turbobuicks web site down

Jim, I post on here more then TB :D I wish MAGNA was on this site:D

Yea I know! I just try to evenly spread it around all over the place. :) The resources are there might as well use them right! :cool: Looks like Cotton's back up but his forums are still broken. tbs.com is still broken. :eek:
21 posts in this thread and 463 views! I still say 80% of the people that come visit these different forums just lurk around and never post anyways! :eek:
I see it on all the boards I'm on Shane. It's amazing how many people lurk and never post a thing. I found out when I went to Bowling Green last year. I had so many people coming up to me asking me if I was phillyturbosix just from the pics they have seen of my car in posts. Same thing happened in Ohio. So trust me.. they are out there watching! :biggrin:
I don't know how I missed you last year... This year for sure:wink:

I wish more people would post and enjoy the board. I lurked for a month or so then I went post crazy when I joined the boards:biggrin:

Feel free to post here anyone without fear of ridicule. We do our best to run a G rated board for all to enjoy!
I don't know how I missed you last year... This year for sure:wink:

I wish more people would post and enjoy the board. I lurked for a month or so then I went post crazy when I joined the boards:biggrin:

Feel free to post here anyone without fear of ridicule. We do our best to run a G rated board for all to enjoy!

When I was in Ohio someone said "I think that's Shane from tb.com" I could never confirm it and if it was true you were on this golf cart flyin all over the place that I could never seem to catch up to! :)

I think some people are scared to post that they will say the wrong thing or make their self look dumb I guess :confused: I say the same thing as you when I meet them in person. Feel free to post no one is going to ridicule you! That's what these forums are for! Knowledge. I know one person who searches this board everyday and has not one post! For years he's been doing it. I like it here at tb.com the best out of all the boards out there for sure. The information here kicks ass. This board needs one thing to be the most perfect turbo Buick board in the world if you would only delete the Political Views area! :) That only makes people hate each other for their political views :( People that would normally be friends. These boards are all about bring people together and that area just separates them. But then again you already know how I feel on that subject from T6P :biggrin: :biggrin:

Just not to get off topic.. tbs.com still busted! :eek:
So trust me.. they are out there watching! :biggrin:

The veterans of the boards are somewhat famous in the eyes of newbies. They read all your posts and it paints a picture similar to a add in a HotRod magazine. Then with a hooky name like phillyturbosix, you are easy to remember.
That was me on the Golf Cart! I got my $'s worth out of that thing!!!!
lol if that was you in that golf cart you wore the wheels off that thing! Did it ever stop moving? lol :eek: :biggrin:

Not for long:biggrin: I really enjoyed myself that weekend. Not having a car there gave me a chance to enjoy everything else instead of worrying about the car. I met ALOT of people those 2 days!
Not for long:biggrin: I really enjoyed myself that weekend. Not having a car there gave me a chance to enjoy everything else instead of worrying about the car. I met ALOT of people those 2 days!

I hope you rented that golf cart:biggrin:

some people just feel more comfortable on other sites.....I am one of them...but I also lurk....lol
I understand that. I was basically only on T6P for a long time.... Still call it home:biggrin:
I am on both sites not praising one or the other both are good for your TB fix. I do think it would be cool to have a MAGNA section here too