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Un affordableGN We-4 bought from Jason Mcguire


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He has some personal issue with GBODY. In the PM he sent me he clearly states that he has an issue with the "gbody tards"?
Now it all makes sense. Obviously he has an axe to grind and since Dave works at G-Body it's clear what his intentions are.....:rolleyes: He apparently doesn't get much attention in kindergarden so he comes here to whine. Typical 4 year old.:rolleyes:
NEWS FLASH..(with a mocking retard accent)I commented on this thread. You don't like my comments...pizzoff. I'm a forum member and broke no rules.

Are you the mod? If not, please STFU. And I'll leave you alone, also.

With all due respect, officer.

Does anybody but cops use the word scumbag?'t that what Beltzer on Hill Street Blues called all the alleged criminals? Let's be careful out

Wow. Ever thought about just dropping it? The internet really pisses you off, doesn't it?
He has some personal issue with GBODY. In the PM he sent me he clearly states that he has an issue with the "gbody tards"? I can post the PM but I am a little bigger than that. Anyway, back on track please. Has anyone heard from McGuire?

I think this is the issue he had with Dave.The plural form is what got my attention. Dave went above & beyond trying to resolve this with out posting. He could have done his in other posts when Jason was blaming the customer with fewer post counts.That would have been a time to kick him when he was down. Dave didn't.

Every one runs into problems or issues. We are Human. No reason for excuses just a reason of what was going on would have been sufficient.

I saw the car come in & I told Dave what I would have done.:rolleyes:
If it's not represented correctly then come to an honest agreement or send em packing.I have done it before.

There is a big difference in personalities & experiences here that is why I have stayed out of this post. I knew what it was when it was listed. I have enough experience buying & selling these to know so.I look at cars on the internet all day & get paid by Insurance companies to do so. Dave doesn't & tried doing the right thing until he saw for himself what I saw.Didn't happen that day but didn't take long.

I remember Eric Fisher & I laughing about some nice property for sale or the 20 NOS bodies that we had out back for Dave.;)
Wow Jason popped up as soon I mentioned him. Perhaps if I post some more he'll come out of the wood work. Jason?? :eek:'ll act like you!! Cops are examples to the community, right?

So...nanny nanny booboo...this is what you look like...

Your blatant disrepect to police officers are the reason why the police have so many calls about clowns like you...and why their job is so damn dangerous. Cops are the best examples to ANY neighborhood in the United States...they are there to PROTECT even clowns like you...making crap pay,long stressful hours they have and you run your mouth like this? YOU, dickwad, are the main reason I couldn't be a policeman at all....I couldn't hold back from blowing your fresh, stupid, idiot, loud, imbicilic, disrepectful, stinking, nonkissable mouth by ANY woman or transvestite totally away with my .357 Magnum. It's why I have such great admiration of police officers...they are able to put up with loser clowns like you not only on a daily basis, but an hourly basis. You..the idiot mouthboy here, have pissed me off so bad, I want to find you and beat the living chit out of you, that's how you MADE me feel, and now you know why I can't be a policeman. In high school, I never let bullies get me down, and I truthfully will tell you this, I beat the living chit out of every one of them that picked on me because I wear a hearing aid, had long hair, have a speech defect, walked the wrong way, or had the prettiest girlfriend for them to act BIG MAN in front of...I ran track, played football, baseball and was champ wrestler, worked out, and I NEVER, EVER took the crap like you so disrspectfully gave GNBRETT, you little weasle, I beat them half to death, to this day, regardless of the BIG MAN mouth statement you're going to make to my comments, I'm damn proud of it, that the bullies were taken care of in a very painful way by my fists, and only fists, not the coward way YOU handle things now with you little .44 popgun, knives, acid, machetes, razor know...your type of coward fight. MY GOD, you little chit, I'd take you apart with that mouth of yours the way it is. Sure, saying all this behind a keyboard is easy, but the pure ANGER you got out of me is REAL. You, idiot, are worse than the coward that gypped Dave out of his hard earned money. I'm sure you secretly are getting an orgasim from knowing that. I have to go, I'm so angry that I just can't type anymore. Yes, I feel better knowing that YOU know there are people out in this world who could reduce your little smart stinking mouth to ashes with one swipe. And by YOU knowing that, it's YOU who hides behind the keyboard. You, are a true example of a COWARD. Apologize to GNBRETT, like a MAN would. Then get the **** off this forum.

Bruce '87 Grand National
Thanks for the Sticky bud. I didnt haggle with jason on the price at all because I thought it was a good deal I paid $2550


What exactly "IS" useable on that shell? wow.

Hope this get's resolved.
Good luck!
Nest, on 'As Turbo Buick Turns', will AffordableGN respond? Will 8av8? What will happen next? Found out next time, on 'As Turbo Buick Turns'!!
And Dave, my friend, you've got to remember to see things in person before you buy. Especially when it comes to lots of money like you paid for it. I know you've heard it before, but heed it. It's hard to believe that such a crappy thing would happen to such a nice guy. That's the reality of the world. If that were me, I'd be OUTRAGED!!! You have a remarkable sense of control, like our buddy, GNBRETT. Good job on that. I sure hope this works out for you and I'm sorry you got shafted. It's something, isn't it, how another fellow human being would be this crimminal.

That 8A-BIG-ONE, or V8 or something really got under my skin, and I only wish I could have controlled myself over mouthy jerks like that guy, as you and GNBRETT and others show remarkable sense of self control. I can see now that was his main goal tonight, because his mother didn't kiss him or wouldn't do something else he wanted (diaper change maybe) to piss someone off so he could go to bed happy. He sure succeeded with me. I disappoint myself so bad sometimes.

AND, you and Brian are sure big guys in my eyes for what you did for Justin84. That DID bring tears to my eyes. It's an honor to know caring guys like you two. God Bless you both for that.

Bruce '87 Grand National
Nest, on 'As Turbo Buick Turns', will AffordableGN respond? Will 8av8? What will happen next? Found out next time, on 'As Turbo Buick Turns'!!

LOL!!!!!:tongue:My God, that's funny!!! Thanks, man, that was just the thing I needed to calm down. You really worded that right. A good laugh is always the best medicine when you're mad. Again, thanks, that was really funny! You're alright!:smile:

Bruce '87 Grand National
I know jason from attending all the buick events in the past. He seemed like one of the good guys in the community. Maybe he has fallen on hard times. I know its no excuse but some people will do what they have to to survive. Some may rob banks or houses, some may sell parts they may not be as advertised. Anyways, I hope jason comes around and gets this all resolved.

Just so no one tales my post above wrong....I'm not defending jason. Just saying I know him from the races and didn't think he was the kinda guy to pull this stuff off. I should have stayed out of this thread and stayed with my plan on limited posting here.
Should say takes not tales. Can't edit in the feedback section I guess.
This must be the most popular thread on the board right now. I doubt he'll be having any dealings with anyone on here again with 1500+ viewers in just a few days.
This thread is getting out of hand. Let's get back on topic or it will be closed.
This thread is getting out of hand. Let's get back on topic or it will be closed.
1500 views and you want to close it?:confused:

It was on track until a little troll stepped in and derailed it while he whined about something that has nothing to do with the OP being scammed.
This thread is getting out of hand. Let's get back on topic or it will be closed.

On track? It was opened to bring to light Jason as a scumbag...... The fact that everyone is watching or subscribing is proof that it is on track....
I think everyone has gotten the point about affordablegn.
I would have to disagee until we hear his side of the story. Maybe he will man up and do the right thing. Stranger things have happen.