chip, start by double checking how your GEN ll is hooked up if that is all correct reset the unit "tune values can be reset to factory defaults by holding the right key pad for 15 seconds while powering up the unit. When the default settings have been restored the unit will display All data reset"

Then configure the unit as per the instructions make sure to select the correct MAF and chip parameters.

Double check all you under hood settings fuel pressure, TPS and IAC,
Than fire it up and see where you are at, I found that my extender chip was lean compared to the settings I had for my TT chip with the GEN ll.
It was easy to adjust using the main scale settings on the GEN ll than I tweaked my idle fueling at low load.
Wow, ok cool. I can do that. Now that I see all of those settings, I'm SURE I have something wrong. Cool. Can't wait to get to it.
Ok, a few questions for Bob Bailey. I was told by a few people, that if I ran a 2nd gen translator, the only chips the adjustments would work on is a Bailey chip. But the instructions say during setup, that the only features that don't work with a chip other than Baileys, is wide band tracking and WOT fuel. Does that mean that part open throttle and idle fuel adjustments will work then? Also, I found only one setting wrong when following the above posted set up instructions-my wide band was on, and set for Innovate LC1. Though, my wideband was only hooked up to the powerlogger as of last week, which I just found out I had it connected wrong. It logged nonetheless, but Innovate said that my output data wire was NOT to be shared. It's to go to one source only. So I corrected that today. So as far as my computer knew previously, I never had a wide band, because it's only connected by power, ground, and the output signal goes to a gauge and that's it. Would that setting screw with my cars tune at all? Having it turned on in the gen 2 translator but not having it connected?
And lastly, the instructions say when selecting chips: "commander", "extender" and "ext/pro" but my chip is an extender extreme g alky. Which setting do I choose?
Dam. Still 9.3 AFRs on light acceleration and almost wot conditions. :( Wonder what's causing this. Going to try the Bailey chip tomorrow with my new found instructions.
Anyone know what's considered WOT as far as chips are concerned? I forgot. I think it was something past 3 or something on the tps?
Have you adjusted main scale fueling on the Gen ll it is similar to block learn correction it can adjust fueling over all.

"Main Scale: adjust entire range by same %"

Page 11 I would read this manual back to front a couple times.
Especially the disclaimer on page three "Warning the Gen ll is a powerful tool it is possible to mis-adjust and cause engine damage"

This is probably why the suggestion to switch to a basic MAF translator has been suggested with all the parameters that can be changed with the Gen ll its not hard to put your engine in a state of tune that can cause serious harm.
Totally understood. But I have only touched the fueling options and maf output options on this translator, and nothing else. I have never touched the mainscale because not only did the book say it's probably not necessary, but that it wouldn't work with a TT chip anyhow. So it never got touched. I keep getting conflicting advice on using a gen 2 translator with a TT chip. Some say it renders the translator non adjustable, some say it doesn't. I'll have to do a few more experiments.
The Translator Gen2 is a device that allows you to change fueling by altering the airflow reading under varying conditions.

The TT chip you are using cannot read past 255 gr/sec airflow. As long as the airflow reading is under 255, then all the Translator Gen2 fueling adjustments will work. You will hit 255 in the 15-17psi boost area on most cars.

The spark adjustments in the Gen2 will not work with your TT chip under any circumstances.

The GEN2 works very well as do Eric's chips. How much knock are you seeing? Is it on gear changes? When the boost gets to so many psi? I did have a knock sensor go bad and was showing massive knock at low boost 1/4 throttle. Do the "spring cleaning", check connections, make sure the tps doesn't have a dead spot. You could unhook the GEN2 and see how it does without it.
Wow. So the translator works with the TT chip for part throttle? Sweet. Going to try it now. My knock slowly rises as my pedal depresses from about 10 mph slowly up to say, 50. It'll start with about a degree, then slowly walk as my pedal gets deeper. Almost like the rise rate for the TPS. When I get to WOT under gradual conditions it goes away. If I hammer it, it's a 50/50 shot. Sometimes the knock will spike up to say 15, and sometimes it never appears.

It's sometimes on gear changes, but not often.
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